I remember watching "Water's Edge" and as soon as the ep started I said "That's Herrmann doing the score!" Very romantic in the MUIR style
This is a great surprise. I didn't think any of these scores even existed. I'm definitely ordering this.
This is so ordered!! I just want to say how exciting this is considering that the hour long episodes are not even available except on Hulu.com Thanks to all who worked on this collection (and Vol 2 too). You've made an old man happy.
First off, what is wrong with this board? Varese does an announcement - people are here to discuss when it happens and the board goes down. I know it was down until at least two in the morning. I really don't get it, but maybe it's time for new servers or software or something. Second off, this is a great and welcome release but it's more than a little weird to me to not include at least one of the two absolutely classic Herrmann scores - An Unlocked Window and The Jar. It seems almost willful to hold both back for volume two.
"Herrmann didn't score any of the episodes Hitchcock directed for the series." Wow! That was like a cold splash of reality. Thanks, Doc, I needed that. And thanks, Bob, for the list.
The sounds clips are so tantalizing!
This really is an amazing release!! I never thought that there would be anything left by Benny Herrmann for any record label to release and now Varese presents a 2-Disc Set!!! WOW, I can't wait until this one arrives here... Cheers, Uwe
This was the highlight for me, as I longed to see these scores released for over 35 years. Like BK, a bit disappointed THE JAR isn't there, but next time we'll see it. Maybe Universal will authorize a release of Herrmann's only made for tv movie, 1968's COMPANIONS IN NIGHTMARE. And THRILLER- VOL. I- The Goldsmith scores.
Ordered! I stayed up last night. At first, Varese only announced 3 titles and this was not one of the three. Still, very happy to discover this release later today! Via Varese!