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 Posted:   Oct 20, 2021 - 1:16 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Anybody who can help Photoshop, I need help making a screen grab for a composer in the same style as in the show. It's some sort of Bordeaux font. e-mail in my profile.

 Posted:   Oct 21, 2021 - 2:15 AM   
 By:   merlyn   (Member)

Anybody who can help Photoshop, I need help making a screen grab for a composer in the same style as in the show. It's some sort of Bordeaux font. e-mail in my profile.

I could probably help you out e-mail me with the details


 Posted:   Oct 21, 2021 - 11:12 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

e-mail sent. :-)

What to expect from Monday's suites (with a note afterwards):

It's a special batch for Halloween week. The second and final "Remington Steele" suite that contains spooky music, the final suite for Immel on "Police Woman" (Which contains nervous, tense, and scary stuff), Mark Snow (always good for October), and Morton Stevens.

And good news for "Harry O" score fans, I was able to find the second season again, so I have recorded audio for Goldenberg's work. And I realize I completely forgot about Rubinstein's one score and kept saying I was done except for Billy, but that was a mistake on my part, so I recorded audio for a suite for him as well. These two suites will complete the series. I have benched two suites for "The Rookies" to make sure I had the room on the flash drive.

 Posted:   Oct 22, 2021 - 3:54 AM   
 By:   merlyn   (Member)

e-mail sent. :-)

What to expect from Monday's suites (with a note afterwards):

It's a special batch for Halloween week. The second and final "Remington Steele" suite that contains spooky music, the final suite for Immel on "Police Woman" (Which contains nervous, tense, and scary stuff), Mark Snow (always good for October), and Morton Stevens.

And good news for "Harry O" score fans, I was able to find the second season again, so I have recorded audio for Goldenberg's work. And I realize I completely forgot about Rubinstein's one score and kept saying I was done except for Billy, but that was a mistake on my part, so I recorded audio for a suite for him as well. These two suites will complete the series. I have benched two suites for "The Rookies" to make sure I had the room on the flash drive.

Thanks foe e-mail

and thank you for all these new suites wonderful


 Posted:   Oct 24, 2021 - 2:32 PM   
 By:   TheIrishman   (Member)

"Remington Steele"

Yeah, steele making suites.

Suite #1 (of two). The second quite will be for Halloween week next week, since about half of if is "scary" music.


That's fantastic! Waiting for this for so long. Any information from which episodes you took this?

 Posted:   Oct 25, 2021 - 8:47 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's spooky Halloween-theme suites. Maybe one more suite later this week.


Suite #2 for Mark Snow, who is always -- as I said previously -- good for Halloween.

"Remington Steele"

Suite #2 for Richard Lewis Warren. This is the last suite I have. I'm pretty sure both suites have selections from all season one episodes. The last half of this suite has "scary" music, making it Halloween worthy.


Suite #1 for Morton Stevens (no further suites are planned). This covers one episode -- "The Devil's Ticket".

"Police Woman"

Suite #1 for Jerrold Immel, with music perfect for Halloween. Even a spooky mis-spelled credit!

This suite was especially hard to make; I spent a shit load of time finding parts used in other episodes that either had less FX/SFX or none, to replace parts that did have the, to try and make the cleanest versions.

One thing I discovered while doing this is that there were a number of cues never heard in full on the show. Some I only found portions of. So please understand I had to make some creative decisions on editing and arranging. I think you'll be happy. One day when some label releases music from this show, I suspect we'll find some revelations in unreleased cues, and probably cues recorded for use but not even used.

 Posted:   Oct 26, 2021 - 10:29 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

I no longer need help with the "Primus" episode. :-)

 Posted:   Oct 29, 2021 - 10:34 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

What to expect from Monday's suites.

With November comes cool air and a breeze, so I have a TV movie score I saved for the beginning of November, who's main theme and some cues, fits the bill.

Also: we return to out regularly scheduled "Mannix" suites, another "Harry O" suite, and another Bernstein suite for "The Rookies".

Also, for Halloween, one more suite tomorrow, since I wont' be online the day of Halloween.

 Posted:   Oct 29, 2021 - 10:58 AM   
 By:   batroc   (Member)

Really looking forward to PRIMUS! I haven't seen that show since I was a kid and I don't remember anything about the music!

