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 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 3:00 PM   
 By:   BasilFSM   (Member)

I started watching this series recently, and while I've only seen three episodes so far I really like the animation quality and work put into it. Although Daniel Ingram only composes the songs for MLP:FiM, here he writes the score and Steffan Andrews composes additional music (there are no songs in this show AFAIK).

Here's the main title, composed by Jonathan Evans:

From Daniel Ingram's website:

"Based on the classic children's toy, Pound Puppies is a Hasbro Studios/HUB production Directed by Paul Germain and Joe Ansolabehere (Rugrats, Recess). The scoring style is Hogan's Hero's Military meets traditional orchestra, with big action sequences, emotional moments, and crazy chase scenes."

His site had sound samples available before, but all of the videos appear to be made private now.

The entire first season is available on iTunes - the only place where one can legally purchase the entire show - but it's region-restricted to the USA so I can't get access to it. roll eyes Unlike MLP:FiM there's no fan base for this show that I can find - therefore no torrents or downloads of it *anywhere* - so not only can I *not* legally purchase and watch the entire show, there's no other means to get it either. I think Hasbro / Apple would make more money if they catered to international customers - or released entire seasons on DVD/Blu-Ray - but whatever, money saved for now.

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 5:03 PM   
 By:   Shaun Rutherford   (Member)

Is it all right if we start making fun of this now?

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 5:13 PM   
 By:   BasilFSM   (Member)

Is it all right if we start making fun of this now?

Who is "we" exactly? You and your other prejudiced buddies who keep coming into my threads even though they don't interest you? Be my guest - if you guys want to continue to perpetuate your stereotypes, I'm more than happy to keep telling you why you're wrong. Maybe one of these days you'll get it.

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 5:33 PM   
 By:   Shaun Rutherford   (Member)

So, yes?

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 5:42 PM   
 By:   BasilFSM   (Member)

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 5:53 PM   
 By:   Erik Donovan   (Member)

Really? You weren't getting enough out of MLP, you had to start watching Pound Puppies??

My wife's family had their Easter celebration this last Sunday. I asked my two nieces if they watched MLP. The 6 year old said, "Yes" , the 11 year old said, "NO!" I asked my brother-in-law if he watched it with his 6 year old, his wife (my sister-in-law) said, "No, he is not a brony and do you what a brony is?" From what I have read here on FSM, I thought it was a older person who liked to watch the show. She pulled out her Droid and showed me a definition that made me laugh! So, he is not allowed to watch the show with is daughter.

This is right from an internet dictionary:

Lonely male virgins between the ages of 15 and 55 who watch the girls' cartoon "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" either because it's cute and stupid like most things that lonely virgins fall in love with, or because they can flaunt their knowledge of the show to attract 8 year old girls to their mothers' basements for sex and cupcakes (except without the cupcakes).

So, do you still want to call yourself a Brony?

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 6:00 PM   
 By:   TM2-Megatron   (Member)

From what I have read here on FSM, I thought it was a older person who liked to watch the show.

Generally, that is the definition.

The other one (minus the implied pedophilia) can apply to a minority of fans of virtually all stigmatized things such as Star Trek, etc; including MLP. In fact I've read an article that implied pedophilia was more common among Star Trek fans than in the general population. Why? I have no clue. But being on the Internet doesn't make it true.

I do long for the days when the Internet was inaccessible to suburbanite housewives, though. They're so bored, they'll take anything seriously.

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 6:21 PM   
 By:   Erik Donovan   (Member)

But being on the Internet doesn't make it true.

I understand that and I did tell her that, but the show is really made for young girls. Even Pound Puppies is meant for little kids.

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 6:46 PM   
 By:   BasilFSM   (Member)

Some people want me to broaden my horizons, so I started taking an interest in other animated shows. Complaining about my doing so because it's not the entertainment you care about is, well, stupid. I have no idea why you take such a vested interest in what *I* watch - maybe you secretly do care about these shows while putting on your poker face as if you don't - but stalking someone on the internet whom you'll likely never meet is a far scarier proposition than judging that person based on what they want to enjoy. Or having the mindset that I should or shouldn't be allowed to watch certain types of entertainment based on my gender and age.

Frankly, I don't care if your wife's family watches MLP or not. What they do is none of my business and if they're anything like you then I never want to be associated with them anyway.

Your "definition" is also pulled from Urban Dictionary - a resource whose information holds as much water in reality as a spaghetti strainer - and is nothing more than a bunch of BS. It's as biased and wrong on the subject of bronies as you are. From Wikipedia:

"Though generally taken to refer to male fans, the term is often applied to any fan outside the target demographic, regardless of gender."

It implies nothing more than that, and to think that it does only further cements your disgusting and socially unacceptable attitude.

