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 Posted:   Oct 6, 2024 - 5:54 PM   
 By:   musicpaladin2007   (Member)

Is there any reason we have not seen any more releases of Stargate TV scores from SG-1, Atlantis or Universe? Rights issues from Joel's estate or the studio?

I would love to see more releases like what LalaLand has been able to do for Star Trek - there's a wealth of unreleased material of Joel's work there.

Even the scores for Continuum and Ark of Truth are out of print and hard to find

 Posted:   Oct 6, 2024 - 9:46 PM   
 By:   TJ   (Member)

Intrada did one for Richard Band. I'm assuming it didn't sell well.

 Posted:   Oct 7, 2024 - 12:04 AM   
 By:   Hadrian   (Member)

Would love to see more of Joel’s music from STARGATE released too!

 Posted:   Oct 7, 2024 - 12:32 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

I'd love to get a release of Joel's UNIVERSE stuff, especially the synth material. The other STARGATE things, I have no interest in (I haven't seen any of them either, except the original film), but by all means, feel free to release that too, if it hasn't been already.

 Posted:   Oct 7, 2024 - 12:33 AM   
 By:   pete   (Member)

Is there any reason we have not seen any more releases of Stargate TV scores from SG-1, Atlantis or Universe? Rights issues from Joel's estate or the studio?

Joel mentioned planning to release a Stargate Universe CD and a best of Atlantis a couple of years before his sad passing. Towards the end of this really long and interesting interview that focuses on Stargate Universe, Joel mentions future possible/planned releases. I think I recall a different article in which the same sentiments were expressed. I remember being excited at the time. I assume that was probably near the time he was diagnosed with cancer? God, he was only 54.

Here's the relevant part. And this is well after the Varese Stargate Atlantis release, so he's talking about a further release:

GW: Is it just an eventual plan for an SGU CD release? Or is this going to be like “Children of the Gods” was released and “Rising” was released on CD? Like relatively soon, within the next six months or so?

JG: I think that I would like to do it quickly. Again, it’ll be dependent on MGM’s cooperation but I believe they will be. We had really good success with the Continuum and Ark of Truth releases that we did. We have two releases that we really want to do right away. One is going to be kind of the best of Atlantis release. That’s going to bring up a lot of Atlantis music. Rick and I have been talking about whether we would do the pilot and the first three episodes or whether we would do the best of Season One. We haven’t quite decided yet.

 Posted:   Oct 7, 2024 - 7:37 AM   
 By:   Omni   (Member)

I am hoping this will happen in the near future. Joel was a remarkable composer. The themes he composed for SG-1 will always be enjoyed. smile

 Posted:   Oct 7, 2024 - 12:47 PM   
 By:   johnbijl   (Member)

Yes! Count me in. Especially Atlantis had lots of entertaining scores.

 Posted:   Oct 7, 2024 - 7:30 PM   
 By:   A. A. Ron   (Member)

I'd hate for a "Best of Atlantis Season 1" to be the final word on that series. I'd much rather see each of the three shows get a compilation of music encompassing their entire runs. I don't think there are enough fans to justify the sheer volume of releases that shows like Star Trek and The X-Files have gotten, but SG-1 could easily warrant a single 3-5 disc set (there are still 9 seasons worth of completely unreleased material after all), Atlantis probably a 3 discer, and Universe a healthy double disc. I'd certainly buy them all.

 Posted:   Oct 8, 2024 - 6:35 AM   
 By:   Sean Nethery   (Member)

I will just chime in that I would love to add anything to my Stargate collection. I'm also most hungry for Stargate Atlantis, but I have found the music on Stargate Universe enjoyable too, especially as the show goes along.

And of course although we do at least have some music from SG-1, I would love to get more.

I don't have much hope for it, but I keep getting pleasantly surprised at what comes out so who knows?

 Posted:   Oct 8, 2024 - 6:39 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

I always think of Joel Goldsmith on my birthday. He was -- to the exact day -- 20 years older than me. It's me and Joel Goldsmith and Jodie Foster. Shame he died so early; I loved the direction his music took in UNIVERSE.

 Posted:   Oct 8, 2024 - 6:55 AM   
 By:   Dave Frolik   (Member)

I don't know this for sure, but I wonder whether it's the same reason we have not seen (and likely never will see) a release of a MacGyver series score.
Like MacGyver, Stargate was filmed in Canada, meaning the musical scores were probably recorded in Canada. This, apparently, makes the release nearly impossible according to previous posts related to this topic.
There could be a different reason, but I have a feeling this might have something to do with it. Can only hope that I'm wrong here.

 Posted:   Oct 8, 2024 - 6:57 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

Why are the Canadians so difficult?

 Posted:   Oct 8, 2024 - 7:27 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Why are the Canadians so difficult?

The Canadian musician's union wants too much in re-use fees, making release cost-prohibitive. That's why labels opt to avid the cost and not release scores recorded there. Intrada did one and as they stated back then, it was their first and last release for a score recorded in Canada, as it yanked up the cost to something around $30.00 for a CD.

