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 Posted:   Sep 18, 2024 - 6:13 PM   
 By:   A Busy Man   (Member)

Thanks all, just contributed to this. Looking forward to Pursuit especially!
Now I must find time to listen to the GE Theater disc. ;-)

 Posted:   Sep 19, 2024 - 9:25 AM   
 By:   Jeff Bond   (Member)

That’s incredibly exciting about The People Next Door—it’s a fantastic score with some outright horror music for the drug scenes.

 Posted:   Sep 21, 2024 - 1:59 PM   
 By:   Timo47   (Member)

11 days remaining and there's still €2283 needed to get The People Next Door included.

 Posted:   Sep 21, 2024 - 2:11 PM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Let’s all make a big push in the final week — that’s typically when campaigns get more attention and movement. It’s pretty much expected that the middle two weeks slow down on these — was the case with previous campaigns. No cause for alarm yet, IMO… but DO keep spreading the word please, everyone!


 Posted:   Sep 24, 2024 - 8:33 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Though there's still almost nine days left to go, and a majority of movement is likely to happen in just the last three days or so, I thought I'd give an update on progress towards the stretch goal since my last one.

Thanks to 260 backers, the campaign is now £2308 over the main goal, in the campaign's base currency, or €2770 in Euros which is the currency in Prague. By my calculation, the stretch goal progress has just passed 60%! Less than 40% of the stretch goal amount left to raise in the remaining week. We can do this!


 Posted:   Sep 24, 2024 - 9:10 AM   
 By:   MThiermann670   (Member)

I'm very confident that it will be enough in the end. All three pieces of music deserve to be released. Nevertheless, I'm a little irritated that it's going so slowly, considering the manageable target sum...

 Posted:   Sep 24, 2024 - 10:03 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Yeah I don't know why it is, psychologically, but with most Kickstarter campaigns most people seem to jump in right at the beginning or right at the end. It's strange because nobody gets charged until the very end of a campaign anyway -- everyone basically gets charged at once (except for late backers now, I guess)! But even with modest tiers like these, I guess some folks just want to make sure they will have the funds available before pledging.


 Posted:   Sep 24, 2024 - 10:35 AM   
 By:   SchiffyM   (Member)

I think there’s some logic to it. For instance, in this case, I’m really hoping the stretch goal funds. To that end, I upped my contribution a little. But I’d rather not pay even more than that if the project can fund without my additional money. If with (say) a day to go it’s still shy of the goal, then I might choose to raise my contribution. Not enough to make the difference, but if a hundred other backers feel the same way, it could.

So it’s not just psychological. It’s also practical.

 Posted:   Sep 24, 2024 - 10:53 AM   
 By:   Sartoris   (Member)

Though there's still almost nine days left to go, and a majority of movement is likely to happen in just the last three days or so, I thought I'd give an update on progress towards the stretch goal since my last one.

Thanks to 260 backers, the campaign is now £2308 over the main goal, in the campaign's base currency, or €2770 in Euros which is the currency in Prague. By my calculation, the stretch goal progress has just passed 60%! Less than 40% of the stretch goal amount left to raise in the remaining week. We can do this!


Prague - Tchequia - is actually not in the €uro-zone. It is "only" in the EU-zone.

 Posted:   Sep 24, 2024 - 11:14 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

I think there’s some logic to it. For instance, in this case, I’m really hoping the stretch goal funds. To that end, I upped my contribution a little.

Thanks for that!

But I’d rather not pay even more than that if the project can fund without my additional money. If with (say) a day to go it’s still shy of the goal, then I might choose to raise my contribution. Not enough to make the difference, but if a hundred other backers feel the same way, it could.
So it’s not just psychological. It’s also practical.

Oh, this all makes perfect sense, practically and psychologically! (Though it is of course possible to lower one's pledge before the end of the campaign, just as it is possible to raise it.)

I completely understand why folks wouldn't be inclined to increase their existing pledge before the end. What I don't understand is why any interested Goldsmith fans would wait until the very end to do their initial pledge. I have to believe there are more than 260 people interested in a Goldsmith premiere twofer (or probably threefer)! Is it the obscurity of the films? I don't think so. Over three years ago, Intrada got almost twice as many backers (495) for Black Patch and The Man, both of which are probably more obscure films than Michael Crichton's Pursuit, to be honest.

In fact, I just checked IMDb, and for what it's worth 563 people have rated Pursuit and 475 have rated Crawlspace... compared with 437 rating The Man and only 341 rating Black Patch! Kinda surprising that the theatrical feature (yeah, I realize The Man got a theatrical release overseas) is apparently the least well known of the four... but I guess it makes sense if you think of it also being the oldest, and in black & white which scares some modern viewers off.

Anyhow, I also get that Leigh is still building his own standalone brand and Intrada has been doing rerecordings for almost four decades now, and has a wide customer base. But they've been helping promote Leigh's campaign on social media too! So I do share a bit of surprise that more Goldsmith fans haven't jumped in yet, to be honest.


 Posted:   Sep 25, 2024 - 9:20 AM   
 By:   Steven Lloyd   (Member)

(yeah, I realize The Man got a theatrical release overseas)...


Hey Yavar, I'll remind you of this so you will keep this trivial point straight for future discussions here.

