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Jim Phelps 

Member Since: April 28, 2003
Sex: male
Location: Florida, U.S.A.
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Interests:    "Jim Phelps can't reconcile in his mind his three obsessions: Darkly nihilistic films with an intellectual slant, 1969-75; Darkly nihilistic film scores with an intellectual slant, 1969-75; The sight of grown men running around a field chasing a pig's bladder." ~Graham Watt, June 13, 2014
About Me:    "It is widely believed among film historians that the decade of the 1970s was the last great hurrah of American film. Much has been written and spoken about why this is so, and yet, in truth, it is the only the first half of the '70s that is meaningful--roughly the period between 1969-1976. Afterward the tide inevitably turned toward younger subjects for younger audiences, and the innovative, adult-themed--some would say nihilistically inclined--pictures went the way of the Dodo bird."

~Nick Redman, in the liner notes to The Yakuza