 Posted:   Oct 8, 2024 - 8:45 AM   
 By:   Captain_Kaos   (Member)


 Posted:   Oct 8, 2024 - 8:53 AM   
 By:   Captain_Kaos   (Member)

I always thought - but maybe I'm wrong - that Goldsmith composed the music in his home studio in Hidden Hills, California, so there were no canadian musicians necessary. I guess the problems are:

1. Who has the rights?
2. Who has the music? Because the two most important guys for the music, Goldsmith and Chadock died in quick succession.
3. I think we can forget, that LLL will release anything of Stargate. I asked MV three years ago. His quick reply was: "No on Stargate!" (But maybe he changed his mind.)

By the way... we had a similiar discussion here:

 Posted:   Oct 13, 2024 - 2:23 PM   
 By:   musicpaladin2007   (Member)

I always thought - but maybe I'm wrong - that Goldsmith composed the music in his home studio in Hidden Hills, California, so there were no canadian musicians necessary. I guess the problems are:

1. Who has the rights?
2. Who has the music? Because the two most important guys for the music, Goldsmith and Chadock died in quick succession.
3. I think we can forget, that LLL will release anything of Stargate. I asked MV three years ago. His quick reply was: "No on Stargate!" (But maybe he changed his mind.)

By the way... we had a similiar discussion here:


Also to the point about being recorded in Canada, are all the scores for SG1 and Atlantis (save for the pilot, Ark of Truth and Continuum) completely synth? I know Universe is but wasn't sure about SG1 as some sound like synth but some later scores sound like either the samples got way better or they had some orchestra mixed in.

 Posted:   Oct 13, 2024 - 6:11 PM   
 By:   TJ   (Member)

I always thought - but maybe I'm wrong - that Goldsmith composed the music in his home studio in Hidden Hills, California, so there were no canadian musicians necessary. I guess the problems are:

1. Who has the rights?
2. Who has the music? Because the two most important guys for the music, Goldsmith and Chadock died in quick succession.
3. I think we can forget, that LLL will release anything of Stargate. I asked MV three years ago. His quick reply was: "No on Stargate!" (But maybe he changed his mind.)

By the way... we had a similiar discussion here:

LLL literally re-released Stargate after the VS was well out of print. ??

 Posted:   Oct 14, 2024 - 9:54 AM   
 By:   Captain_Kaos   (Member)

I always thought - but maybe I'm wrong - that Goldsmith composed the music in his home studio in Hidden Hills, California, so there were no canadian musicians necessary. I guess the problems are:

1. Who has the rights?
2. Who has the music? Because the two most important guys for the music, Goldsmith and Chadock died in quick succession.
3. I think we can forget, that LLL will release anything of Stargate. I asked MV three years ago. His quick reply was: "No on Stargate!" (But maybe he changed his mind.)

By the way... we had a similiar discussion here:


Also to the point about being recorded in Canada, are all the scores for SG1 and Atlantis (save for the pilot, Ark of Truth and Continuum) completely synth? I know Universe is but wasn't sure about SG1 as some sound like synth but some later scores sound like either the samples got way better or they had some orchestra mixed in.

As I said, I am not sure, but for my ears the music on "The Best Of Stargate", "Stargate: SG1" (Richard Band) and "Stargate: Atlantis" (Pilot Movie) sounds sometimes quiet artificially. Nevertheless I don' t care. I really like to have one or two four disc sets for SG1 and Atlantis.

 Posted:   Oct 14, 2024 - 9:55 AM   
 By:   Captain_Kaos   (Member)

I always thought - but maybe I'm wrong - that Goldsmith composed the music in his home studio in Hidden Hills, California, so there were no canadian musicians necessary. I guess the problems are:

1. Who has the rights?
2. Who has the music? Because the two most important guys for the music, Goldsmith and Chadock died in quick succession.
3. I think we can forget, that LLL will release anything of Stargate. I asked MV three years ago. His quick reply was: "No on Stargate!" (But maybe he changed his mind.)

By the way... we had a similiar discussion here:

LLL literally re-released Stargate after the VS was well out of print. ??

What is "VS"?

 Posted:   Oct 14, 2024 - 7:32 PM   
 By:   TJ   (Member)

I always thought - but maybe I'm wrong - that Goldsmith composed the music in his home studio in Hidden Hills, California, so there were no canadian musicians necessary. I guess the problems are:

1. Who has the rights?
2. Who has the music? Because the two most important guys for the music, Goldsmith and Chadock died in quick succession.
3. I think we can forget, that LLL will release anything of Stargate. I asked MV three years ago. His quick reply was: "No on Stargate!" (But maybe he changed his mind.)

By the way... we had a similiar discussion here:

LLL literally re-released Stargate after the VS was well out of print. ??

What is "VS"?

Varese Sarabande.

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