Continuing SEASON 7:
I had to skip this one; NO LOAD FOUND. "Academy of Evil" By: Frank Denson "The Medium" By: Mauro Bruno https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6sn2t6 Highlights: 0:50 in. 2:50 in. 21:42 in. Reminding us of the days when tension scoring was more than a synth pad, a legato string line and some percussions hits. 23:41 in. 26:38 in. 31:57 in. 37:40 in. 40:10 in. Terrible episode, good different score. "Echo of a Distant Battle: Part 1" By: Duane Tatro Score suite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvAlhd6AqXw (after 1:03 in) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6sn2tc Highlights: 3:40 in. 20:44 in. Disco source music. 26:00 in. 28:47 in. In an interesting first -- I don't immediately recall an example like this in any TV series or film -- the action music is a variation on the disco source music. It's usually the other way around. 33:25 in. Kind of vaguely reminds me of Stu Phillips. 43:31 in. Barnaby: "Let that be a lesson to ya: never chase an armed man unless you have a gun." "Echo of a Distant Battle: Part 2" By: Duane Tatro Score suite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvAlhd6AqXw (after 1:03 in) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6my8df Highlights: 3:35 in. 6:17 in. 25:46 in. 42:07 in. 48:25 in. "The Enslaved" By: Robert Drasnin https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6sp320 This is Drasnin's final effort for the series. Highlights: 3:56 in. 5:12 in. 23:43 in. 31:41 in. 22:57 in. 41:25 in. I'm joining a cue in progress, but this is where it gets good. "Dance with Death" By: Ralph Kessler https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6rwqzr Highlights: 4:19 in. 14:00 in. Disco source music. 26:23 in. 33:27 in. More disco source music. 41:06 in. Yet more disco source music. 42:31 in. 44:09 in. And closing with disco source as well. I have a Kessler score promo; I think there are some Barnaby cues on it. It's filled with a lot of TV commercial pieces. None of them were disco, sadly. I would have liked to have heard a Kessler score for an episode of "CHiPs". There's been very little Barnaby in a series titles "Barnaby Jones", for a number of episodes now. his magically appearing assistants, a season or two ago, are taking up the screen time. "Fatal Overture" By: John Elizalde Score suite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QeZXBZmtrA https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6x5may (NEW link as of: July 31, 2019) Highlights: 0:50 in. 24:03 in. 34:07 in. 36:04 in. 38:00 in. 41:00 in. **.5 star score. There's not much score in the episode (compared to the average episode). 15:18 in: is that an actual studio recording place? "Master of Deception" By: Mauro Bruno https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6s82k4 Highlights: 11:08 in. 12:18 in. 31:44 in. So, disco is not working it's way into the series' scoring. 34:25 in. And after the commercial break. 43:07 in. "A Short Happy Life" By: Richard Markowitz https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6s82k4 Highlights: 2:26 in. 11:56 in. 21:57 in. With a brief lull. 25:31 in. 33:07 in. 37:08 in. 40:13/41:17 in. The relative "Foxy" wins the award Is Wayne Brady Gonna Have to Choke a Bitch?. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxG9jeZBafs
Finishing SEASON 7:
"Child of Love, Child of Vengeance: Part 1" By: Ralph Kessler Score suite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qd8YObJnOIw (selections from both parts) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6sp326 Highlights: 4:50 in. 10:50 in. 13:30 in. 25:08 in. 39:37 in. ** star score. I had to skip these; NO LOADS FOUND. "Child of Love, Child of Vengeance: Part 2" By: Ralph Kessler "Target for a Wedding" By: Don Bagley "Temptation" By: Ralph Kessler
