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 Posted:   Mar 3, 2023 - 5:18 AM   
 By:   steffromuk   (Member)

I'm so glad to hear this!
I sent him an email but didn't get a reply.

 Posted:   Mar 3, 2023 - 8:22 AM   
 By:   Steven Lloyd   (Member)

Even though I have never had contact with Mr. Fitzpatrick, I am relieved to learn that he has recovered and is already attending to his backlogged communications. It's too bad more of his customers didn't display more empathy and patience sooner.

 Posted:   Mar 3, 2023 - 9:10 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

It's too bad more of his customers didn't display more empathy and patience sooner.
I think this thread has shown an abundance of empathy and patience.
It's not unreasonable for someone to start a thread/query enquiring about an order placed last December (and after getting no response from the vendor during the following months).
Thanks to this thread, we NOW KNOW what the cause was...and everyone is happy to see that James is okay.
Go ride your HIGH HORSE elsewhere, fella.

 Posted:   Mar 3, 2023 - 9:29 AM   
 By:   Steven Lloyd   (Member)

Go ride your HIGH HORSE elsewhere, fella.

You should return to the first page to reread the exact posts I referred to... "fella."

 Posted:   Mar 3, 2023 - 12:51 PM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

Nope, sorry fella, there is nothing in this thread that comes across as lacking in empathy or goes beyond mildly impatient, while still questioning a valid user/order issue.
If you can point it out, go right ahead, but this thread to me is both valid and enlightening in its outcome.
And as already noted, we're all glad to hear that James is alright.

 Posted:   Mar 3, 2023 - 1:21 PM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

Even though I have never had contact with Mr. Fitzpatrick, I am relieved to learn that he has recovered and is already attending to his backlogged communications. It's too bad more of his customers didn't display more empathy and patience sooner.

I agree kev and was gonna post exactly what you posted. Youre right, it was a very odd and strange comment to make in the first place. To be fair theres a lot of empathy in this thread, a long list of people saying 'Havent heard but hope james is ok.'
Lloyd is just trying to put the boot in where it doesnt warrant it, to be sanctimonious and make himself look good.
Reminds me of Richard-W.

 Posted:   Mar 3, 2023 - 1:41 PM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

Aye, the only inappropriate comment I can see is Damian doing his usual schtick (and that is directed at his postie bosses)

 Posted:   Mar 3, 2023 - 3:43 PM   
 By:   Steven Lloyd   (Member)

Nope, sorry fella, there is nothing in this thread that comes across as lacking in empathy or goes beyond mildly impatient, while still questioning a valid user/order issue. If you can point it out, go right ahead...

Aye, the only inappropriate comment I can see is Damian doing his usual schtick (and that is directed at his postie bosses)

"kev," eh? The former "Kev McGann"? It seems there's been a recent change of name of which I was unaware. Carson I can ignore, since he's already shown me in the past that he's an instigator who likes piling on.

But to you, Hurdy: Note your declaring that nothing in this thread lacks empathy... yet acknowledging in your next post one "inappropriate comment." Keep looking. There was another, which I decline to quote, to avoid a direct attack on a third party.

However, I admit not having recognized Damian's comment as being aimed at the U.K. postal service. I mistook it for a shot at the recently stricken Mr. Fitzpatrick; so I'll apologize for that as my misinterpretation from an American outsider.

But the other remark that offended my sense of empathy IS still there, as of this writing. If it doesn't stand out to you, then maybe we should determine that our respective natures house different levels of decency. (I do not apologize for my own.)

 Posted:   Mar 3, 2023 - 3:57 PM   
 By:   Tall Guy   (Member)

Nope, sorry fella, there is nothing in this thread that comes across as lacking in empathy or goes beyond mildly impatient, while still questioning a valid user/order issue. If you can point it out, go right ahead...

Aye, the only inappropriate comment I can see is Damian doing his usual schtick (and that is directed at his postie bosses)

"kev," eh? The former "Kev McGann"? It seems there's been a recent change of name of which I was unaware. Carson I can ignore, since he's already shown me in the past that he's an instigator who likes piling on.

But to you, Hurdy: Note your declaring that nothing in this thread lacks empathy... yet acknowledging in your next post one "inappropriate comment." Keep looking. There was another, which I decline to quote, to avoid a direct attack on a third party.

However, I admit not having recognized Damian's comment as being aimed at the U.K. postal service. I mistook it for a shot at the recently stricken Mr. Fitzpatrick; so I'll apologize for that as my misinterpretation from an American outsider.

But the other remark that offended my sense of empathy IS still there, as of this writing. If it doesn't stand out to you, then maybe we should determine that our respective natures house different levels of decency. (I do not apologize for my own.)

You may recall when a member here was accusing James directly of a lack of professionalism in another thread some time ago. Nothing in the present discussion has approached that level of impertinence. If you feel differently, you should quote the personage involved and transform them from an anonymous third party to a party of the second part, thereby inviting their response. Bushes, sir, are not for beating around, in my view.

 Posted:   Mar 3, 2023 - 4:00 PM   
 By:   Tall Guy   (Member)

And an instigator who piles on? Surely an oxymoron.

 Posted:   Mar 3, 2023 - 6:26 PM   
 By:   Steven Lloyd   (Member)

You may recall when a member here was accusing James directly of a lack of professionalism in another thread some time ago. Nothing in the present discussion has approached that level of impertinence. If you feel differently, you should quote the personage involved and transform them from an anonymous third party to a party of the second part, thereby inviting their response. Bushes, sir, are not for beating around, in my view.

My distant memory of reading that earlier thread contributed to my first post in this one. True, nothing in this current one became either as personal or as vicious as the other became; yet perhaps my exposure to the first is what nudged me into speaking in support of Mr. Fitzpatrick this time -- hastily, it turns out.

