I feel like the last person on the planet to have never watched Top Gun (or its sequel, which I've heard is superior). But based on so much enthusiasm for the score, I've decided I'll purchase this release when new stock comes in. That first batch went way too fast! Plus, I'll purchase it just to support our wonderful labels out there. We've been spoiled beyond belief over the years with one fantastic release after another. Here's hoping it's restocked soon. Edit: And a big thank you to MV for continuing to stay active on this forum, despite the nastiness we tend to sling around here from time to time.
Doing this is something I was considering too for the same reasons. I don’t suppose you would mind posting the order of the tracks? I’m redoing it to make some tweaks. Workshopping it now and will post the 2CD Complete & Chronological “Final Cut” after a couple days of listens.
I feel like the last person on the planet to have never watched Top Gun (or its sequel, which I've heard is superior). But based on so much enthusiasm for the score, I've decided I'll purchase this release when new stock comes in. That first batch went way too fast! Plus, I'll purchase it just to support our wonderful labels out there. We've been spoiled beyond belief over the years with one fantastic release after another. Here's hoping it's restocked soon. Edit: And a big thank you to MV for continuing to stay active on this forum, despite the nastiness we tend to sling around here from time to time. My suggestion is to watch it with friends, have some drinks and don’t feel guilty about going a little Mystery Science Theater 3000 on it. It’s one of if not the slickest pieces of Cowboy Diplomacy propaganda to have ever come of out Hollywood. The most glorious relic of the 80s we have. If I sound like I love/hate it, I do.
Posted: |
Apr 6, 2024 - 6:40 AM
By: |
My suggestion is to watch it with friends, have some drinks and don’t feel guilty about going a little Mystery Science Theater 3000 on it.
Or better yet, go Mystery Science Theater 3000 LEGIT! The writers and performers of that show did a Riff on the whole movie via their Rifftrax platform. https://www.rifftrax.com/top-gun With regards to the movie itself, I do have some thoughts. 1. The whole premise is silly. The military is sending the best pilots to be trained to be better pilots. Shouldn't we be sending the 'not-so-best' pilots to be trained so they can fight on the same level? As stated in the film's features, what they would do is have pilots go to Top Gun, train with the best and once they've graduated, go back to their squad and train THEM to be better pilots. 2. Top Gun Trophy. The military advisors who worked on this film are very quick to point out that this competition to be the best Pilot at Top Gun was created purely for the movie. If there was such a competition, no one would graduate! And that makes a lot of sense. Why waste attention and energy trying to beat someone who's on your side when it should be all about improving your skills? 3. While the opening text states that the purpose of Top Gun succeeded, in this movie it does not. When Jester gives a briefing on the purpose of the school, he states the following. During Korea, the Navy kill ratio was 12 to 1. We shot down 12 of their jets for every one of ours. During Vietnam, that ratio fell to 3 to 1. Our pilots became dependent on missiles. They lost some of their dogfighting skills. Now TOP GUN was created to teach ACM, Air Combat Maneuvering. Dogfighting. At the end of Vietnam that ratio was back up to 12 to 1. Blinds please.
So not long after our heroes graduate Top Gun, they're immediately put into a combat situation on the very next day. How do their skills fair? Enemy: Six Migs Navy: Two F-14s Result: Hollywood is shot down by a MIG at the very start of the battle. Iceman loses one of his engines to gun fire, and Maverick disengages for a whole minute before re-engaging. Even though the battle is won and and our heroes shoot down four Migs, this is unquestionably NOT the desired result that Top Gun was going for. Remember the part of Jester's giving the pilots a brief history of Top Gun and how "Pilots became dependent on missiles" was a cause for why pilots started getting worse? Well, that issue happens in the final battle verbatim! Iceman and Maverick only use missiles in combat and the F-14 guns are never used or even mentioned. It's made worse when we get this line after Maverick fails to shoot down a Mig with a missile. "There's a problem. We only have one missile left." YOU... HAVE... GUNS!!!! And to top it all off, Maverick defeats the Mig by using a maneuver he didn't even learn at Top Gun. So what was the point? Maverick would likely have been better off if he had never gone to the Top Gun school. Goose would certainly not be dead. And now the Navy's kill ratio is 4 to 1, though I think it's more 4 to 1.5 since Ice lost an engine in his F-14 which means his plane is going in for really expensive repair work. So there you go. Top Gun, as depicted in this movie, actually makes your best pilots worse.