The opening/closing music has been re-recorded again, this time sped up since the last version slowed it down some. I had to skip these; NO LOADS FOUND. "Man on Fire" By: Duane Tatro I need to preface Tatro entries from this point on. With a brief e-mail change years ago with him, he said he didn't score all these episodes. So something is going on here. My notions: One: he simply doesn't recall; Two: they are tracked with existing episode scores; Three; He created a library of music early on and the episodes are being tracked with cues and therefore anything that doesn't sound tracked, isn't. I am going to e-mail him again for some clarification. "Nightmare in Hawaii: Part 1" By: Richard Markowitz "Nightmare in Hawaii: Part 2" By: Richard Markowitz This is Markowitz's final effort for the series. "A Desperate Pursuit" By: Bruce Broughton Score suite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL1G0AyWLQA https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6sb9ul This is Broughton's final effort for the series. Highlights: 10:32 in. 13:22 in. 15:43 in. Some small enable drama and action music. 21:01 in. 24:43 in. More small ensemble action music. 31:49 in. 40:27 in. Some ensemble chase music. **** star score. If they hadn't showed the bad guy changing into the disguise, that would have been a hell of a reveal around the end. I had to skip this one; NO LOAD FOUND. "Design for Madness" By: Mauro Bruno "Girl on the Road" By: Don Bagley https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6sl734 This is Bagley's final effort for the series. Highlights: 5:17 in. 27:19 in. 34:09 in. 36:01 in. 42:10 in. I had to skip this one; NO LOAD FOUND. "Indoctrination in Evil" By: Ralph Kessler "Homecoming for a Dead Man" By: Ralph Kessler https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6n6qmg Highlights: 7:57 in. I'm joining a cue in progress, but it was mixed low and has dialogue over it prior, so this is the point to really be able to hear it. 24:55 in. 39:30 in. 43:17/45:26 in. "False Witness" By: Nathan Scott https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6sgb69 This is Scott's only effort for the series. Highlights: 5:05 in. 6:43 in. 17:15 in. Short but good. 27:46 in. 33:53 in. 40:16 in. 43:21 in. 44:49 in. Scott's scoring sensibilities are clearly that of a decade or prior, with modern touches. There's nothing wrong with his score, in fact I like the almost noir-ish detective flavor, old-scholl drama sensibilities and the effort he put into the writing, but I suspect it was not what the producers of the show wanted and that's why other composers filled out the roster to the end of the series. 0:57: Not worth a highlight mention, but if this is by Scott, would this be his only disco music? I had to skip these; NO LOADS FOUND. "Cry for Vengeance" By: Frank Denson "Run to Death" By: Duane Tatro "The Price of Anger" By: Charles Hoover https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6su8ws Who? This is presumably his only effort for the series. Could this be a pseudonym for somebody who didn't either want their name associated with the series after some problems behind the scenes? Though nothing in the score sounds like any of the previous composers. Highlights: 2:00 in. 4:30 in. 31:10 in. 35:04 in. 41:05 in. 42:25 in.
I'm back-tracking to two episodes I thought there was no load of, but turns out the links were just hidden. SEASON 6:
"The Wife Beater" By: Robert Drasnin https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6rzd42 Highlights: 2:00 in. I'm joining a cue in progress, but this is the good point. 15:33 in. 17:25 in. 33:05 in. 35:26 in. 40:45 in. ** star score. SEASON 8:
"Indoctrination in Evil" By: Ralph Kessler https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6rjtx3 Highlights: 5:40 in. 33:37 in. 41:46 in. In a few minutes I'll finish off what episodes I can for the final season.
