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 Posted:   Aug 31, 2014 - 7:25 PM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

I refer to my comment made in the House on March 30th 2014:


 Posted:   Aug 31, 2014 - 7:29 PM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

I refer to my comment made in the House on March 30th 2014:


Oh, and purchased on the spot of course.

 Posted:   Aug 31, 2014 - 7:47 PM   
 By:   TM2-Megatron   (Member)

I ordered a membership along with the CD; pricey but worth it, IMO.

I hope next year sees a similarly deluxe reissue of the Year 2 album.

 Posted:   Sep 1, 2014 - 1:20 AM   
 By:   fommes   (Member)

Regarding the Thunderbirds release, will this include everything that's been released on Silva Screen already, too?

 Posted:   Sep 1, 2014 - 1:23 AM   
 By:   Rollin Hand   (Member)

The new triple Space:1999 album runs for over three and a half hours and, across its 80 tracks, contains music from every Year One episode as well as the compilation films Alien Attack and Journey Through The Black Sun.

Approximate running time: 212 minutes

The first edition was a 2-CD set running 143 minutes.
CD-1 lasted 72:16 with 27 tracks.
CD-2 lasted 71:39 with 22 tracks.

The new edition sounds interesting though.
I wonder what missing elements they have found? Will they include "The Solarium" by Giampiero Boneschi?

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 8:11 AM   
 By:   Accidental Genius   (Member)

This will just come across sounding like sour grapes to the Fanderson members, but I find it so irritating to have such an incredible set out there that non-Fanderson SPACE: 1999 fans cannot access without paying such an exorbitant amount of money. To translate the price of this set to someone like me, based not in the U.K. but in Canada, with the exchange rate, plus shipping on both the CD set and the membership (why, oh why the membership needs to be mailed in this internet age is beyond me), is about $170. And for a second volume, should one emerge, it's unlikely it would be released this year, meaning that membership cost can't even be amortized over two sets of CD releases. To add insult to injury, Fanderson charges full shipping on both the membership and the CD set, with no choice to include both in one shipment.

Like I said, many of you will just scoff at my annoyance, but to me it's a crappy way to do business. And a shame, too, because the set looks absolutely gorgeous, but I cannot justify close to $200 for one set of CDs.

(Of course, any fan who wishes to purchase an extra copy and I'll pay them a procurement premium, let me know. razz)

In any case, I've very happy this is out and very happy for Fanderson and S:1999 fans who can and will get this. Just sad that I can't do it.

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 10:28 AM   
 By:   Score-Man-X   (Member)

It is right, that it is not optimal for all the SPACE 1999 fans outside the club, not to have the chance to get this exclusic 3-CD-Box.
But on the other side was this the really only way, to release all the SPACE 1999 music in this form.
Since SILVA SCREEN is not longer interested to release Barry Grays and other Anderson-TV-Series music on CD; FANDERSON is the last hope for all Anderson-Music-Fans worldwide.
SILVA SCREEN is a commercial company, and so it is consequential right; if they make not enough profit with the Anderson-Soundtrack-CDs, not more of this CDs to release.
FANDERSON is a nonprofit-society, that make it for they possiible under special British laws to release all this things exclusive for the club members; and this is important, under for they financiell affordable expenses !
It is sad fact, that there are today not enough fans for this music, that make it possible for a commercial-company like SILVA SCREEN, to release it on a CD-Set available for all fans worldwide.
FANDERSON as(a fan to fan) nonprofit-society can only do, what the British laws allow them to do. That make the fans outside the club not happy, but this are the Britisch laws. And this British laws we can not change and FANDERSON can not change the laws too.
All the fans who will be member in the FANDERSON-society, support the release of a series of the extraordinary TV-Soundtrack-CDs, ever made in Soundtracks-release-history.
So, I am looking forward, all the upcoming release, like THUNDERBIRDS and DOPPELGANGER/JOURNEY TO THE FAR SIDE OF THE SUN.

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 10:54 AM   
 By:   Simon Morris   (Member)

It isn't about what "British laws" allow or don't allow Fanderson to do. The law hasn't really got that much to do with it.

The nature of their licensing agreement with ITV is that merchandise can only be sold in limited numbers to members. Part of the reason for this is so that possible wider commercial releases are not stifled. So even if Fanderson wanted to sell them outside the membership, they can't.

Silva seem to be concentrating on Doctor Who these days (and why not I suppose; I would think that sales-wise they are a better prospect and Silva Screen isn't a charity). No doubt if there is a large scale revival of interest in Anderson programmes then Silva might look at it again. In the meantime I suppose it's always possible that other labels might show an interest at some point in the future.

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 11:21 AM   
 By:   On the Score   (Member)

Whatever. Complete unaffordable for most people

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 11:43 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

This will just come across sounding like sour grapes to the Fanderson members, but I find it so irritating to have such an incredible set out there that non-Fanderson SPACE: 1999 fans cannot access without paying such an exorbitant amount of money.

Imagine if LLL or Intrada required a membership? I hear the reasons Fanderson is set up the way it is, but it still sucks when only a privileged few can partake. Such is life I guess.

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 12:23 PM   
 By:   johnjohnson   (Member)

This will just come across sounding like sour grapes to the Fanderson members, but I find it so irritating to have such an incredible set out there that non-Fanderson SPACE: 1999 fans cannot access without paying such an exorbitant amount of money. To translate the price of this set to someone like me, based not in the U.K. but in Canada, with the exchange rate, plus shipping on both the CD set and the membership (why, oh why the membership needs to be mailed in this internet age is beyond me), is about $170. And for a second volume, should one emerge, it's unlikely it would be released this year, meaning that membership cost can't even be amortized over two sets of CD releases. To add insult to injury, Fanderson charges full shipping on both the membership and the CD set, with no choice to include both in one shipment.