I feel like the last person on the planet to have never watched Top Gun (or its sequel, which I've heard is superior). But based on so much enthusiasm for the score, I've decided I'll purchase this release when new stock comes in. That first batch went way too fast! Plus, I'll purchase it just to support our wonderful labels out there. We've been spoiled beyond belief over the years with one fantastic release after another. Here's hoping it's restocked soon. Edit: And a big thank you to MV for continuing to stay active on this forum, despite the nastiness we tend to sling around here from time to time. Your mileage may vary, but I thought both films were a bit on par with each other. I give the original the edge, since Maverick recycles a fair amount from the first film. That said, Maverick has the better flight sequences. Both are basically expensive infomercials for the Navy. La-La Land's release? Utterly fantastic. I have had this set on play repeatedly since I got it and can't recommend it enough. If you give the movies a chance, I hope you enjoy them. Regardless, you won't regret the soundtrack purchase.
Posted: |
Apr 10, 2024 - 3:17 PM
By: |
Tom Maguire
My suggestion is to watch it with friends, have some drinks and don’t feel guilty about going a little Mystery Science Theater 3000 on it.
Or better yet, go Mystery Science Theater 3000 LEGIT! The writers and performers of that show did a Riff on the whole movie via their Rifftrax platform. https://www.rifftrax.com/top-gun With regards to the movie itself, I do have some thoughts. 1. The whole premise is silly. The military is sending the best pilots to be trained to be better pilots. Shouldn't we be sending the 'not-so-best' pilots to be trained so they can fight on the same level? As stated in the film's features, what they would do is have pilots go to Top Gun, train with the best and once they've graduated, go back to their squad and train THEM to be better pilots. 2. Top Gun Trophy. The military advisors who worked on this film are very quick to point out that this competition to be the best Pilot at Top Gun was created purely for the movie. If there was such a competition, no one would graduate! And that makes a lot of sense. Why waste attention and energy trying to beat someone who's on your side when it should be all about improving your skills? 3. While the opening text states that the purpose of Top Gun succeeded, in this movie it does not. When Jester gives a briefing on the purpose of the school, he states the following. During Korea, the Navy kill ratio was 12 to 1. We shot down 12 of their jets for every one of ours. During Vietnam, that ratio fell to 3 to 1. Our pilots became dependent on missiles. They lost some of their dogfighting skills. Now TOP GUN was created to teach ACM, Air Combat Maneuvering. Dogfighting. At the end of Vietnam that ratio was back up to 12 to 1. Blinds please.
So not long after our heroes graduate Top Gun, they're immediately put into a combat situation on the very next day. How do their skills fair? Enemy: Six Migs Navy: Two F-14s Result: Hollywood is shot down by a MIG at the very start of the battle. Iceman loses one of his engines to gun fire, and Maverick disengages for a whole minute before re-engaging. Even though the battle is won and and our heroes shoot down four Migs, this is unquestionably NOT the desired result that Top Gun was going for. Remember the part of Jester's giving the pilots a brief history of Top Gun and how "Pilots became dependent on missiles" was a cause for why pilots started getting worse? Well, that issue happens in the final battle verbatim! Iceman and Maverick only use missiles in combat and the F-14 guns are never used or even mentioned. It's made worse when we get this line after Maverick fails to shoot down a Mig with a missile. "There's a problem. We only have one missile left." YOU... HAVE... GUNS!!!! And to top it all off, Maverick defeats the Mig by using a maneuver he didn't even learn at Top Gun. So what was the point? Maverick would likely have been better off if he had never gone to the Top Gun school. Goose would certainly not be dead. And now the Navy's kill ratio is 4 to 1, though I think it's more 4 to 1.5 since Ice lost an engine in his F-14 which means his plane is going in for really expensive repair work. So there you go. Top Gun, as depicted in this movie, actually makes your best pilots worse. So yeah, I hate to be the bearer of bad news here but sadly, it turns out Top Gun does not stand up to any kind of logical analysis.
So yeah, I hate to be the bearer of bad news here but sadly, it turns out Top Gun does not stand up to any kind of logical analysis. Luckily, it wasn't meant to. It was a live action cartoon that was a lot of fun to watch and listen to.
My CD was shipped from LA to Norway on march 23. Still "in transit". Anyone else still waiting?