Finishing SEASON 8:
"The Killing Point" By: John Elizalde https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6sb9te Highlights: 3:58 in. 15:49 in. 24:37 in. 35:05 in. I had to skip these; NO LOADS FOUND. "Focus on Fear" By: Lance Rubin This is Rubin's final effort for the series. Both Rubin-scored episodes were not up. Damn. "Murder in the Key of C" By: Nan Schwartz "Killer Without a Name" By: John Elizalde https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6su8wt This is Elizalde's final effort for the series. Highlights: 1:02 in. 13:32 in. 19:27 in. 23:35 in. 26:24 in. 30:38 in. 35:41 in. 39:57 in. 42:31 in. I had to skip these; NO LOADS FOUND. "Death Is the Punchline" By: Duane Tatro "The Final Victim" By: Ralph Kessler This is Kessler's final effort for the series. "The Silent Accuser" By: Duane Tatro This is Tatro's final effort for the series. "Deadline for Murder" By: ????? (EDIT: No composer credited) "The Killin' Cousin" (final episode of the series) By: Will Schaefer This is, of course, Schaefer's only effort for the series. ADDITONAL, UNCREDITED OR STOCK MUSIC COMPOSERS This listing is from both ASCAP and BMI (in the order I found them, not alphabetical order). Milton Raksin (listed for something called "It's Always Monday", which is presumably a song or original sopurce piece) Michael Zaslow (who is also an actor; maybe he had composer aspirations) Chick Camera (who is also a soudn editor on a small number of episode; probably provided a little original material and didnt' get credit) Tommy Vig Dale Oehler Stephen Pautta David Whetley Michael Miller (also an actor) Ken Wilhoit (music editor listed on the two-parter "Final Judgment"; he's also a composer, so I suspect he did some original uncredited scoring for the two-parter) Rozella Gayle (also an actor) Harry Flagle (who?) Thomas Scott Of course, like other threads, if and when I find the episodes I missed, I will come back to it. I only hope some label will release some of the scoring from the show -- good music!
I forgot: BMI and/or ASCAP list Goldsmith for two bumpers, so there's at least a little more to hear.
Finishing SEASON 5:
Doubling back to finish episodes that were not up at the time I was doing this thread. "Blood Vengeance" By: Duane Tatro https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ujpxa Highlights: 0:53 in. 3:31 in. 5:05 in. 9:10 in. A more light-hearted variant of Goldsmith's theme, followed by some moody suspense stuff. 16:56 in. More playing around with Goldsmith's theme. 21:43 in. 23:52 in. 25:32 in. 39:19 in. 41:54 in. That's nearly every single cue. "Final Ransom" By: Robert Drasnin https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u7x8z Highlights: 7:46 in. 17:56 in. 24:44 in. 35:13 in. 40:14 in. 43:54 in. They sure like seeing people swimming in swimming pools in this series. Special note to the remarkably good acting of child actress Stacey Baldwin, who had -- according to her IMDb credits -- a brief career. Information on her is scare, so I have no idea why her career ended or if she's even still alive.
Concluding SEASON 6:
Doubling back to finish the episodes that weren't up when I originally was doing this thread. "The Captives" By: Duane Tatro https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6vf949 Highlights: 0:52 in. 5:44 in. 7:10 in. 15:56 in. A cool arrangement of Goldsmith's theme. 18:56 in. 24:00 in. 28:50 in. 30:23 in. 34:04 in. 38:20 in. 41:05 in. 42:44 in. 44:48 in. Hey, what do you know -- bad guys who don't dismiss things and assume correctly about the good guys. Oh, hey, and look -- real life: you fire into the front of a car and it doesn't explode, instead it leaks fluid. "Prisoner of Deceit" By: Nelson Riddle https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6vjc5l Highlights: 0:53 in. 3:00 in. 12:14 in. 15:05 in. 24:00 in. Cool. Don't think I need to say more than that. 25:27 in. Still cool. 26:48 in. Got cool in it. 3145 in. 35:32 in. 41:15 in. 44:17 in. Hell, you could say the score is made mostly of cool.
If I don't mention an episode, it means there was no credited composer. "Blind Terror" By: Billy Byers https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6mfm2h (14:00 This is Byers' only effort for the series. Highlights: 0:55 in. 9:53 in. 12:27 in. 27:58 in. 34:28 in. 38:38 in. 40:17 in. 44:00 in. He did a good job. Byers' IMDb credits are short. Maybe he as difficult to work with or only took scoring jobs for money now and then. Byers was primarily an arranger/orchestrator. He did a lot of uncredited work for many composers. If any of you have the "Quincy Jones Explores The Music of Henry Mancini" album or CD there's a conductor's part on the cover for Moon River that credits him as the arranger. That's it for today.
