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 Posted:   Jul 28, 2017 - 1:47 PM   
 By:   jb1234   (Member)

Yeah, I remember hearing this one cue with harp used at least five times during seasons 5-6. Lots of tracking during those years.

 Posted:   Sep 12, 2017 - 9:44 AM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

Hopefully we`ll get some news soon!

Sorry for all my Buffy talk but I`m just REALLY REALLY REALLY excited for this to happen! big grin

 Posted:   Sep 12, 2017 - 7:34 PM   
 By:   Josh "Swashbuckler" Gizelt   (Member)

Sorry for all my Buffy talk but I`m just REALLY REALLY REALLY excited for this to happen! big grin

Just don't swallow the world in your excitement.

 Posted:   Sep 12, 2017 - 10:55 PM   
 By:   Avatarded   (Member)

Maybe they had Kai Cole write the liner notes and then decided they needed a revision.

 Posted:   Sep 13, 2017 - 6:36 PM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

Maybe they had Kai Cole write the liner notes and then decided they needed a revision.

Oh god, I would be devastated if that actually happened! big grin

 Posted:   Sep 13, 2017 - 5:20 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

More Wanker:

Dark Willow vs. Warren (spoilers for those who are watching the series and haven't made it this far):

Around 0:38 is when a new cue begins. There's alternate of it, which is better.

 Posted:   Sep 13, 2017 - 5:32 PM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

That first cue is really excellent. Thanks for posting and reminding me about it!


 Posted:   Sep 14, 2017 - 3:02 AM   
 By:   DeputyRiley   (Member)

Dark Willow vs. Warren (spoilers for those who are watching the series and haven't made it this far):

Aw, man! The clip ends right before the money shot.

 Posted:   Sep 14, 2017 - 7:00 AM   
 By:   Xalandar   (Member)

So with LLL titles hinted on Amazon, i guess Buffy will be part of the Black Friday batch after all?

 Posted:   Sep 14, 2017 - 9:17 AM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

That first Wanker clip is so amazing!

 Posted:   Sep 14, 2017 - 9:29 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

I know. And it was a theme he developed for the Buffy/Riley relationship throughout the previous season as well, as I recall. People really need to stop dumping on his contribution to the series. He really carried on the torch very well when Beck left.


 Posted:   Sep 14, 2017 - 10:01 AM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

Actually, I think Christophe Beck made that Buffy/Riley theme for season 4.

And then Wanker continued with it for some scenes in season 5 (specially Into The Woods).
But this theme from Shadow is different than that one. All though it was reused again for a sex scene between Buffy/Riley. smile

You can hear a short version of it at 1:37 in this clip from Hush (when they first kiss):

 Posted:   Sep 14, 2017 - 10:44 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Right, I got them mixed up. But I do know that both of those themes recurred in the series.


 Posted:   Oct 5, 2017 - 2:44 AM   
 By:   ZerOne   (Member)

I really cannot wait for this La La Land box set release.

I do actually enjoy Wanker's work just as much as Beck's and I am way more excited for his music to be included on a soundtrack, but I guess that's mostly because so much of Beck has already been released (either on the official soundtrack releases or the promo CDs).

My favorites by Wanker:

- His theme when Buffy breaks down while fighting with Dawn in "FOREVER" about bringing Joyce back from the dead
- Anya reading her vows in "Hell's Bells" while Xander is walking the streets
- His themes from "Shadow"
- Buffy running to make Riley stay

Walter Murphy didn't leave much of an impression, I actually think his music made the first season appear much cheesier than it actually is. I do love his piano version of Nerf Herder's theme song at the end of Prophecy Girl though.

 Posted:   Oct 5, 2017 - 10:24 AM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

Hopefully it won't be long now! I just want them to announce it!! I'm so excited for this! big grin

And yes, those Wanker moments (lol) are great!
Hope they include some of his stuff.

Would also love some of Robert Duncan's work from Chosen (the last episode).
We have some of those cues, but the whole episode was amazingly scored!

And yes, Walter Murphy's work for season 1 didn't exactly help with the already cheesiness for season 1! hah!

 Posted:   Oct 5, 2017 - 12:45 PM   
 By:   ZerOne   (Member)

Would also love some of Robert Duncan's work from Chosen (the last episode).
We have some of those cues, but the whole episode was amazingly scored!

I honestly don't remember much of Robert Duncan's work for the final season even though I watched it a couple of times. I feel like he put all the cues that I noticed while watching on his website at some point.

Something about Buffy, Kissed to Life, The Final Fight (Long Version). Are there any other notable cues ?

 Posted:   Oct 5, 2017 - 2:51 PM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

Would also love some of Robert Duncan's work from Chosen (the last episode).
We have some of those cues, but the whole episode was amazingly scored!

I honestly don't remember much of Robert Duncan's work for the final season even though I watched it a couple of times. I feel like he put all the cues that I noticed while watching on his website at some point.

Something about Buffy, Kissed to Life, The Final Fight (Long Version). Are there any other notable cues ?

Ah, yes! "Every girl, a Slayer" was also on his website. From that speech she gave before the final battle. Great cue!

He didnt do much for me for the rest of the season, but Chosen score was great! The WHOLE battle (except the ones that was already released), the build up to the war, when Buffy talks to herself/The First down in her basement, the whole cookie dough speech with Angel.

But yeah, Christophe Beck is (imo) the God when it comes to Buffy score!
So glad he came back to score The Gift!

But as I said, hopefully they'll include at least a few cues from Thomas Wanker as well.
Specially the one we've mentioned. SPECIALLY when Dark Willow turns back to normal Willow + Shadow and "Run" from Into The Woods. There is also a short but nice piano theme he used for some scenes that was very nice. It was in the Dracula episode (last scene) when Buffy tells Giles she needs him to be her Watcher again. And again in Fool For Love when Buffy and Spike sits outside her house when she's worried about her moms health.
Oh, and one great (also) is from Tough Love. After Willow and Tara had their first fight. There's a nice cue playing while they're all alone before Glory finds Tara.

Ah so much stuff I want! haha! big grin

 Posted:   Oct 5, 2017 - 3:44 PM   
 By:   Josh "Swashbuckler" Gizelt   (Member)

I would also point out that “Spike's Predatory Nights” is a great suspense cue. No need to leave that one out!

 Posted:   Oct 5, 2017 - 5:38 PM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

I would also point out that “Spike's Predatory Nights” is a great suspense cue. No need to leave that one out!

Hm, which one is this?
Is it the same as "Sleeper Suite"?

 Posted:   Oct 6, 2017 - 3:57 AM   
 By:   Josh "Swashbuckler" Gizelt   (Member)

Hm, which one is this?
Is it the same as "Sleeper Suite"?


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