Hours ago I retracted my criticism by apologizing for misinterpreting Damian's remark and intention. (Rereading what he wrote, I really should have understood that he targeted the postal system instead of Tadlow customer service.) Yet had I not felt there were two separate posts of criticism -- before any confirmation of Mr. Fitzpatrick's health had appeared -- I likely wouldn't have waded into this. But since I did, Tall Guy, AND was wrong about the intent behind one of those posts, would you consider that just another reason for my not identifying the remaining one? I still don't intend to do so.

As for my using the term "instigator," you are right; that was clumsy of me. I meant to refer to someone who eggs on, and then piles on -- like boys in my childhood who would chant "Fight! Fight! Fight!" while hoping to witness someone get beaten up, by somebody else.

 Posted:   Mar 4, 2023 - 1:56 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

I remember those kids at school.
I also remember kids at school who used to stir the shit (shit stirrers, we called them).
I don't know about anyone else, but my reading of this thread is that it was fine until Steven Lloyd piled in and then a fight broke out.
And now he's apologising for it (having questioned MY empathy and sense of decency!!).

 Posted:   Mar 4, 2023 - 3:20 AM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

"kev," eh? The former "Kev McGann"? It seems there's been a recent change of name of which I was unaware. Carson I can ignore, since he's already shown me in the past that he's an instigator who likes piling on.

Nope, i only pile in when its a complete serial twat who makes a mug of himself and deserves to be exposed for what they are. You showed your usual true colours when you tried to have a really snotty dig at people in the thread, who had done nothing. And now you are writing reams to extricate yourself and to make out like you werent being an unnecessarily poisonous Dick.

Everyone has your card marked, "Steven Lloyd". Again.

 Posted:   Mar 4, 2023 - 3:37 AM   
 By:   steffromuk   (Member)

Could we all give this a rest?
This si exhausting to have so many threads tuening to ego war. And ending up being locked...
Chill out!
James is well and we should all celebrate.

 Posted:   Mar 4, 2023 - 5:16 AM   
 By:   TheAvenger   (Member)

Could we all give this a rest?
This si exhausting to have so many threads tuening to ego war. And ending up being locked...
Chill out!
James is well and we should all celebrate.

Agreed. This thread has become even more tedious and heated than the one on No Time To Die smile

 Posted:   Mar 4, 2023 - 8:38 AM   
 By:   Steven Lloyd   (Member)

Okay... this thread WAS proceeding peacefully enough until I entered it with my own baggage. Since it has not been locked yet, perhaps I'll have time to unpack said baggage publicly for explanation -- and a final, collective apology.

I mentioned earlier here that I have had no direct contact with Mr. Fitzpatrick. The Tadlow releases I own were ordered from Intrada; and I don't believe I took part in the infamous thread which Tall Guy referenced yesterday. (I read it at the time, but that might even have happened when I lurked before ever signing up here.) However, Tall Guy's mention of that thread -- which was so attack-heavy that Mr. Fitzpatrick ultimately disclosed some of his very personal struggles -- helped me realize since last night that the memory of it left me with a feeling of protectiveness toward, and unrecognized identification with, the Tadlow head. I let it escape and get out of control.

That earlier Tadlow thread was a long time ago, but I think he there revealed clinical depression. (I apologize for dredging up your private business again, Mr. Fitzpatrick; especially because I might not even have your details correct.) I know I don't have clinical depression, but I AM depressed over such a diagnosis within my family currently... as well as over the death of one of my oldest and closest friends nearly a year ago. My friend and I knew each other for almost 50 years and shared an almost identical sense of humor and an enthusiasm for films and film music (as well as many overlapping tastes). Across all those years, to my wife's occasional mockery, he and I spent hours on the telephone laughing together at least weekly -- until suddenly we didn't. After I couldn't reach him for a couple of weeks I reached out to his adult son, who finally let me know his father had entered a hospital and died unexpectedly and quickly.

These FSM boards (just as much of the Internet) are rampant with complaints, gripes, and whining; all of you recognize that. This current thread's earliest posts were, I admit, supportive hopes for Mr. Fitzpatrick's well-being, after multiple people had not received a response from him. However, I reacted inappropriately when I misinterpreted remarks from two members as insensitivity toward the possibility that Mr. Fitzpatrick's silence might mean he had died. His past disclosure of mental-health issues; equivalent challenges currently for the adult niece whom I have known and loved the longest; and my still feeling the loss of a treasured but geographically distant friend who died abruptly without my knowledge. All of that (along with another currently real situation that is irrelevant here) combined within me to cause an eruption of judgment and emotion which I wish very much I had not released in this discussion. I also bear no grudge toward any who called me out for it.

I apologize to everyone who took part or simply read this thread which I disrupted. Perhaps it won't have to be locked now. Maybe someone else will even take it back on-topic.

 Posted:   Mar 14, 2023 - 7:28 AM   
 By:   Private Ryan   (Member)

Back to the subject - is there any information about when individual Tadlow albums will be back on sale?
I plan to buy two CDs recorded by Tadlow and I wonder whether to order them directly on the Tadlow website at the moment or should I look for them on other websites/sellers?

 Posted:   Mar 16, 2023 - 5:37 AM   
 By:   1977   (Member)

Very glad to hear that James is ok. Has anyone heard anything further on outstanding orders?

 Posted:   Mar 21, 2023 - 4:56 PM   
 By:   davefg   (Member)

I would like to support Tadlow / James by buying a few CDs. Has anyone received any orders?

 Posted:   Mar 22, 2023 - 12:22 AM   
 By:   Nicolai P. Zwar   (Member)

I would like to support Tadlow / James by buying a few CDs. Has anyone received any orders?

Not yet, I'm afraid.

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