Continuing SEASON 7:
Same as before, going back to an episode I missed earlier because of no load at the time. "The Killin' Cousin" (final episode of the series) By: Will Schaefer Score suite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STM2HAcxhwo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsX3JykM9bM This is Schaefer's only effort for the series Highlights: 2:55 in. 3:47 in. 13:01 in. 15:08 in. 19:48 in. 35:00 in. Yes, a short outro, but I like how dramatic it is. 44:28 in. For the guys here: Go to 39:00 in. You're welcome. That's it for today.
When you finished going through this show, I hope you'll single out your favorite scores for the series (besides the Goldsmith pilot). Yavar
If I have the time, yes. :-) But unlike "Gunsmoke" where you'd have episodes scores largely good, okay or not worthwhile, every episode here has cues to take away.
Concluding SEASON 7:
Back tracking to episodes that ere not up when I originally did this thread. To save myself some time incase I have time to go back and rate the scores, I'll implement a rating system now. One to five stars, with five being the best rating and one being the lowest (but not indicative of a bad score). "Blind Jeopardy" By: John Elizalde https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6vgwpa Highlights: 0:54 in. 7:56 in. 15:19 in. 19:10 in. 33:24 in. 34:48 in. 36:37 in. *.5 star score. For the guys here: 23:10 in. You're welcome. "A Dangerous Affair" By: Lance Rubin https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6um63e This is Rubin's first (of two) efforts for the series. Highlights: 4:11 in. 19:00 in. 35:00 in. 40:35 in.* * star score. * = Peter Vankman: "The flowers are still standing!" ;-) "Hitch-Hike to Terror" By: Ralph Kessler https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6v7nex Highlights: 0:53 in. 2:31 in. 24:48 in. 34:53 in. 41:37 in. *** star score. "Nest of Scorpions" By: Robert Drasnin https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6v7nhc Highlights: 0:53 in. 6:01 in. The way it began for a few seconds there, it was like a Goldsmith cue. 16:34 in. 24:56 in. 35:21 in. 42:10 in. 44:19 in. ***.5. Maybe a **** star score. That's half the episode score.
Continuing SEASON 7:
Again, backtracking to episodes that were not up at the time I started this thread. I'm going to use a five-star rating system like the last post. "Victim of Love" By: Hugo Friedhofer This is Friedhofer's final effort for the series Highlights: 0:49 in. 13:09 in. 19:03 in. The snare and timpani part is a lot like the snare and timpani part of an action cue from a score by John Parker from the "Gunsmoke" episode "Chato". 29:06 in. 38:47 in. 41:50 in. **** star score. That's the majority of the score I noted. "Memory of a Nightmare" By: John Parker https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6v7niu Highlights: 4:05 in. 7:22/15:29 in. 23:42 in. And after the commercial break. 29:22 in. 31:55 in. 33:30 in. 42:09 in. **** star score. And interesting and different score compared to Hugo's above effort, to get the rating. For the guys here: 30:42 in. You're welcome. "Academy of Evil" By: Frank Denson Score suite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj6vm1qnYlk https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6uz6tn Highlights: 0:54 in. 2:08 in. 13:45 in. 17:00 in. 23:18 in. 27:44/30:12 in. 31:42 in. 42:04 in. ***.5 star score. "Child of Love, Child of Vengeance: Part 2" By: Ralph Kessler Score suite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qd8YObJnOIw (selections from both parts) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6va1ms Highlights: 1:01 in. 6:13 in. 14:25 in. 24:24 in. 37:26 in. 41:02 in. ***.5 star score. "Target for a Wedding" By: Don Bagley https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6uzfi3 Highlights: 10:03 in. 11:55 in. 20:20 in. 29:40 in. 47:20 in. Wedding music. **.5 star score. "Temptation" By: Ralph Kessler https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6va1mr Highlights: 18:25 in. 29:16 in. 42:42 in. *.5 star score
