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 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 6:39 AM   
 By:   seinmind   (Member)

Didn’t I say something along the Line though i speculated about a 5-release lock big grin

They could always settle for using the vanilla "Anniversary Edition" label in a pinch.

I just moved Moonraker from under the tree and can't believe I'm holding something I've longed for since 1998.

I had no idea that NOTHING else has anniversaries last year besides bond.

If these are holdovers from 2024, Poltergeist II celebrated its 38th Anniversary. That album is due to be reintroduced smile.

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 6:57 AM   
 By:   panavision   (Member)

it seems possible that two of them could be 2CD sets of On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (55th Anniversary) and License to Kill (35th Anniversary).

So many 007's in one year is rather impossible frown

But true, LTK (and TSWLM) are the two biggest Bond Holy Grails.

We have reached peak Bond.

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 7:16 AM   
 By:   ShadowStar   (Member)

My predictions:

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (20th Anniversary edition)
The Polar Express (20th Anniversary edition)
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (30th Anniversary release, just like BTAS Vol. 2 was a 20th Anniversary release)

I'm probably very far wide of the mark though, as I usually am with my guesses! smile But I remain optimistic for these releases.

Happy New Year, everyone!

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 7:41 AM   
 By:   lukasz22   (Member)

Maybe it WOULD be nice to have sth other than Bond, but judging that so many Bonds had their anniversaries last year

I had no idea that NOTHING else has anniversaries last year besides bond.

That's not what I meant. Many scores have their anniversaries of course, but so far from what I hear from all people saying on many different forums, it is Bonds that are hold by MGM or EON to be released ONLY by anniversary. All other scores from other labels, even if are restricted only to be released by anniversary, then there is a silence about these and that topic and their contracts between LaLaLand and them, so I am sure you know what I mean. Anyway, it would be too beautiful to have another Bond now. We will see on 15th of January now, won't we? smile

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 7:44 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Any rejected /un-used /any other word or phrase describing such a thing score coming from LLLR in 2025?

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 8:20 AM   
 By:   keky   (Member)

What I would like to know if there's any NEW score coming out in 2025. There was at least 20-25 scores from the last two years that I really liked but none of them have been released on CD. I'm glad when a great expansion or re-release that I missed comes out but even more glad when one of those new scores are released on CD that I like.

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 8:37 AM   
 By:   Kevin Costigan   (Member)

We have reached peak Bond.


 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 8:51 AM   
 By:   Andy_   (Member)

Strike while EON is hot. Let’s goooo!

And if it’s not 007, then let’s make it another great year.

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 8:54 AM   
 By:   ryanpaquet   (Member)

Guessing they might be:

Top Gun Maverick
Legend of Zorro

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 9:35 AM   
 By:   lostinscores   (Member)

Ooooh, I hear all the Bond haters… if there will indeed be one or two included.
Gladiator? Pass…

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 9:47 AM   
 By:   Martin B.   (Member)

Could be wrong but I really don't think there will be a bond title here.

Their BF bunch was only three titles, they moved some back to make way for the 2 Bonds.

Not every LLL batch is going to include Bond. We'll be lucky to get 2-3 a year.

Hopefully Legend of Zorro is one - a worthy follow up to 2023's Mask release.
Would love to see Gladiator - it gets mentioned a lot, but it seems just wishful thinking rather than based on any evidence it's coming.

Top Gun Maverick has been supposedly coming for ages. Who know if it still is but would be a great title for LLL to get.

All three, that would be a great start to 2025 for LLL, but looking forward to whatever they announce, and obviously look forward to any further Bond announcements. They release 'em I'll buy 'em.

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 9:57 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Maybe 2025 will finally bring us...

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 11:33 AM   
 By:   Illustrator   (Member)

If they were intended for last year we are also looking at the 40th anniversary of Dune and 20th anniversary of Hidalgo, just a thought...

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 11:36 AM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)

I'm sure whatever they are will appeal to us. Unless they've done a deal with ITV and Bandicoot to release a best-of album of performances from The Masked Singer UK. (Amend accordingly to apply where you live...Warner Bros. International Television does the Australian version so....)

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 12:14 PM   
 By:   lars.blondeel   (Member)

2024 was the 47th anniversary of TSWLM, so who knows

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 12:17 PM   
 By:   lars.blondeel   (Member)

'The Keep', to coincide with the Vinegar Syndrome 4K release

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 12:21 PM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)

For the last time, we aren't doing TG Maverick...and any film or tv show recorded with the AFM that was released after Aug 15 2005 can't be expanded or released due to high reuse fees. LEGEND OF ZORRO was released in Oct 2005. Hopefully, one day, this outdated rule will be lifted.

As for more Bond -- we would rather release 4 Bond titles that sell and pay the bills than 20 non Bond titles that don't even break even including titles by top composers. Sales are not what they used to be unless you release a highly desired title that appeals beyond this ever shrinking film score cd marketplace


 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 12:35 PM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

Hard to keep track of these things. Sucks about titles post 2005 but the hits keep on coming.
I think 2024 was one of my biggest years purchasing from LLL.

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 12:40 PM   
 By:   BasilDowl   (Member)

For the last time, we aren't doing TG Maverick...and any film or tv show recorded with the AFM that was released after Aug 15 2005 can't be expanded or released due to high reuse fees. LEGEND OF ZORRO was released in Oct 2005. Hopefully, one day, this outdated rule will be lifted.

As for more Bond -- we would rather release 4 Bond titles that sell and pay the bills than 20 non Bond titles that don't even break even including titles by top composers. Sales are not what they used to be unless you release a highly desired title that appeals beyond this ever shrinking film score cd marketplace


Get those Bonds out as fast as you can, strike while the iron is hot etc etc. Fully understand this!

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2025 - 12:42 PM   
 By:   jfallon   (Member)

I happily smell more Bond on the way.

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