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 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 8:08 AM   
 By:   henry   (Member)

La La Land,

Thank you for including my requested track (Star Trek II finale sans narration).

I shall purchase this set.


I'm buying this set just for that track.

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 8:25 AM   
 By:   dishwasher86   (Member)

Thanks to everyone at La La Land for releasing this set! I'm very grateful to finally have Star Trek:
The Animated Series music in my collection! The rest of the collection looks great as well!

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 8:33 AM   
 By:   chriss   (Member)

FIRST Season Library Music
Music Composed by Joseph Mullendore,
Conducted by Fred Steiner
2. Love Scene* LM4 (1:15)
*Contains “Theme From Star Trek (TV Series)”
by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry

Is this the library cue used in Miri?

And.... thanks for a great set! smile

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 8:39 AM   
 By:   Lukas Kendall   (Member)

Hi Gang:

A few answers!

The TOS tracks for the 2nd and 3rd season library music come from the newly discovered first-generation masters, which sound better than the second-generation tapes on the TOS box set.

Yes, that "Love Theme" is the one unreleased TOS Mullendore library cue (because it wasn't on the masters). We took it from the music stem to "Court-Martial."

The suggestions thread earlier on the FSM board was enormously useful, thank you! I relied on it a lot for the TNG tracks. I passed the suggestions for DS9, VOY and ENT to Ford Thaxton.

There is so much TNG material because it was my favorite of the new shows and I had a lot of tracks that I wanted to include...and the standalone TNG volumes are done. This was the last chance.

But there are two VOY 4CD sets coming and one for DS9, and a second volume of ENT came out a few months ago, which will have lots more great stuff that people want.


 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 8:59 AM   
 By:   Broughtfan   (Member)

Hi Gang:

A few answers!

The TOS tracks for the 2nd and 3rd season library music come from the newly discovered first-generation masters, which sound better than the second-generation tapes on the TOS box set.

Yes, that "Love Theme" is the one unreleased TOS Mullendore library cue (because it wasn't on the masters). We took it from the music stem to "Court-Martial."

The suggestions thread earlier on the FSM board was enormously useful, thank you! I relied on it a lot for the TNG tracks. I passed the suggestions for DS9, VOY and ENT to Ford Thaxton.

There is so much TNG material because it was my favorite of the new shows and I had a lot of tracks that I wanted to include...and the standalone TNG volumes are done. This was the last chance.

But there are two VOY 4CD sets coming and one for DS9, and a second volume of ENT came out a few months ago, which will have lots more great stuff that people want.


Will ST: TAS be offered as a standalone release? Since the sessions took place in Europe (Paris, yes?) there wouldn't be AFM reuse involved, right? Also, how come neither McCarthy's (much requested) "Peak Performance" nor the "Conundrum" teaser cue was included in set?

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 9:34 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

Just a note of interest, the running time for ST:TAS is 32:05. The suite on YouTube only runs about 15:16 minutes.

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 10:00 AM   
 By:   Trent B   (Member)

I might swing for this set...not entirely sure, gotta wait and see what funds are like after remaining Christmas presents are bought and pills paid next week.

There's really only one track I want from the set and that's the Star Trek The Experience Klingon Encounter. I've been wanting that piece for years!

BTW Lukas thanks for letting us know about the upcoming Voyager and DS9 sets. smile

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 10:02 AM   
 By:   Lukas Kendall   (Member)

Will ST: TAS be offered as a standalone release? Since the sessions took place in Europe (Paris, yes?) there wouldn't be AFM reuse involved, right? Also, how come neither McCarthy's (much requested) "Peak Performance" nor the "Conundrum" teaser cue was included in set?

No plans for a standalone TAS album.

At a certain point you run out of room and I choose other cues—that's the honest answer.


 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 10:14 AM   
 By:   Thgil   (Member)

The suggestions thread earlier on the FSM board was enormously useful, thank you! I relied on it a lot for the TNG tracks. I passed the suggestions for DS9, VOY and ENT to Ford Thaxton.

I was hoping so!

There is so much TNG material because it was my favorite of the new shows and I had a lot of tracks that I wanted to include...and the standalone TNG volumes are done. This was the last chance.

I figured as much for the TNG sets. They were phenomenal, and this will augment them perfectly.