Membership to Fanderson is available online, along with ordering merchandise such as CDs and DVDs.

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 12:41 PM   
 By:   On the Score   (Member)

And? What are you saying that negates the above poster? It's completely unaffordable. Silva didn't want to put this out? Or any other label? Really? I find that hard to believe.

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 4:19 PM   
 By:   TM2-Megatron   (Member)

At the moment it's still limited to 2 copies per member (I've pre-ordered 1 so far, for myself), but if there's still stock when that limit is removed I'd be happy to buy a few more copies on behalf of some members from here who may not be able to justify the cost of membership in addition to the CD.

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 4:30 PM   
 By:   johnjohnson   (Member)

And? What are you saying that negates the above poster? It's completely unaffordable. Silva didn't want to put this out? Or any other label? Really? I find that hard to believe.

@Accidental Genius mentioned that memberships have to be mailed in. I just wanted to point out that isn't the case now, as memberships and purchases are done online. I'm not defending them in any way, just pointing this out. As for the Space: 1999 CD, yes I'll be getting it, along with the Thunderbirds release. For me, it's something I think is worth purchasing.

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 4:56 PM   
 By:   On the Score   (Member)

And? What are you saying that negates the above poster? It's completely unaffordable. Silva didn't want to put this out? Or any other label? Really? I find that hard to believe.

@Accidental Genius mentioned that memberships have to be mailed in. I just wanted to point out that isn't the case now, as memberships and purchases are done online. I'm not defending them in any way, just pointing this out. As for the Space: 1999 CD, yes I'll be getting it, along with the Thunderbirds release. For me, it's something I think is worth purchasing.

Especially if you live in England wink

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 5:08 PM   
 By:   jacky   (Member)

At the moment it's still limited to 2 copies per member (I've pre-ordered 1 so far, for myself), but if there's still stock when that limit is removed I'd be happy to buy a few more copies on behalf of some members from here who may not be able to justify the cost of membership in addition to the CD.

I will be interested for sure, thanks in advance....

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 6:46 PM   
 By:   johnjohnson   (Member)

And? What are you saying that negates the above poster? It's completely unaffordable. Silva didn't want to put this out? Or any other label? Really? I find that hard to believe.

@Accidental Genius mentioned that memberships have to be mailed in. I just wanted to point out that isn't the case now, as memberships and purchases are done online. I'm not defending them in any way, just pointing this out. As for the Space: 1999 CD, yes I'll be getting it, along with the Thunderbirds release. For me, it's something I think is worth purchasing.

Especially if you live in England wink

Actually, I'm based stateside, but I'm okay with the extra cost.

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 8:17 PM   
 By:   Josh   (Member)

At the moment it's still limited to 2 copies per member (I've pre-ordered 1 so far, for myself), but if there's still stock when that limit is removed I'd be happy to buy a few more copies on behalf of some members from here who may not be able to justify the cost of membership in addition to the CD.

I will be interested for sure, thanks in advance....

Me too. smile

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 8:33 PM   
 By:   jkannry   (Member)

Definitely interested and a member just for things like this. It was the original year one that made me join. Eventually got in eBay after several auctions. Wasn't quite the same as new and can't remember why. Not this time.

Still waiting for doppelgänger/journey to far side of sun.

I for one am happy with a chance together year one when comes out.

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2014 - 8:47 PM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

While I do sympathize with those fans who may have a hard time acquiring the SPACE set, I do have a few questions and observations:

- How can the set be more 'unaffordable' than say - The Ron Jones Box - TV Omnibus - The Star Trek Box - The David Raksin Box... Lethal Weapon... etc. ?

- Has anyone taken into account that the membership comes with a very high quality publication (not some fanboyzine mind you, but a very well written and researched publication)?

This may not seem important to some, but not all of us require merchandise stamped with the following prefixes: Star Trek (love it though I may), Marvel, DC Comics... etc. Fanderson probably has a smaller base than the superhero market, and thusly the unit price most likely reflects this.

- Who here knows - for a fact and not idle speculation - that another label could and would have done a better & cheaper job of releasing these great scores?

I understand that it may seem a tad expensive, but no one is forcing us to buy anything that I know of. I missed out on the 25th anniversary edition of Space 1999 fifteen years ago and no cataclysm resulted from that tragedy. Life is tough!

It's all about choices and priorities. I could have purchased all of the above sets, but I'd rather have a richer and more varied collection comprised of music from as varied genres and origins as possible. When something that is really worthwhile - to me mind you - comes along, well I am not as reluctant - and not as hard pressed - to pull the trigger if the price seems high. Choices.

Oh and here is an idea: Not buying every single last re-re-re-issue could perhaps free up some hard earned cash for other purchases. Just a thought.

P.S My second copy is already spoken for - a friend - but if Fanderson relaxes their policy at some point, I'll make it my duty to give one of you guys a hand. I have done so in the past and I shan't hesitate to do it again. Because, in the end, this strange activity of ours should be as much - if not more so - about sharing the music with others, than just the mere neurotic frenzy to acquire stuff. I've often found more satisfaction in helping a fellow film music fan get that long sought out disc, than getting it for myself.

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