This is the greatest thing we can do for the memory of any composer…just play the music! This is the wisest statement ever made on these boards. I think the best thing is to experience at least once what that music contributes to its film. And from several phone conversations during the 1970s (while not pretending any personal relationship with him), so did Goldsmith himself. An album alone can preserve musical genius yet not display an accompanying gift for drama and narrative, if the music is known only outside of film context. That explains his notorious remark about people collecting albums as if they were bottlecaps. This composer definitely appreciated discussion of how his scores and individual cues were effective, more than whether a fan might "own all his albums."
If only it WERE possible to view “Last Dance” (or “Hitler’s Secret” or “Sarah’s Laughter” for that matter). Alas, unless you work in a certain position at the Ronald Reagan library, it’s probably impossible… But that aside, I’m still super grateful that such gorgeous music can be heard on album in a new recording, even if it’s original context can’t be appreciated. Yavar
You're absolutely right, Yavar. Circumstances have kept me away from these boards for a while... and I'm sorry it's I who managed to lose the context of this particular thread.
No worries Steven! But if you listen to the two cue samples Leigh posted, I think you’ll be glad this particular lovely bottlecap has been preserved.  Yavar
It's September, the expected month to receive the books. Any news?
I think I read November but it will get here when it gets here. I'd rather they do a proper job with it and wait a little bit more than have a rushed, inferior version. 
Posted: |
Sep 27, 2023 - 2:54 PM
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We’re delighted to announce that all backers of The Jerry Goldsmith Companion are invited to join backers of Jerry Goldsmith at The General Electric Theater for a re-recording of Volume Five—the score to “The Last Dance.” This episode of the anthology series was broadcast November 22, 1959 and is now considered lost (happily, the music sketches were preserved by UCLA.) All Kickstarter backers of The Companion, are invited to virtually join The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Leigh Phillips, for the first performance of the score in 64 years. Watch via Zoom as the talented performers at Smecky Music Studios bring this treasure back to life for posterity in a two-hour recording session, including all rehearsals and retakes via a high-quality live feed with excellent sound. As always, the final recording will be available for download later this year at Leigh's shop, where the first two volumes (“Sarah's Laughter” and “The Bar Mitzvah of Major Orlovsky”) are currently available in high quality, lossless downloads with PDF booklets and notes by Yavar Moradi. The subsequent pair, “Hitler's Secret” and “The Legend That Walks Like a Man” will be on sale next week, at his shop https://www.lpfilmmusic.co.uk/shop Deepest thanks to Leigh Phillips for making this rare opportunity available exclusively as a perk to backers of both projects. Exact login information will be sent by email before the recording, now scheduled for Monday, August 21, 14:00 - 16:00pm CET (9am Eastern, 6am Pacific). We hope you can join us! And if you’d like to join the party, our Kickstarter campaign continues through June 15. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nightgalleryart/the-jerry-goldsmith-companion Corresponded with Leigh. He is a very nice guy. He pointed out that he releases are also available, of course, not lossless, on iTunes an Amazon. All 5 volumes available . They’re the same price as his site. For me, the only downside og getting it on iTunes is I don’t have the PDF booklets. Why, iTunes? Lossless format he offers is not compatible with Apple devices, and there are really no good converter engines. It’s not in AIFF or ALAC format. MP3 is equal to, or only slightly better than AIFF
ICYMI… the latest update from the publisher! As promised during our campaign, all backers' names will be included in each volume of The Jerry Goldsmith Companion. Before we commit the books to print, we want to make sure that your name is spelled correctly — and the name that you supplied is the name you wish to read! Some folks prefer to use an alias on the internet, which we quite understand. But is that the name you want included in the books for posterity? If your Kickstarter handle is also your real name, no further action is needed. Really! But if you used an abbreviation, alias or something else (We're talking to you, jerryLUVR29!) please write tjgcompanion@gmail.com by Monday, October 2. Please tell us your Kickstarter handle and the name you want to see included.
ICYMI… the latest update from the publisher! If your Kickstarter handle is also your real name, no further action is needed. Really! But if you used an abbreviation, alias or something else (We're talking to you, jerryLUVR29!) please write tjgcompanion@gmail.com by Monday, October 2. Please tell us your Kickstarter handle and the name you want to see included. We're also talking (very specifically!) to Bernd - bisa - Dspot19 - Love Hater - Mastadge - Phil Harmonic - Radio Dan - Sidacazis - Splanedo - Start Kickin' - strk_freak - Tai Pan - taichidave - Zaczac If you'd prefer your real name to your Kickstarter handle, please contact tjgcompanion@gmail.com before Monday, October 2!
ICYMI- the latest TJGC update “The Big Tall Book” Bigger and Better than ever! As you might have heard, we've been busier than expected over the past summer, incorporationg all of the new material that surfaced since the start of our Kickstarter campaign back in June. The good news is we're finished! The better news is that the two volumes of The Jerry Goldsmith Companion now are bigger than ever. Volume One is now 440 pages with more than 350 images. Volume Two weighs in with 548 pages and over 400 images. That's nearly 1000 pages of Goldsmith goodness—a 10% increase in content—and it's all because of you! We have months to go before the books are in your hands, but we think it will be worth the wait. Thanks for your continuing support and patience as we take the next steps! We'll keep you posted as we go.