But there are two VOY 4CD sets coming and one for DS9, and a second volume of ENT came out a few months ago, which will have lots more great stuff that people want.

Whaaaaaaaaaaat! Okay. This is the best post I've read all year.

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 10:27 AM   
 By:   other tallguy   (Member)

Hi Gang:

A few answers!

The TOS tracks for the 2nd and 3rd season library music come from the newly discovered first-generation masters, which sound better than the second-generation tapes on the TOS box set.

Yes, that "Love Theme" is the one unreleased TOS Mullendore library cue (because it wasn't on the masters). We took it from the music stem to "Court-Martial."

The suggestions thread earlier on the FSM board was enormously useful, thank you! I relied on it a lot for the TNG tracks. I passed the suggestions for DS9, VOY and ENT to Ford Thaxton.

There is so much TNG material because it was my favorite of the new shows and I had a lot of tracks that I wanted to include...and the standalone TNG volumes are done. This was the last chance.

But there are two VOY 4CD sets coming and one for DS9, and a second volume of ENT came out a few months ago, which will have lots more great stuff that people want.


Thanks Lukas. Always nice to get the direct answers.

As much as I want the missing TOS track and the "supplemental" movie tracks, I'm really buying this for the TAS tracks! WHOOO!

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 10:30 AM   
 By:   Glenn Butler   (Member)

This is amazing. TAS music exists! There are 32 minutes of extant TAS music! There's better-sounding TOS music! The TWOK epilogue doesn't have narration! There'll be another DS9 set in the fullness of time! RICK BERMAN wrote the lyrics to Aktuh and Maylota!

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 11:09 AM   
 By:   Dave Frolik   (Member)

Hi Gang:

A few answers!

The TOS tracks for the 2nd and 3rd season library music come from the newly discovered first-generation masters, which sound better than the second-generation tapes on the TOS box set.

Yes, that "Love Theme" is the one unreleased TOS Mullendore library cue (because it wasn't on the masters). We took it from the music stem to "Court-Martial."

The suggestions thread earlier on the FSM board was enormously useful, thank you! I relied on it a lot for the TNG tracks. I passed the suggestions for DS9, VOY and ENT to Ford Thaxton.

There is so much TNG material because it was my favorite of the new shows and I had a lot of tracks that I wanted to include...and the standalone TNG volumes are done. This was the last chance.

But there are two VOY 4CD sets coming and one for DS9, and a second volume of ENT came out a few months ago, which will have lots more great stuff that people want.


Will ST: TAS be offered as a standalone release? Since the sessions took place in Europe (Paris, yes?) there wouldn't be AFM reuse involved, right? Also, how come neither McCarthy's (much requested) "Peak Performance" nor the "Conundrum" teaser cue was included in set?

Peak Performance was already included in the TNG collection Vol.2 (those are awesome cues - thank you LaLa Land Records smile)

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 11:21 AM   
 By:   Dave Frolik   (Member)

For me, whose favorite ST music is early season TNG, this is phenomenal news. I would have purchased this set for any one action cue from "The Hunted" alone, and I expected 1 or 2 of my requested cues maybe ending up on CD especially when I heard it was only going to be a 3-CD set initially. I am therefore absolutely thrilled that multiple cues of 9 of my requested TNG episodes are represented on this album. Whether or not this is a coincidence, I really don't care, I'm just super happy :-). I already thought I had won the lottery when the TNG collection Vol. 2 came out earlier this year, which included tons of material I had requested in previous posts. After "The Survivors" was heavily featured in TNG Vol. 1, I was at the time disappointed that one of the major action cues had been left off even in the re-release on Vol.2. I honestly did not believe that they would revisit this episode for a 3rd time, especially since it is not even a fan favorite episode, and I notice now that this missing cue is indeed on disc 3 of this release, that's plain awesome!

Thank you so much La La Land team, this is nothing short of phenomenal!


 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 11:33 AM   
 By:   Broughtfan   (Member)

Hi Gang:

A few answers!

The TOS tracks for the 2nd and 3rd season library music come from the newly discovered first-generation masters, which sound better than the second-generation tapes on the TOS box set.

Yes, that "Love Theme" is the one unreleased TOS Mullendore library cue (because it wasn't on the masters). We took it from the music stem to "Court-Martial."

The suggestions thread earlier on the FSM board was enormously useful, thank you! I relied on it a lot for the TNG tracks. I passed the suggestions for DS9, VOY and ENT to Ford Thaxton.

