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 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 3:55 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

Thanks CL.
I might sample the titles and then wait to watch the whole thing when my CD arrives, like I did with (the risible) DESPERATE VOYAGE.

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 4:03 AM   
 By:   Graham Watt   (Member)

I recall catching the beginning of this on the telly way back, and thinking that the music was outstanding, and VERY influenced by Goldsmith (as were many of BB's early scores - well, Goldsmith and Williams). Really startling, dramatic stuff. I was hugely impressed with the recent DESPERATE VOYAGE and so I'm thinking of picking this up (along with the Mellé - which I'm DEFFO getting).

I ordered the previous Mellé (THE INTRUDER WITHIN/ STARCROSSED) directly from BSX, but I was hit with a hefty customs fee when the postwoman knocked on my door, so I might wait until it/they appear(s) as "Pre-order" at one of the European stores.

That is of course outwith the control of BSX and all other US-based dealers. Do any of you in the UK or on the Continent get hit regularly with this tax when ordering from the States? It NEVER used to happen to (with) me, but now it ALWAYS seems to happen - even when receiving a Christmas Card!

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 4:36 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

No customs charges for me Graham, from ANY of the USA retailers I order from (BSX, Intrada, LLL, MovieMusic.. Kritzerland when they were score operational).
It's been many, many years since I last incurred a customs charge for stuff I order.
Maybe the Post Office are too busy prosecuting their own employees and sending them to jail to bother with some nerdy film score paraphernalia.

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 4:36 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)


 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 5:04 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

Not that I've ordered much in the last couple of years, but whenever I have, there has ALWAYS been a customs note. A couple of years ago, they changed the system. No 300 NOK limit anymore (if you were below that, custom-free). Now EVERYTHING is being charged with customs, no matter how small.

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 5:19 AM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)

Hopefully this indicates a crack in Warner Bros., since both movies are from Lorimar... (granted Lorimar wasn't under WB when these were made...)

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 6:03 AM   
 By:   Ross McEwen   (Member)

Do any of you in the UK or on the Continent get hit regularly with this tax when ordering from the States? It NEVER used to happen to (with) me, but now it ALWAYS seems to happen - even when receiving a Christmas Card!

Since Brexit I had never been charged tax on European or U.S. orders (this was probably coincidental), but then in November two consecutive packets of DVDs from the States incurred the full force of HMRC. I thought the golden age of import tax-free deliveries was over, but in December my orders from BSX, La-La Land, and Music Box were all delivered without charge.

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 9:27 AM   
 By:   chriscoyle   (Member)

The discount code doesn’t seem to work or is it just me?

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 10:09 AM   
 By:   Ford A. Thaxton   (Member)

The discount code doesn’t seem to work or is it just me?

Just tried it and it works just fine

Ford A. Thaxton

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 10:41 AM   
 By:   governor   (Member)

There's never enough Broughton. One of the most talented composers that TV and cinema music have ever known.
Thanks for starting this collection.
Any chance of doing some of the Dallas music ?

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 10:44 AM   
 By:   chriscoyle   (Member)

The discount code doesn’t seem to work or is it just me?

Just tried it and it works just fine

Ford A. Thaxton

Doesn’t work for me. Tried it on my iPad and iPhone. Same results. I’ll try again later.

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 10:47 AM   
 By:   Ford A. Thaxton   (Member)

The discount code doesn’t seem to work or is it just me?

Just tried it and it works just fine

Ford A. Thaxton

Doesn’t work for me. Tried it on my iPad and iPhone. Same results. I’ll try again later.

The code you got by email was just for the BROUGHTON Collection and was limited to one use for that title only.

it won't work for the other titles.

Ford A. Thaxton

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 10:58 AM   
 By:   chriscoyle   (Member)

The discount code doesn’t seem to work or is it just me?

Just tried it and it works just fine

Ford A. Thaxton

Doesn’t work for me. Tried it on my iPad and iPhone. Same results. I’ll try again later.

The code you got by email was just for the BROUGHTON Collection and was limited to one use for that title only.

it won't work for the other titles.

Ford A. Thaxton

Yes I know. I’m going directly from the email link. After I enter the code I get the red message to enter a valid discount code. I know how to spell his name better than mine.

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 11:36 AM   
 By:   First Breath   (Member)

Not that I've ordered much in the last couple of years, but whenever I have, there has ALWAYS been a customs note. A couple of years ago, they changed the system. No 300 NOK limit anymore (if you were below that, custom-free). Now EVERYTHING is being charged with customs, no matter how small.

If you buy from a private person and the package is marked with "gift" there is no customs.

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 11:39 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

I saw one person last year say costumes is getting wise to that and had checked a gift packaged and charged.

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 12:20 PM   
 By:   Erik Woods   (Member)

"BTW. if you listen to the opening of KILLJOY you'll hear an orchestra effect that he later re-used in YOUNG SHERLOCK HOLMES Main Title and End Credits"
If you're talking about that weird 'rolling metal ball in a wooden box' sound from the YSH titles, does anyone know how it was achieved?

It's called col legno, where string players tap their bows on the strings of their instruments; however, for YSH, to get that "rolling ball" effect they tapped their bows on their instrument cases.


 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 12:22 PM   
 By:   Angeldibujo   (Member)

If you buy from a private person and the package is marked with "gift" there is no customs.

That's not true anymore. At least in Spain, where they charge whatever they want, being a "gift", a commercial sample or something you have bought from an online store. Moreover, the amount they charge is absolutely random. I've had to pay even a 200% of the real value declared by the sender/seller, shipping included. Customs in my country is a shameless lawless territory where some people seems to be making a life of it.

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 12:58 PM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

Thanks for the intel, Erik.
Good to know.

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 1:42 PM   
 By:   First Breath   (Member)

If you buy from a private person and the package is marked with "gift" there is no customs.

That's not true anymore. At least in Spain, where they charge whatever they want, being a "gift", a commercial sample or something you have bought from an online store. Moreover, the amount they charge is absolutely random. I've had to pay even a 200% of the real value declared by the sender/seller, shipping included. Customs in my country is a shameless lawless territory where some people seems to be making a life of it.

Thankfully not like that in Norway.

 Posted:   Jan 9, 2025 - 9:43 PM   
 By:   Ford A. Thaxton   (Member)

Great job, Ford and Co.

More Bruce Broughton is always a good thing!:-)

I couldn't agree more.

Ford A. Thaxton

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