FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC. Love the vintage cover.
be there for that one because the music is good and I want a physical copy. And I’ll be there because it's Gold, Cody. Gold. Edit. The Gold part AND Goldsmith premiere recordings.
I'll get this. Goldsmith's first decade was pretty amazing.
Didn’t everyone already got these as virtual releases? Everyone? Even among the people who noticed the Kickstarter campaigns/digital releases, there were many people who said, “I’ll wait in hope for a CD edition” (Leigh has made clear during the campaigns that a CD was a virtual certainty after a minimum of four scores got completed). I’d say right now several hundred Goldsmith fans have at least one of these recordings. But Intrada has built a customer base far larger than the FSM board over the years, many film music fans who aren’t all active in forums and Kickstarter. So I suspect this will actually be news to many people, and now has the potential to reach thousands of Goldsmith fans rather than hundreds. The couple hundred of us who backed the Kickstarter campaigns got to hear and enjoy this music long before anyone else who waited for the CD, and I’m heartened to see all the positivity from this group who just seem excited for more people to discover the music they’ve already been enjoying for a while. Yavar
sounds good
What Kickstarter contributors think about this? Do you think they were offered exclusivity?
What Kickstarter contributors think about this? Do you think they were offered exclusivity? I would hope that's not the case, as at no point was exclusive access mentioned in any of the campaigns. Each reward tier clearly stated that backers would have "early bird" benefits of enjoying the scores 1-2 months before they were released as general downloads. Also, the basic rate for the campaigns was around the £4 mark per score; this would never have covered the cost of CD manufacture and distribution, but was definitely one of the upsides of releasing them digitally (we could do it super cheap!). Ultimately, even if I had produced the discs myself, folks would have still had to pay for them, which is why I'm so happy that Intrada have taken it on; they *really* know how to package a CD, where as me...well...  Everyone who was part of those original Kickstarters really should take a bow...without their initial support, we certainly wouldn't have this album to enjoy!
I've seen crowdfunders get tetchy if they think the general public is getting something they paid for, not to mention harrass creators if a project isn't moving as fast as they like. The documentaries about the GHOSTBUSTERS and ROBOCOP franchises have been in production for around a decade and are still not fully complete. Their comment sections can be a cess pool.