There is so much TNG material because it was my favorite of the new shows and I had a lot of tracks that I wanted to include...and the standalone TNG volumes are done. This was the last chance.

But there are two VOY 4CD sets coming and one for DS9, and a second volume of ENT came out a few months ago, which will have lots more great stuff that people want.


Will ST: TAS be offered as a standalone release? Since the sessions took place in Europe (Paris, yes?) there wouldn't be AFM reuse involved, right? Also, how come neither McCarthy's (much requested) "Peak Performance" nor the "Conundrum" teaser cue was included in set?

Peak Performance was already included in the TNG collection Vol.2 (those are awesome cues - thank you LaLa Land Records smile)

I suppose I was thinking there was more to Peak Performance (there is indeed seven minutes included on the ST: TNG, Vol 2 set). Happy to see more of "The Hunted" and, especially, the new inclusion of cues from "Coming of Age" and "Tapestry." Fascinating to learn the Ray Ellis ST: TAS music was found as it was reported here (some time ago) that the session tapes were no longer extant.

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 11:33 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

What's this?

Music Composed by Ron Jones
44. The Ascent (7:43)
45. Meaning (2:27)
46. Pathway to the Stars (3:17)
Total Time (44–46): 13:32

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 11:46 AM   
 By:   Broughtfan   (Member)

Appreciate your straight answer from before, Lukas. Works for me.

As aside (albeit related to this topic): The orchestra listing for ST: TOS "The Naked Time" (on the LaLa Land 15 vol set) has only two trumpets, but it sounds like there are indeed three on the date. Listed: Uan Rasey (MGM principal, likely first here), Tony Terran. Would Leonard Mach, the Desilu contractor's second-call trumpet (always second to Terran on Davidson's non-Desilu accounts such as "Get Smart") have been the third trumpet? Sometimes the players are added at the end of the report (especially when someone is called in to sub at the last minute), which may be the reason of the non-listing in the booklet. Also, how did you manage to find the first two season Julian Davidson reports when I was told repeatedly by the AFM archivist that they only had the S3 (Paramount) reports (also no S1,2 M:I, either). I asked AFM to search Desilu, Desilu-Paramount, Norway Productions, everything I could think of and to no avail. And, were Courage's two August 1966 S1 sessions in the early morning (8, 9 AM) or afternoon? Thanks.

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 12:05 PM   
 By:   SchiffyM   (Member)

What's this?

Music Composed by Ron Jones

My guess is it's music inspired by Star Trek composed by Ron Jones.

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 12:08 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

You're slipping. Normally a non-answer like that would have been personal blasphemy from you.

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 12:12 PM   
 By:   Verity   (Member)

Lukas, I would love to know a bit more about cue #26 on disc 1

Music Composed and Conducted by Fred Steiner
26. No Mind/Tense Meeting/Tracking the Alien/The Question M15/M16/M21/M22 (2:31)

The original cue on the 15 disc set runs for 1:10. Is this an alternate take used for tracking in season 3, or was this cue an "original" for Spock's Brain, and has some unreleased material not heard in the 15 disc set?

Lovely anniversary set! Can't wait to order it. smile

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2016 - 12:21 PM   
 By:   Tom Servo   (Member)

Hi Gang:

A few answers!

The TOS tracks for the 2nd and 3rd season library music come from the newly discovered first-generation masters, which sound better than the second-generation tapes on the TOS box set.

Yes, that "Love Theme" is the one unreleased TOS Mullendore library cue (because it wasn't on the masters). We took it from the music stem to "Court-Martial."

The suggestions thread earlier on the FSM board was enormously useful, thank you! I relied on it a lot for the TNG tracks. I passed the suggestions for DS9, VOY and ENT to Ford Thaxton.

There is so much TNG material because it was my favorite of the new shows and I had a lot of tracks that I wanted to include...and the standalone TNG volumes are done. This was the last chance.

But there are two VOY 4CD sets coming and one for DS9, and a second volume of ENT came out a few months ago, which will have lots more great stuff that people want.


Thanks for the details on this album, Lukas! There are great choices throughout and that's super news to hear about the planned sets for VOY and DS9. I'm happy to see McCarthy's music from "Coming of Age", "The Hunted" and "Tapestry", very glad to have those on disc.

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