Furthermore, you have these two things, one from the creator of the show herself:

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 6:49 PM   
 By:   TM2-Megatron   (Member)

But being on the Internet doesn't make it true.

I understand that and I did tell her that, but the show is really made for young girls.

So was The Powerpuff Girls, which had (and still has, so far as I know) quite a following among older people of both genders. Although I understand why the double standard exists which says that a cartoon is acceptable for older people to watch if it was made for boys (or gender neutral, at least) rather than girls, I don't really agree with it. Certainly, it's normally the case that nobody any older than the target audience would want to watch a girl's cartoon, simply because most of them are terrible and poorly-made. Content providers don't invest nearly the amount of money in girls' programming as they do in stuff for boys (which really seems to all be tied into the same vein of stereotypes regarding programming for each gender), and that's usually reflected in their quality levels. But I see no reason for that to mean the occasional gem doesn't come along now and then.

One thing I don't believe in is judging people based on something so meaningless as what they choose to watch on TV. Were I to do that, I'd judge the vast majority of North America's population to be brainless nitwits (though they may still be just that, lol), as I have nothing but contempt for the likes of Survivor, American Idol, The Apprentice, and other similar content. I've had people devote months of their time back in my school days to making my life miserable solely because I enjoyed Star Trek (and had the audacity to say so) and science-fiction in general. Having experienced that, and knowing the kind of empty shells of people who choose to treat others that way, I'll never do it. And I have no respect (and never revise my opinion, once formed) for any adult who I witness engaging in that behaviour.

That said, I do enjoy MLP; at least this newest revision of it. I think it's a cute, harmless, and charmingly positive show that makes for a pleasant half-hour break out of an otherwise dreary week filled with political and economic news that always seems to be negative. It isn't quite Spongebob in the quantity of "jokes only adults will get" department, but it does have a few of those, too.

I don't know anything about Pound Puppies, though; or any other Hub show (aside from the Retro ones they play that I remember from my own youth, like the classic Transformers). The Hub isn't available here in Canada, and even if it were I doubt my cable package would be quite high-tier enough to get it. Considering I only watch 2 or 3 hours of cable a week, what I'm already paying for it is more than enough, lol. And Bell just recently convinced me to move to their new IPTV service "FibeTV" which, while the same price as my old Rogers cable (once you factor in the bundle savings I get on Internet and home phone) contains about 200 more channels than I got before. At least it'll finally allow me to watch HD through cable, though, rather than just on Blu-Ray. I never bothered upgrading my cable to HD service when I bought a new 3D/HDTV, since most of what I watch comes off a disc rather than through cable. Something new had to come along before I'd have bothered doing that, and this IPTV service intrigued me just enough to push me over the edge; and a whole-home PVR system sounds useful.

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 6:55 PM   
 By:   Erik Donovan   (Member)

We do not even get HUB TV and I would not pay for it if it was offered. I am stalking now? MLP threads seem to be multiplying here while we are trying to read and have discussions about FILM SCORES and their releases. Now we
have a Pound Puppies thread? MLP and PP are from TV, would they not fall under "Non-Film Score Discussion"?

I prefer to get the Transformer toy with my Happy Meal! wink

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 7:02 PM   
 By:   John Mullin   (Member)

Complaining about my doing so because it's not the entertainment you care about is, well, stupid. I have no idea why you take such a vested interest in what *I* watch...

Well, you have started a great number of threads on this public board about what you watch, and even began this one with the words, "I started watching this series recently..." You're not completely off-topic, I guess, seeing as the shows do indeed have music in them, but none of that music has been released commercially and is unlikely to be.

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 7:15 PM   
 By:   BasilFSM   (Member)

We do not even get HUB TV and I would not pay for it if it was offered. I am stalking now? MLP threads seem to be multiplying here (now we have a Pound Puppies thread) while we are trying to read and have discussions about FILM SCORES and their releases. MLP and PP are from TV, would they not fall under "Non-Film Score Discussion"?

If you don't like certain topics, you can always skip past them and not respond to them. I do that all the time. I'm sorry it's so difficult for you to do the same - in case you didn't notice all of the threads I *have* made are about the music. I'm trying to have discussions on the scores for these TV shows and you, Shaun and others keep changing the subject back to criticizing me because I like something that you don't. All you're really doing in the process, unfortunately, is further advertising my interest in the shows and their music, so keep up the good work.

The only reason these threads revert back to discussion about the shows and bronies and whatever else are because you and the others keep posting and making it happen.

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2012 - 8:24 PM   
 By:   losher22   (Member)

We do not even get HUB TV and I would not pay for it if it was offered. I am stalking now? MLP threads seem to be multiplying here (now we have a Pound Puppies thread) while we are trying to read and have discussions about FILM SCORES and their releases. MLP and PP are from TV, would they not fall under "Non-Film Score Discussion"?

