About the fortune teller and rabbit and rogue, I missed seeing those coming by. Are these actually recorded pieces, or demos? I'm not sure what you mean. None of those are out in any form or fashion, not even bootleg (although I believe a clip from THE FORTUNE TELLER is out on Youtube). THE FORTUNE TELLER is a puppet show from 2006, RABBIT AND ROGUE is the Twyla Tharp ballet from 2008. I wasn't sure if these were actual recorded projects, or just planned projects that were never properly recorded. I do remember the Fortune teller now and I'm going to search for it on Youtube right away, a very nice piece of music.
Posted: |
Apr 6, 2012 - 7:55 AM
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I'm 100% behind getting all of Elfman's music properly released. But really, wouldn't films represented on Music for a Darkened Theater or by a few tracks on a song CD be technically considered expansions? Your definition of 'expansion' seems to exclude films you don't think were presented well on CD the first time they were released (in which case, ironically, you're no different than the rest of us) For instance, although I love having the expanded LaLaLand version, the suite of Scrooged was actually quite comprehensive and certainly counts as the original presentation of the score... In a way they would be considered "expansions" in those cases, I guess. But not quite. It's just a matter of getting a dedicated, representative selection of the score out there. These things don't even have their own, separate 'score' representations in the first place. Well, the ANYWHERE BUT HERE suite might, as it's not that much music in the film.
The early Elf Man music on this list is especially tantalizing. Rarely have we been able to see such a talent evolve from its rawness to maturity, the way we have with Danny. his later career became more workmanlike but seeing him figure out his own art from one score to the next, in the early days, was like watching your little brother grow up and turn into Hank Aaron. Count me in as somebody who will support every new release of this dude's unreleased music. (We also need an expansion of DOLORES CLAIBORNE. Sorry, Thor!)