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 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 1:17 PM   
 By:   Prince Damian   (Member)

' your pants are all wet!'
' So is your chin'
Fav line from the film.

 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 1:41 PM   
 By:   .   (Member)

This release seems to be getting a great reception here.
But the score is too much Bernstein-light for my taste.
I felt similarly with Montenegro's "The Undefeated", a nice enough score in itself, but with the distraction of sounding like mock-Bernstein. It's a bit of a silly criticism I know, with Bernstein himself often sounding like mock-Copland. But nevertheless, Bernstein's western scores give me the impression he's actually ridden a horse, while Thorne and Montenegro haven't.
That said... the clips suggest terrific sound quality.

 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 2:11 PM   
 By:   Prince Damian   (Member)

Some people are hard to please. smile

 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 2:20 PM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

The softer moments, featuring strings and harmonica, put me in mind of Pino Donaggio's CHINA 9 LIBERTY 37.

 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 2:24 PM   
 By:   Zoragoth   (Member)

Nice to see this release of a western score. I hope it sells well. Would love to see John Addison’s score to CENTENNIAL get a long overdue release. Que sera sera .

Ah, if wishes were horses, pardner, CENTENNIAL would have galloped out o' the paddock many a moon past!

Here's hoping, though! At least in the meantime we can console ourselves with the wonderful suite from the Chandos Addison disc ...

 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 2:41 PM   
 By:   Sean Nethery   (Member)

Everything Basil wrote was what I was thinking when I saw this in my email today.

By coincidence, I heard Elmer conduct his Mockingbird suite this morning on our Classical music radio station. And thought then, "why didn't you just pay Aaron for his music, Elmer?!" when it went all Coplandeque. Except he always brought his own sensibility. Still, feeling tired of the usual cliches....

And frankly, a rape-revenge Western sure as shootin' ain't my cuppa. (Kinda wish it weren't anyone's.) It's the one Raquel Welch Western I haven't seen. (Though, to be honest, I've only seen Bandolero and 100 Rifles because of the Goldsmith scores - but actually enjoy them both on their own terms.)

But then y'all kept going on about it, so I thought I'd have a listen to the clips. And man, they are sweet indeed!

It may just be nostalgia calling, but hell, I'm even enjoying the harmonica, and I almost never do.


By the way, there is a low saxophone or something chugging away in the main title that sounds like it's from early Michael Nyman Band - or vice versa. Kinda cool!

 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 2:47 PM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

And frankly, a rape-revenge Western sure as shootin' ain't my cuppa. (Kinda wish it weren't anyone's.) It's the one Raquel Welch Western I haven't seen.

For what it's worth, it also wouldn't be my cuppa. But based on several recommendations (including one IIRC from a female member of this board), I gave it a chance some years back and found it to be a really enjoyable film.

At least it's a woman getting her own revenge, plus a nice relationship with the Robert Culp character who trains her. Unlike the promotional images for the film (including the one used for the cover of this CD to effectively sell it, LOL), it actually doesn't feel that exploitative (to me), but more empowering of women. Welch doesn't dress that way in the movie, for what it's worth. And for me a highlight of the film is Christopher Lee, getting a rare western role here and doing GREAT in it. Worth watching for him alone, IMO.


 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 2:55 PM   
 By:   .   (Member)

And frankly, a rape-revenge Western sure as shootin' ain't my cuppa.

The Bravados is a top western. One of the best.
Excellent performance by Gregory Peck. And Stephen Boyd too.

 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 2:56 PM   
 By:   Sean Nethery   (Member)

Good points, Yavar. And yes, the double whammy of Culp and Lee do interest me, plus love Elam and Strother Martin (always have to write his whole name, it's like one name in my head) whatever they do.

I found this very negative and well done review online that made two interesting points:

It feels like the makers of Hannie Caulder were like, “Let’s just make a movie tomorrow. Rape? Sure, that’s a good storyline. People will want to watch Raquel Welch in a poncho chasing down rapists.”


American professor and prominent feminist Carol J. Clover has spoken in favour of the rape-revenge genre, because the women stand up for themselves and take action against their abusers rather than wait for help from a system that continues to fail the victims.

So anyway, now I'm abivalent instead of dismissive. Progress!

 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 2:59 PM   
 By:   Sean Nethery   (Member)

And frankly, a rape-revenge Western sure as shootin' ain't my cuppa.

The Bravados is a top western. One of the best.
Excellent performance by Gregory Peck. And Stephen Boyd too.

Well, yes, that's a good one. Just have less tolerance than I used to.

Having a daughter may have something to do with it.

 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 3:25 PM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

The Bravados is a top western. One of the best.
Excellent performance by Gregory Peck. And Stephen Boyd too.

I also think that’s a pretty solid film, and the excellent score by (uncredited) Alfred Newman and Hugo Friedhofer definitely bolsters it.

I found this very negative and well done review online that made two interesting points:

I went ahead and read that review. Here's why I can't agree that it is well done (though I do agree with some of its criticism): it contradicts itself! If a reviewer can't even be consistent within their own review, there's a problem:

As I said, everything about this movie is a miss for me. EVERYTHING.