If you don't like certain topics, you can always skip past them and not respond to them. I do that all the time. I'm sorry it's so difficult for you to do the same - in case you didn't notice all of the threads I *have* made are about the music. I'm trying to have discussions on the scores for these TV shows and you, Shaun and others keep changing the subject back to criticizing me because I like something that you don't. All you're really doing in the process, unfortunately, is further advertising my interest in the shows and their music, so keep up the good work.

The only reason these threads revert back to discussion about the shows and bronies and whatever else are because you and the others keep posting and making it happen.

Basil, I may not have the same non-film interests as you, but I really respect and admire the stand you're taking on this thread, and in that regard, I completely agree with you. Well done my friend.

Eric's comment regarding these threads falling under "Non-Film Score Discussion" struck a personal chord with me also, but in a different fashion. I happen to be a massive fan of video game scores and soundtracks and would never argue that they, or other television music of which I'm a huge fan (X-Files, 24, etc.) could not be construed as "important" or "relevant" as film scores. It's all about telling a story with music, either with or without the accompaniment of visual material, interactive or not.

Again, keep up the good work and don't shy away from exploring, sharing, and taking pride in your interests. Others' opinions are like dirty a**holes, everybody's got 'em, and almost all of them stink.

 Posted:   Apr 17, 2012 - 3:14 PM   
 By:   dogman15   (Member)

If you don't like certain topics, you can always skip past them and not respond to them. I do that all the time. I'm sorry it's so difficult for you to do the same - in case you didn't notice all of the threads I *have* made are about the music. I'm trying to have discussions on the scores for these TV shows and you, Shaun and others keep changing the subject back to criticizing me because I like something that you don't. All you're really doing in the process, unfortunately, is further advertising my interest in the shows and their music, so keep up the good work.

The only reason these threads revert back to discussion about the shows and bronies and whatever else are because you and the others keep posting and making it happen.

Well said, Basil! wink

 Posted:   Apr 17, 2012 - 6:17 PM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

The only reason these threads revert back to discussion about the shows and bronies and whatever else are because you and the others keep posting and making it happen.

Stigmas aside, the idea that a discussion about MLP wouldn't involve mention of its fans is ignoring the pink elephant in the room. When we have a discussion in any of the Star Trek score threads, no one takes umbrage when someone brings up Trekkies or Trekkers or how we have Starfleet costumes for conventions whatever. For lack of a better point, the stereotype of Trekkers has some truth in it and I'm willing to bet the same is true of any fandom, including MLP.

 Posted:   Apr 17, 2012 - 10:52 PM   
 By:   BasilFSM   (Member)

Stigmas aside, the idea that a discussion about MLP wouldn't involve mention of its fans is ignoring the pink elephant in the room. When we have a discussion in any of the Star Trek score threads, no one takes umbrage when someone brings up Trekkies or Trekkers or how we have Starfleet costumes for conventions whatever. For lack of a better point, the stereotype of Trekkers has some truth in it and I'm willing to bet the same is true of any fandom, including MLP.

Thank you for proving my point *exactly* about how you and your ilk will never talk about the music but you'll talk about everything else.

"Stigmas aside"? Last I checked branding stigmas are all you ever appear to do, Justin.

"Over the years Justin sort of turned into a talk radio host type. Living in his own mind, having extreme, angry opinions which made sense only to him. He's been a proper internet troll for awhile now. If there's an opinion out there that you'd think no one in their right mind would disagree with.... well, it's possible Justin would."

"Justin's arguments make sense only to him and can roughly be summarized as, everyone is an idiot and needs to be punished."

Now, my child, be a good boy and play with your Wing Commander and Star Wars toys *nicely*. Don't make Daddy G. Lucas smack your flank again, or you'll be in a world of hurt. Ah tell ya, my Little J. Bieber.

(inb4 David "moderates" by locking the thread and refusing to do anything else, e.g. banning the *real* offenders for once)

 Posted:   Apr 18, 2012 - 5:42 AM   
 By:   Erik Donovan   (Member)

I think you need to rephrase this after your post above! Plus, this picture proves our point! You have way too much time on your hands and you are clogging up this board posting all of your picture files! Could you please add a few more pages of your findings that have nothing to do about the thread subject?

 Posted:   Apr 18, 2012 - 6:25 AM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

I am hopelessly flattered you kept all these things of me <3

Are you a leader of my fan club or just one of its more common members? Is there a sign-up sheet? I don't know how these things work.

 Posted:   Apr 18, 2012 - 6:30 AM   
 By:   Mark Langdon   (Member)

I'm starting to think the entire FSM board should be locked, not just this thread.

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