While THE MAN was produced as a made-for-TV movie, it did first receive domestic American theatrical release through Paramount in the summer of 1972 -- even if I am the only person on this board who saw it in a theatre. The poster image that appears on the picture's IMDb page is in fact its U.S. theatrical one-sheet poster (not for a foreign release).

But here's something for latter-day Jerry Goldsmith collectors to consider about the dark past. The early-1970s trend toward pop/song scoring reduced assignments for him (along with the other serious composers, of course), but that dry spell for Goldsmith's album releases was worse than most modern collectors understand. MGM Records had issued the LPs for WILD ROVERS and THE LAST RUN in autumn 1971 -- months after the theatrical runs of both films. So the December '73 release of PAPILLON brought Goldsmith's first soundtrack album in more than two years! (Hard to relate to that in 2024, isn't it?)

Fortunately I didn't suffer "withdrawal" as others must have, because during that gap I was successfully tracking down the last of his records issued before I began collecting (six of them in 1973 alone). Since landing PATCH OF BLUE in '74, I have needed only to pick up each new release to maintain completist stature and satisfy a habit from youth.

But returning to the PURSUIT/CRAWLSPACE campaign, I pledged early at the cost-of-a-CD level plus a smidgen extra toward seeing the target met. Like SchiffyM, I also might tack on a little more near the end if the stretch goal appears iffy; but we'll see if it looks that way near the finish line. I've enjoyed PURSUIT -- score and film -- ever since a friend decades ago loaned me his VHS recorded off a broadcast... and I thank you, Leigh, for "pursuing" this project.

 Posted:   Sep 25, 2024 - 11:03 AM   
 By:   Andy   (Member)

It would also be nice if you could see directly in the campaign that there is a strech goal and how much more would be needed to achieve it, but that's probably not possible with Kickstarter

 Posted:   Sep 25, 2024 - 1:27 PM   
 By:   Lokutus   (Member)

It would also be nice if you could see directly in the campaign that there is a strech goal and how much more would be needed to achieve it, but that's probably not possible with Kickstarter

I suppose this should be added so we know what the actual amount is needed.

As Yavar and Leigh posted: "Status update on stretch goal progress: Leigh had written, "for an additional €4776/ £4028/ $5265, we can capture this score by scheduling an extra session following the Pursuit & Crawlspace recordings (it would be recorded on the same day as one of these). That means the campaign stretch-goal figure will be €18,951 (convert as appropriate)."

so roughly the target amount is 16,040 + 5265 = 21300 USD +/- depending on the exchange rate at the moment.

 Posted:   Sep 25, 2024 - 1:43 PM   
 By:   LeighPhillips   (Member)

It would also be nice if you could see directly in the campaign that there is a strech goal and how much more would be needed to achieve it, but that's probably not possible with Kickstarter

I suppose this should be added so we know what the actual amount is needed.

As Yavar and Leigh posted: "Status update on stretch goal progress: Leigh had written, "for an additional €4776/ £4028/ $5265, we can capture this score by scheduling an extra session following the Pursuit & Crawlspace recordings (it would be recorded on the same day as one of these). That means the campaign stretch-goal figure will be €18,951 (convert as appropriate)."

so roughly the target amount is 16,040 + 5265 = 21300 USD +/- depending on the exchange rate at the moment.

Hey guys, the target amount is listed on the campaign intro page (been there for several days). Sadly, the “official” project amount can’t be revised as this is set in stone when the page goes live.

 Posted:   Sep 25, 2024 - 1:44 PM   
 By:   SchiffyM   (Member)

So roughly $2,000 to go then.

 Posted:   Sep 25, 2024 - 1:50 PM   
 By:   LeighPhillips   (Member)

So roughly $2,000 to go then.

Something like that, yes; I haven’t been able to do the exact math this week as I’m up to my ears (quite literally) editing Abbott & Costello. The initial passes have to get done this week as I need to free myself up to prep the Goldsmith scores during the month of October (and try to get any synth pre-records done).

 Posted:   Sep 25, 2024 - 5:45 PM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Right on the verge of crossing $20,000 mark now, at current exchange rates! I think another bigger donor came through in the past half day or so.

Leigh, maybe when you have the time to calculate progress towards stretch goal on your end, you could post it as an update? I also like the suggestion of adding stretch goal details to the main/front page of the campaign, if Kickstarter will allow you an edit to add it.

Steven — thanks for the correction re: The Man!


 Posted:   Sep 26, 2024 - 6:42 AM   
 By:   W. David Lichty [Lorien]   (Member)

If I've converted correctly (for the moment), the stretch goal to get a third score recorded shows at

£15,811 - £14,920 = £ 891 to go
€18,951 - €17,835 = €1,116 left
$21,112 - $19,901 = $1,211 still needed

 Posted:   Sep 26, 2024 - 7:16 PM   
 By:   W. David Lichty [Lorien]   (Member)

If you'd like to hear the music from The People Next Door with a lot of people talking over it, here's the entire show on our YouTube channel:

 Posted:   Sep 27, 2024 - 6:44 AM   
 By:   W. David Lichty [Lorien]   (Member)

Five days to go to get a third, full score added. Stats this morning:

Stretch - pledged = left to go

$21,211.95 - $20,181.00 = $1,030.95 . . . $181 less than yesterday
€18,951.00 - €18,030.92 = € 920.08 . . . €195 less than yesterday
£15,813.76 - £15,040.80 = £ 772.96 . . . £118 less than yesterday

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