 Posted:   Nov 1, 2021 - 8:25 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's suites.


This was a TV movie from 1990 based on a Danielle Steel book.

In an odd pairing, both Johnny Mandel and Dennis McCarthy are credited for the score, although on separate screens. Credits for both are in the video.

I don't suspect a last-minute replace as the music is in the trailer, but the opening theme and cues are clearly the work of McCarthy.

What I suspect happened: This is Mandel's final scoring credit according to IMDb. I would speculate he was either having health issues and his scoring career was over or backed out of the project for what ever reason. As McCarthy worked as an orchestrator for Alex North in the last years of his career, there's also the possibility he and Mandel simply knew each other.

"Harry O"

This is a suite from he only episode John Rubinstein scored. Because of the heavy FX, this suite is short and represents all I could really salvage.


Suite #3 for Jerry Fielding/

"The Rookies"

Suite #2 for Elmer Bernstein. Enjoy. :-)

NOTE: I am disappointed the YouTube hit count for the Jack Smalley suite for "The Law and Harry McGraw" shows ONE HIT. Please give its a listen -- it's good stuff from him.

Next week's suites: It's Leonard Rosenman day. Three of the four suites will be by Lenny. More details and what the fourth suite will be, when I usually post about such things on Thursday or Friday.

 Posted:   Nov 1, 2021 - 12:22 PM   
 By:   merlyn   (Member)

Thank you so much for this new selection of suites Excellent!


 Posted:   Nov 5, 2021 - 8:23 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

What to expect from Monday's suites, or: Leonard Rosenman Day.
Plus some quick notes and a sneak preview of a project I am working on...

Three of the four suites will be by Rosenman. In the mix: the obscure documentary I mentioned months ago that was even missing from IMDb (I've since added it), the score to the pilot episode of a short-lived series he did, and the first suite from "Primus".

I don't know what the fourth suite will be.

Despite my comments earlier about finishing off "Quantum Leap" and some other stuff, I've decided to fuck off for the rest of the year. Next year I'll be taking time off here and there and not doing a steady stream of TV series scores.


When I created the Jerrold Immel suites for "Police Woman", I spent a great deal of time finding the cues tracked into other episodes to replace parts that have FX/SFX, to come up with the cleanest tracks I could.

Well, a few weeks ago I stumbled upon a TV series I didn't know about that has awesome funky music. Surprisingly, it's from a kid's show! But I'm positive the vast majority of you have not heard of the show or seen it, so are unaware of this awesome scoring. If you love funky scoring, when you hear this scoring, you'll be like: Where have you been all my life???

So, it's heavily tracked and I am doing the same thing I did for Immel. It'll take some time -- this isn't something coming in a week, two weeks, or even necessarily a month.

However, I made a suite of excerpts for your enjoyment, to get some excitement for this building. If you happen to know what show this is from, just hush it, you. ;-)

 Posted:   Nov 8, 2021 - 7:57 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's suites, for Leonard Rosenman Day.


Suite #1 (of two) for the feature-length pilot.

I was watching the video on mute in order to let the video pre-load so it doesn't freeze while recording and at one point I see an evil Nazi bad guy raise a gun menacingly and aim at the good guy, while not saying a word. I thought: I bet if I un-mute that, there's a tone pyramid. Sure enough...

"The Man Hunters"

From an obscure documentary about primitive man.

Electronic music was composed by somebody named Ruth White. I included one electronic cue which I assume is by that composer. I did not include a screen grab of that composer's credit.


Suite #1 (of two made) that covers three episodes including "Nuclear Black Market" and "Steel Fish". If you enjoy his music, especially the "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" sound, this will probably be right up your alley.


One of the last CC entries. Next week you can expect Mike Post.

"Junior Pilot"
Composer: Peter Tomashek

Outside of "Batman: The Animated Series", Peter barely did any scoring.

This score -- obviously done with no budget and almost entirely, if not completely, with synths -- was for a television movie that is SO AWFUL I highly advise you never watch it. Later on -- literally a while after-the-fact, they re-named the TV movie for re-runs. Who cares what the new name was -- it said "Junior Pilot" when I first caught it on TV and that's good enough.

