It's nice but.... his earlier efforts are classic. QUO VADIS BLISS LOST SOULS THE THIRD MIRACLE UNFAITHFUL and most recently: HACHIKO, A DOG'S STORY.
WONDERFUL score. Ever since Finding Neverland I've been hooked on Jan's music.
Hey DMD, I saw your reply and THOUGHT you'd be showing off an autograph! Very nice!  What's funny is, I sent Jan a copy of my Varese DVD over a year ago and sure enough one year later he sent back a nice note and my three covers I sent him. He felt bad for it taking so long. I don't mind at all. Glad he's working and busy!!! I must say out of all of his score, still by far, my favorite is Finding Neverland. I LOVE the tracks where it's just him at the piano, absolutely GORGEOUS stuff.
Hey DMD, I saw your reply and THOUGHT you'd be showing off an autograph! Very nice!  What's funny is, I sent Jan a copy of my Varese DVD over a year ago and sure enough one year later he sent back a nice note and my three covers I sent him. He felt bad for it taking so long. I don't mind at all. Glad he's working and busy!!! I must say out of all of his score, still by far, my favorite is Finding Neverland. I LOVE the tracks where it's just him at the piano, absolutely GORGEOUS stuff. It IS NOT HIM at the piano. Read your CD notes. Kaczmarek's pet piano player the famous jazz pianist Leszek Mozdzer. Frequently responsible for all the piano pieces in his scores. SO amusing to think back to how five years ago or so Kaczmarek was mostly vilified on this board... and the infamous an epic parsing of his scores was done by a devoted few... now long absent... and Gummy who passed away and is forgotten.