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This is a comments thread about FSM CD: King Kong: The Deluxe Edition (2CD)
 Posted:   Nov 4, 2012 - 12:28 AM   
 By:   Wedge   (Member)

....Night Wall pt 1 and 2 without Kong's roar and chest beating sandwiched inbetween.

is it left oout of the "lp" presentation also?

i like it

Fear not ... the album presentation is faithful to the original LP, sound-effects and all!

 Posted:   Nov 4, 2012 - 5:57 AM   
 By:   Dave Norris   (Member)

Folks, LOTS of people have entered the track titles for KK and Body Heat but for some strange reason they still don't show up.

I've done it, Mike M has done it, other people above have done it.

Strange. Makes me wonder how it actually recognizes a CD.


I did both also even though many had here before. Only disc 1 of King Kong showed a track listing & I typed in the rest. After that there were others on here saying there was no track listing so might be a problem with the iTunes database.

 Posted:   Nov 4, 2012 - 6:58 AM   
 By:   CinemaScope   (Member)

I like the picture of Kong crashing through the gate on the inside cover. I haven't seen that one before, nice & colourful, it would have made a great cover, maybe not as classy as the picture on the cover now. I think the last FSM release has to go some to be more popular than this one.

 Posted:   Nov 13, 2012 - 3:53 PM   
 By:   danbeck   (Member)

Picked my copy at a local store this weekend toghether with a lot of other recent releases I'd ordered form the various labels and King Kong is getting more playing time than any other.

Love the themes and the alternates.
The sound is simply fantastic, really impressive when compared to the original album.

The only minor issue I noted is that the track "Kong's Hand" seems to be repeated in the complete score presentation (at the end of "Get Smashed/Alone in a Bar" and, again, in the following cue "Kong's Hand").

It is a fantastic release and big thanks to all involved!

 Posted:   Nov 13, 2012 - 4:48 PM   
 By:   Anabel Boyer   (Member)

This is another example of how i can change my mind on a score when it gets a proper and complete release. I never got hooked on the previous album i even found somehow boring -- sorry Eva wink -- but with this Deluxe Edition it's simply day and night and i understand now why some people would consider it as a Barry "opus magnus"!

 Posted:   Nov 13, 2012 - 5:02 PM   
 By:   Wedge   (Member)

The only minor issue I noted is that the track "Kong's Hand" seems to be repeated in the complete score presentation (at the end of "Get Smashed/Alone in a Bar" and, again, in the following cue "Kong's Hand").

Odd, but not an error -- that's the way it was recorded and used in the film. Fortunately, the repeated material is short and easy to program out if so desired.

As for the rest: glad to hear you're enjoying it! smile

 Posted:   Nov 13, 2012 - 10:37 PM   
 By:   Mike Matessino   (Member)

The only minor issue I noted is that the track "Kong's Hand" seems to be repeated in the complete score presentation (at the end of "Get Smashed/Alone in a Bar" and, again, in the following cue "Kong's Hand").

They're similar but not the same cue. The first is where Jack runs out and realizes that the Twin Towers look like the rock formation from Skull Island. The second is for when Kong takes Dwan from the bar a moment later.


 Posted:   Nov 13, 2012 - 11:16 PM   
 By:   Bob Bryden   (Member)

This is a great album.

 Posted:   Nov 14, 2012 - 12:57 AM   
 By:   danbeck   (Member)

The only minor issue I noted is that the track "Kong's Hand" seems to be repeated in the complete score presentation (at the end of "Get Smashed/Alone in a Bar" and, again, in the following cue "Kong's Hand").

They're similar but not the same cue. The first is where Jack runs out and realizes that the Twin Towers look like the rock formation from Skull Island. The second is for when Kong takes Dwan from the bar a moment later.


Thanks for this clarification, Mike. And, then, thanks for including both allowing us to have the complete score presentation (however they're so similar that I preferred to program kong's Hand out of this score playlist, but it is good to know it is a different cue and that it is available if I want to return to it)

 Posted:   Nov 15, 2012 - 1:33 AM   
 By:   Nickster34   (Member)

This is a great album.

Agreed. There have been a lot of outstanding releases this year, but this one's hard to beat.
I can't stop playing it!