*The costumes are atrocious and painfully modern, I even spotted shoulder pads
*I don’t want to criticize Hannie’s clothing choices, because it’s her body and her life – but as someone with a fondness for six-shooters, I firmly believe that if she was serious about revenge she’d have picked something that fit better than that stupid poncho she had to keep pulling back to draw her gun, and more practical heels for stealthy movement and riding
*Welch also has eye makeup and a blowout throughout the movie
*The fake blood is SO F*CKING BAD, it’s obviously cherry-red paint
*The only positive is how Christopher Lee manages to have a brown handlebar moustache ON TOP of a grey beard
*Despite its sensitive subject matter, the story manages to be wholly uninteresting
*BUT the final showdown feels like it’s from a totally different movie – it’s suddenly very Spaghetti Western and serious and even enjoyable, unlike literally every other scene
This is a talented cast. If they couldn’t turn this confusing, senseless turd into at least a cult classic, nobody could.

With better dialogue and a better story, I think Raquel Welch could have sold Hannie. In the scene where she goes out to see her husband’s body, you can see that Welch is capable of more.

Robert Culp is great as bounty hunter Thomas Luther Price. It’s a strong performance – it just doesn’t fit. With the slapstick comedy every time the Clemens brothers are on the screen, Culp’s character ends up feeling too smart and totally un-Western, simply because they’re on such different levels.

Good grief! IMMEDIATELY after declaring "everything about this movie is a miss for me. EVERYTHING", the reviewer proceeds to mention several things about the movie that even THEY found GOOD/GREAT! (And sheesh, Christopher Lee is definitely good on more levels than just his facial hair, lol... he's Christopher Lee, c'mon!)

Luckily, I did click on the reviewer's take of Support Your Local Sheriff, one of my favorite flicks since childhood, and we are in total accord there (maybe they were just in a particularly bad mood when they were writing the Hannie Caulder review):

BTW, Welch’s poncho in the film is really fairly modest, compared with the (admittedly exploitative and often outright cringey) promotional material…

I'm not saying it's a GREAT film by any means. It has plenty of flaws and there are absolutely problematic aspects I find uncomfortable. But it has a lot of good things about it, and most important of all -- many of those good things are *unique* to this film rather than being tired retreads of genre tropes... not least of which are Culp and Lee, whose characters and performances are both excellent. (And I think Raquel Welch displays some range and acting talent here too -- as briefly pointed out by your reviewer -- which she rarely got to do.)


 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 3:42 PM   
 By:   joan hue   (Member)

At least it's a woman getting her own revenge, plus a nice relationship with the Robert Culp character who trains her. Unlike the promotional images for the film (including the one used for the cover of this CD to effectively sell it, LOL), it actually doesn't feel that exploitative (to me), but more empowering of women

Yavar, I tend to agree with your assessment. I don't like rape movies, but I was glad she didn't just sit around and whine. She found power. The cover is exploitative, but that outfit isn't in the movie. One time in the movie, I did wish she had some undergarments under her poncho. The movie wanted to show she was sexy. And thankfully also powerful. Overall, I thought it was a decent western with a fine score. Culp was very good in the movie.

 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 3:45 PM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

I'm right there with you, Joan. In fact I am pretty sure it was your positive words about the film which prompted me to watch it, some years back!


 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 4:03 PM   
 By:   villagardens553   (Member)

If I had a dollar for every soundtrack I own from a movie I've never seen . . .

 Posted:   May 26, 2023 - 8:16 PM   
 By:   joan hue   (Member)

If I had a dollar for every soundtrack I own from a movie I've never seen . . .

I guess you are saying that you would be rich. I did that for a while and bought soundtracks from movies I didn't view. However, I faced too many disappointments, so now I have to see the movie before I'll buy the soundtrack. Kept me from avoiding poverty.wink

 Posted:   May 27, 2023 - 12:48 AM   
 By:   Hitch22   (Member)

Wow, what a splendid release! Sounds top-notch!
Wished they went with the cover below, though. But hey, Its always easy to nitpick. razz
Thank you Q!

 Posted:   May 27, 2023 - 1:52 AM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

I think that alternative poster does not represent the film very well at all.
Hannie looking like shes posing with the 3 brothers who rape her? Its a terrible picture and is the total opposite tone to the plot. Alright as a behind-the-scenes on-set picture and thats about it.
Im very happy with the existing poster (although even that has a bit of license).
But theres nothing wrong with blatant sexy.

 Posted:   May 27, 2023 - 1:53 AM   
 By:   Nicolai P. Zwar   (Member)

If I had a dollar for every soundtrack I own from a movie I've never seen . . .

I guess you are saying that you would be rich. I did that for a while and bought soundtracks from movies I didn't view. However, I faced too many disappointments, so now I have to see the movie before I'll buy the soundtrack. Kept me from avoiding poverty.wink

Generelly, I buy music by composer, so I don't have to see the movie to buy a Goldsmith or Herrmann CD.

 Posted:   May 27, 2023 - 3:20 AM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)

I wonder if Dragon's Domain try for the Raquel Welch Western quartet* by issuing Paul Chihara's music for The Legend Of Walks Far Woman...?
*EDITED POST: I thought there were only three.

 Posted:   May 27, 2023 - 3:40 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

To my mind, westerns were, more often than not, fuelled or driven by nasty, low down, immoral acts of some kind.
They were largely lawless times, and rough justice was the order of the day.
As already noted, I'm due to watch this film for the first time, in the very near future and liked what I saw and heard from the opening 15 minutes or so already viewed.

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