OH, a new one: Hanzi's Zimmerwurst Music Factory
If I hear one synth beat or a chugga chugga, I'm so out. Did you see the teaser trailer? No. Trailers are the worst. I avoid them as much as possible. They're all look and sound like they were processed at the same Zimmerwurst factory. I thought the current one was disappointing BUT trailers these days often have production music for the trailer made by marketing departments so they're not always an accurate representation of the score itself. Which reminds me that Howard Shore made a BEAUTIFUL custom trailer score for RETURN OF THE KING. I still don't know if Shore is even scoring this or not though.
Way to link to one of the trashiest clickbait sites on the internet. This. Like...I'm always amazed of all the communities I hang around in, the film music community somehow is always the most blatantly racist. I'm not surprised by the bad eggs found in the film music community, but I certainly wouldn't expect people with conservative viewpoints to be the same ones listening to "Ice Dance" from EDWARD SCISSORHANDS.
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Jul 14, 2022 - 7:45 PM
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Yep. It's hilarious how some people are convinced that purely imaginary beings - people on distant planets, aliens, elves, dwarves - always have to have white skin. Suggest anything else and the delicate sensitivities of racist trolls get instantly triggered and they flee to their safe spaces in the dregs of the internet: "We'll review-bomb Rotten Tomatoes! We'll launch an online petition! We'll send racist rants to the actors! That'll show 'em!" Dwarves, who are creatures clearly borrowed from Germanic folklore, should not be black. Simple as. It completely takes you out of Middle-earth, a world established by dozens of books and several films, when you know that the only reason black Dwarves are running around on the screen is because of a large, oligarchic corporation (i.e., Amazon) trying to meet its diversity quota. Maybe Amazon Studios should focus on making the series actually good (by not messing up the universe, for starters) instead of focusing on its diversity quota. But that is a problem with the modern film and television industries in general. Producers are, of course, chiefly concerned with making money (which is a totally reasonable goal), but now that wokeness is in vogue, they realized that they could make even more money by appealing (read: pandering) to non-white demographics. It's worked thus far, but the result has been completely soulless films and shows. Star Wars, Star Trek, Ghostbusters, and so on. Their modern incarnations are all soulless. Now Lord of the Rings is the victim. Just wait and see. Even if the new show is OK, it will still be soulless. It will never match the Lord of the Rings trilogy, which was so great because Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, et al. were all superfans who weren't concerned with diversity. And it's funny, because the trilogy has an entirely white cast, yet still managed to gross almost $3 billion. To anybody who's upset about there being Black Hobbits, or Dwarves, or whatever they are, and creating portmanteaus with the word "woke" in them like it's an obscenity, what exactly are you so threatened by? I'm not threatened by anything. I just want films and television shows to be as good as possible, because I know that people will watch them regardless of their quality. I feel that wokeness is one of the big reasons why films and television shows are not good nowadays. As it currently stands, modern films and television shows are bad for the soul.