 Posted:   Dec 17, 2012 - 8:05 PM   
 By:   MMM   (Member)

Barry often bores me, especially over the long haul of an expanded or lengthy CD, but KING KONG has always been one of the major exceptions (and of course, the Bonds). FSM release is stupendous -- am so happy to have this in my collection. Great job all around. I don't have many "Holy Grails," as most of my holy grails have nothing to do with obtaining music, but this one was always near the very top of the list, and I'm so pleased the production was done so well. It almost makes we want to watch the film again... but it doesn't. How Barry wrote any good music for this colossal furry turkey is beyond me.

 Posted:   Dec 17, 2012 - 8:41 PM   
 By:   Zoragoth   (Member)

Barry often bores me, especially over the long haul of an expanded or lengthy CD, but KING KONG has always been one of the major exceptions (and of course, the Bonds). FSM release is stupendous -- am so happy to have this in my collection. Great job all around. I don't have many "Holy Grails," as most of my holy grails have nothing to do with obtaining music, but this one was always near the very top of the list, and I'm so pleased the production was done so well. It almost makes we want to watch the film again... but it doesn't. How Barry wrote any good music for this colossal furry turkey is beyond me.

But you know, David, as with many Barry (and Goldsmith) scores, the music here makes the film play like it's NOT a furry turkey! I've always enjoyed watching it for this reason (and think that, flaws or not, it comes out far ahead of Peter Jackson's remake).

 Posted:   Dec 17, 2012 - 8:52 PM   
 By:   The Mutant   (Member)

I will take the cooky 70's version over the flat, lifeless CG remake any day.
King Kong 76 has it's flaws, but it also has a certain innocent charm. It's all in good fun.

 Posted:   Dec 17, 2012 - 9:00 PM   
 By:   MMM   (Member)

I never even think of Peter Jackson's KONG when I think of KING KONG. I think of the 1933 and the 1976 versions. The '33 is one of the greatest motion picture accomplishments in the history of the cinema. The 1976 version is some combination of BATMAN and KONGA. It did not deserve to have the name "King Kong" attached to it. If it had been another monster, maybe I wouldn't hate it so much. But it did. And the acting is atrocious. Even if you get into it, Bridges and Grodin and Lange are mostly TERRIBLE. A lot probably had to do with the comic book lines they had to spout, but nobody's taking it seriously because they knew the script is so bad. Grodin belonged in a PINK PANTHER movie the way he was dishing out his lines. He and everyone else were caricatures. While you can say the same about Robert Armstrong as the Hollywood hustler, he at least delivered the lines like he beleived them. I think I saw the '76 KONG five times when it came out -- only for the music. The "effects" were laughably bad, the sets mostly awful, the "atmosphere" entirely the result of the music, and there wasn't that much left. Yes, Rick Baker made a great suit, but watching him jump around in Tonka Toy sets just made me realize every second I was watching that he was Rick Baker in a great suit. With a lesser score, would anyone have clamored for a soundtrack release of the 1976 KING KONG because they're so in love with the film as a piece of motion picture art?

 Posted:   Dec 17, 2012 - 10:22 PM   
 By:   Sigerson Holmes   (Member)

How Barry wrote any good music for this colossal furry turkey is beyond me.

He was one furry turkey, wasn't he?

 Posted:   Dec 18, 2012 - 1:44 PM   
 By:   The Mutant   (Member)

Okay, which one of you made this? wink

 Posted:   Dec 23, 2012 - 7:04 PM   
 By:   RayK01   (Member)

Ships Oct. 2nd
Wow!! one of my favorite scores by Barry(among others!!) in this special 2-disc cd,I have to own this classic! beauitful music to a great film!This is a must have for all John Barry fans,like myself.Can't wait to own this!

 Posted:   Dec 23, 2012 - 7:07 PM   
 By:   RayK01   (Member)

Hey Stephen am I not seeing it or is the "Air drop" cue not on here? Regardless super excited to scratch this grail off my list!

The airdrop cue is The Fog (alternate). It sounds amazing.
Been waiting for this since I first heard it on the extended TV version.

 Posted:   Dec 23, 2012 - 7:09 PM   
 By:   RayK01   (Member)

Ships Oct. 2nd
Wow!! one of my favorite scores by Barry(among others!!) in this special 2-disc cd,I have to own this classic! beauitful music to a great film!This is a must have for all John Barry fans,like myself.Can't wait to own this!....also love the cover choice!thanks so much FSM!!

 Posted:   Feb 23, 2013 - 3:32 PM   
 By:   jeremy_johnson_7   (Member)

This and the Ben-Hur 5CD are the best releases of the year.

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