Ray, thank you for those fantastic additions!
David, Great suggestion. Thanks.
NOW VOYAGER (It Can’t Be Wrong) lyrics by Kim Gannon I now own this, but mine has a darker cover, not pink.
I don't know what's going on. I keep following these links, trying to see this supposedly new Max Steiner in the sheetmusicman collection, but it never takes me to the actual video. And the same with Geoffrey Burgon's "Brideshead Revisited" -- I've followed links that have taken me to long lists of links, and when I've selected Burgon, it only takes me back to where I was originally. So what am I doing wrong??? (I tried it again and it brought me back HERE, still without a link to the Steiner video.)
GONE WITH THE WIND (Piano Miniatures)  Hey! I just saw this advertised in one of my pieces of sheet music! And you've got it! Cool. Anybody know which themes it covers?
I'll have to dig it out and check the contents. In the meantime, here's another early Steiner. You're retired now, Ray! It's been 5 months! Surely you've got the time to have dug it out?  (Or maybe you're so busy doing cool, film music projects you don't have the time...)
Found "As Long as I Live" from SARATOGA TRUNK.
GONE WITH THE WIND (Tara’s Theme)  Found the vocal version of this.