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Jul 14, 2022 - 8:27 PM
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Dwarves, who are creatures clearly borrowed from Germanic folklore, should not be black. Simple as. It completely takes you out of Middle-earth, a world established by dozens of books and several films, when you know that the only reason black Dwarves are running around on the screen is because of a large, oligarchic corporation (i.e., Amazon) trying to meet its diversity quota. Maybe Amazon Studios should focus on making the series actually good (by not messing up the universe, for starters) instead of focusing on its diversity quota. But that is a problem with the modern film and television industries in general. Producers are, of course, chiefly concerned with making money (which is a totally reasonable goal), but now that wokeness is in vogue, they realized that they could make even more money by appealing (read: pandering) to non-white demographics. It's worked thus far, but the result has been completely soulless films and shows. Star Wars, Star Trek, Ghostbusters, and so on. Their modern incarnations are all soulless. Now Lord of the Rings is the victim. Just wait and see. Even if the new show is OK, it will still be soulless. It will never match the Lord of the Rings trilogy, which was so great because Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, et al. were all superfans who weren't concerned with diversity. And it's funny, because the trilogy has an entirely white cast, yet still managed to gross almost $3 billion. Basically you type this entire paragraph to say, I don't like non-white actors in films and television. I am not sure how having black actors take you out of Middle-Earth. I am curious, does your taste also applies to places, creatures, and costumes? For example, if Tolkien never mentioned a sea creature and they writers add one in, does that take you out of Middle-Earth? What if they introduced a new setting or place? Does that take you out of Middle Earth? Since according to you, a Germanic folklore should not have black people, I guess you are also not ok with having Australian white actors playing a characters in Middle-Earth? As for modern movies and TV being "soulless," I agree to a great deal. But it has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with having nonsensical scripts, over-the-top action sequences, and sticking to formulas. Not sure how of all things wrong with bad films and tv shows, you picked skin color and "wokeness." Plus, we are actually in the golden age of television. We have more acclaimed shows now than ever. You know the shows with all white people in the 1950s? Yeah they don't compare to the quality of shows today. Again, basically your entire post is, "Hire white actors or the movie and show sucks." I'm not threatened by anything. I just want films and television shows to be as good as possible, because I know that people will watch them regardless of their quality. I feel that wokeness is one of the big reasons why films and television shows are not good nowadays. As it currently stands, modern films and television shows are bad for the soul. Because of wokeness huh? Not because there are 500 sequels, bad scripts, uninspired acting, bad direction, endless repeat of the same plotlines, etc. If they hire white actors, those issue would be solved huh?
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Jul 14, 2022 - 8:47 PM
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Star Wars, Star Trek, Ghostbusters, and so on. Their modern incarnations are all soulless. I do agree that it is unrealistic for non-White actors to play ghost hunters trying to rid the world of supernatural marshmallow creatures. Show me one Black person in real life who's done this! Your argument seems rooted in a resentment that some corporate elites are lecturing to you. At least, I think that's your beef. I would just ask your non-White friends how they feel about inclusion. When I speak with my Black friends and colleagues, the importance of everybody from Uhura to Peanuts' Franklin to T'Challa (etc.) just by their being was more important than this White guy had until recently really understood. A White friend of mine was the only kid in his neighborhood (in the American south) allowed to watch "Sesame Street" because all the other White families objected to a kids' show that depicted Blacks and Whites together. Back then, they didn't say "woke," but the thought was the same. I don't care how White this German folklore was (Germany doesn't always have a great track record in that regard), it's all made up, and discomfort with diversity is, to me, a limitation of thinking, pure and simple. Are all diverse (you would say "woke," I'm guessing) movies and shows good? Nope, not by a mile. But for myself, I've yet to see one where I blame the diversity of casting for the problems.
Star Wars, Star Trek, Ghostbusters, and so on. Their modern incarnations are all soulless. I do agree that it is unrealistic for non-White actors to play ghost hunters trying to rid the world of supernatural marshmallow creatures. Show me one Black person in real life who's done this! Your argument seems rooted in a resentment that some corporate elites are lecturing to you. At least, I think that's your beef. I would just ask your non-White friends how they feel about inclusion. When I speak with my Black friends and colleagues, the importance of everybody from Uhura to Peanuts' Franklin to T'Challa (etc.) just by their being was more important than this White guy had until recently really understood. A White friend of mine was the only kid in his neighborhood (in the American south) allowed to watch "Sesame Street" because all the other White families objected to a kids' show that depicted Blacks and Whites together. Back then, they didn't say "woke," but the thought was the same. I don't care how White this German folklore was (Germany doesn't always have a great track record in that regard), it's all made up, and discomfort with diversity is, to me, a limitation of thinking, pure and simple. Are all diverse (you would say "woke," I'm guessing) movies and shows good? Nope, not by a mile. But for myself, I've yet to see one where I blame the diversity of casting for the problems. Perfectly stated. And being from Germany, I can confirm: those who get into a hissy fit when a dwarf has a different skin color already were dwarfed by their racist views of life.