I am absolutely thrilled about this new album. "The 'Burbs" is one of my favorite Goldsmith scores, and it looks like this album is beautifully produced with attention to the finest details. I am especially eager to hear the film version of "The Trunk," which I've wanted for years!
I know this is a hot take, but this is one of my favorite Goldsmith scores. Same, without a doubt. I'm not really fond of Goldsmith's comedy scores but this one gets played a lot. I think it's because he's doing such a sharp parody of his more epic style, it's just a lot of fun.
So let me get this straight, if I have the Varese Deluxe Edition, I really don’t need this? If you like the score and read what Neil Bulk wrote above, I’m not sure how you could come away with that impression… Yavar
I am definitely going to get a copy of this title. My secondhand Varese CD is a bit scuffed up. Also, 16 more minutes of music, new liner notes, $22 price tag, and it's a Goldsmith release ... I'm sold.
Oddly this film is unavailable to stream either on a service or even just to purchase!
Love this score and can’t wait to pick it up.
Based on the sound samples that I've heard, the sound quality is much punchier than the Varese. The older releases always sounded a little "dirty" (not the technical term but I can't really describe it any other way). This release sounds very present and clear. Looking forward to going back to the neighborhood!