The premise is decent and could have made for a great TV movie, but it was squandered in epic fashion: kids on a plane, one that likes V.R. flight simulation, gets into a situation where he has to land the plane.
I kid you not: while going through T.S.A. security at one point early in the film, an agent picks up a kid and asks him what he's hiding, then shakes all the items out of his pockets with the kid upside down. Then when the kids is going away an adult asks, "Did you just take his quarter?". So, you think it must be a comedy by my description and that the adult was just playing with the kid. Nope, this was serious. And it's all downhill from there.

SPECIAL NOTE: Composer Randy Miller -- whom Peter has orchestrated for on a number of projects -- is credited as the producer for the soundtrack. However, while uploading the suite, I found copyright claims showing he ghostwrote multiple cues:

  • 1m3 Mix_01

  • 1m4 Final_Mix_01

  • 3m4 Mix_01

  • 1m5 - Military Fantasy

  • 2m8 - Kung Fu Master/Kato Searches

    That must be half the score. I wonder just how much Peter even did.

     Posted:   Nov 9, 2021 - 7:58 AM   
     By:   merlyn   (Member)

    Hi Justin.
    Wonderful stuff
    thank you

     Posted:   Nov 10, 2021 - 9:11 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    You're welcome.

    Starting about December 10, I will be doing a 12 Days of Goldsmith series, with one suite a day, six days a week. I hope you all enjoy your gift that's good as gold[smith].

    That will close out the year for me on loading suites. Any suites remaining and any space still available on the flash drive, will both be utilized January 3.

     Posted:   Nov 13, 2021 - 11:11 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    What to expect from Monday's suites.

    Two more Rosenman suites, a Morton Stevens suite, and we return to the "Mannix" suites.

     Posted:   Nov 15, 2021 - 8:22 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    This week's suites.
    I now I promised a Mike Post last week, but I didn't finish it in time for today.


    Suite #2 -- the final suite -- covering the pilot.


    Suite #2. The final suite I was able to make.

    The Face of Fear

    This was a 1971 TV movie by Quinn Martin Productions (presumably a pilot, but I didn't feel like looking it up). The opening cue (not included) was lackluster and made me wonder if I should bother going further in. I'm glad I did. It's a crime against film music that Morton Stevens has had barely anything released by him.


    Suite #2 -- the final suite -- covering Jeff Alexander. Both suites cover all the episodes he scored.

    I only have two more suites for the series, so sorry to disappoint in advance. Next one is Fielding, then I end the suites with who I began with -- Schifrin.

     Posted:   Nov 15, 2021 - 9:22 AM   
     By:   MRAUDIO   (Member)

    Hey Justin,

    Mort’s THE FACE OF FEAR is a fine 1971 TV thriller - a crime indeed that more of his work in not being released.

    Anyway, thanks again for posting, my friend!:-)

     Posted:   Nov 18, 2021 - 1:37 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    What to expect from Monday's suites.

    The second-to-last "Mannix" suite I have, the final "Harry O" suite, another suite for Bernstein from "The Rookies", and Mike Post in CURIOSITY CORNBER (this time the suite is ready).

     Posted:   Nov 22, 2021 - 8:27 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    This week's suites.

    Note afterwards.
    Next week there may only be two or three suites. I have some things I got to do. Plus, I don't have that many suites remaining anyway.


    Suite #4 for Fielding. This is the last suite for him. These four suites cover all the episodes he did on the series.

    "Harry O"

    Suite #4 for Billy Goldenberg. With this, I have covered the whole series. This suite covers all his work -- except one episode -- for season two. I skipped the last episode he scored, since I didn't note any cues with up arrows in my "Harry O" thread. That episode score is also the only one he did where he was not credited as the conductor. I wonder what the story is there.

    "The Rookies"

    Suite #3 for Elmer Bernstein.


    Next week another suite for the same series.

    "Broken Badges"

    This was a short-lived series from the 1990's.

    This suite represents the only two episodes Mike Post scored. The rest of the series was scored by Velton Ray Bunch.

    NOTE: All further suites for season one of "The Rookies" have been benched so I can use room on the flash drive for obscure things that have popped up. Lots of obscure things lately!

    I did, however, already record audio for one Elliott/Ferguson suite.

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