Continuing SEASON 8:
Again, backtracking to missed episodes. Also again using a five-star rating system for each. "Man on Fire" By: Duane Tatro Score suite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvAlhd6AqXw (the first minute only) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6vgwps Highlights: 2:59 in. 14:56 in. Got cool in it. 30:46 in. 32:01 in. The disco source music. 37:59 in. *** star score. 24:15 -- surprisingly accurate legal description! A series might normally glance over that. For the guys here: 26:35 in. You're welcome. Need more? 30:25 in. "Nightmare in Hawaii: Part 1" By: Richard Markowitz Score suite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK0U7EiBPzM https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u18dd Highlights: 523 in. 12:11 in. And after the commercial break. 26:51 in. Hawaiian music. 33:53 in. 44:30 in. **.5 star score. "It's interesting how the world turns if you live long enough." "Nightmare in Hawaii: Part 2" By: Richard Markowitz Score suite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK0U7EiBPzM https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6vgwq3 Highlights: 6:19 in. 12:15 in. 21:32 in. And after the commercial break. 28:09 in. 32:47 in. 35:45 in. 45:08 in. ***.5 star score. "Design for Madness" By: Mauro Bruno https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ub2ry Highlights: 0:57 in. 14:06 in. 20:33 in. 26:02 in. 38:54 in. *** star score. "Cry for Vengeance" By: Frank Denson https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ud9px This is Denson's final effort for the series. Highlights: 0:57 in. 2:57 in. 6:53 in. And after the commercial break. 18:51 in. 22:50/23:49 in. 25:14 in. 39:20 in. More disco working it's way into the scoring. ***.5 star score. "Run to Death" By: Duane Tatro https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6vlsmr Highlights: 1:57 in. 32:18 in. 42:07 in. 43:51 in.* **.5 star score. * = "She's got a knife" lady wins the Calculon award for Unholy Acting Talent! "Focus on Fear" By: Lance Rubin https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6uysh7 This is Rubin's final effort for the series. Highlights: 0:57 in. 17:20/19:51/23:02 in. 36:28 in. 35:33 in. 42:27 in. ** star score. "Death Is the Punchline" By: Duane Tatro https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ub2yr Highlights: Nothing. 0.5 star score. The weakest score I have heard in the series so far. "The Final Victim" By: Ralph Kessler https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6vd7pm This is Kessler's final effort for the series. Highlights: 4:53 in. 25:55 in. 31:07 in. 32:30 in. 43:10 in. 44:46 in. **.5 star score. So, the bad cop puts his fingers prints all over the door of a car, and when you become a cop you of course get finger printed. Should be the easiest crime to solve and Barnaby can continue doing what he's been doing mostly for a few seasons now: sitting in a chair looking tired. No, you say? Needless stupidity coming.
Finishing SEASON 8:
"The Silent Accuser" By: Duane Tatro https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ufomt This is Tatro's final effort for the series Highlights: 5:08 in. 25:55 in. And after the commercial break. 40:42 in. ** star score. Another child actress who disappeared after a brief career. Did a good job portraying a kid with Autism. And so concludes all the episodes that have a composer credited.
Score suites added to the following episodes: "Man on Fire" "Blind Terror" "A Desperate Pursuit" "Nightmare in Hawaii" "The Murdering Class" "Echo of a Distant Battle" "Child of Love, Child of Vengeance"
Score suites added to the following episodes: "Academy of Evil" "Fatal Overture" "the Killin' Cousin" Unrelated, but I felt like tossing it in: selections from the pilot score to the TV series "Cannon" (though the character was in two episodes of BJ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg7FfvZsP50