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 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 11:06 AM   
 By:   'Lenny Bruce' Marshall   (Member)

I remember watching "Water's Edge" and as soon as the ep started I said "That's Herrmann doing the score!"
Very romantic in the MUIR style

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 11:13 AM   
 By:   Mark Ford   (Member)

Since this volume contains 8 of the 17 episodes Herrmann scored then I'm assuming that Volume 2 will present the other 9 for a complete set. If so, outstanding!

"What's the matter Benny? No need to be disappionted, Volume 2 will be along post haste I'm sure."

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 11:16 AM   
 By:   Chris Hadley   (Member)

This is a great surprise. I didn't think any of these scores even existed. I'm definitely ordering this.

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 11:22 AM   
 By:   Bob DiMucci   (Member)

Is Varese holding back on the Hitchcock directed episodes? (That would fill in a lot of gaps of their years together.) I don't know. Anybody got that book that came out a while back with all the episodes in it? Did Hitchcock direct any of these episodes? Dying to know.

No Hitchcock-directed episodes here. The directors were:

A Home Away From Home (S2, Ep 1)- Herschel Daugherty
You’ll Be The Death Of Me (S2, Ep 4) – Robert Douglas
Nothing Ever Happens In Linvale (S2, E6) - Herschel Daugherty
Behind The Locked Door (S2, Ep 22) – Robert Douglas
Body In The Barn (S2, Ep 32) – Joseph M. Newman
Change Of Address (S3, Ep 2) – David Friedkin
Water’s Edge (S3, Ep 3) - Bernard Girard
The McGregor Affair (S3, Ep 7) – David Friedkin

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 11:45 AM   
 By:   Doctor Shatterhand   (Member)

This is so ordered!!

I just want to say how exciting this is considering that the hour long episodes are not even available except on

Thanks to all who worked on this collection (and Vol 2 too).

You've made an old man happy.

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 11:45 AM   
 By:   haineshisway   (Member)

First off, what is wrong with this board? Varese does an announcement - people are here to discuss when it happens and the board goes down. I know it was down until at least two in the morning. I really don't get it, but maybe it's time for new servers or software or something.

Second off, this is a great and welcome release but it's more than a little weird to me to not include at least one of the two absolutely classic Herrmann scores - An Unlocked Window and The Jar. It seems almost willful to hold both back for volume two.

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 12:03 PM   
 By:   Doc Loch   (Member)

Is Varese holding back on the Hitchcock directed episodes? (That would fill in a lot of gaps of their years together.) I don't know. Anybody got that book that came out a while back with all the episodes in it? Did Hitchcock direct any of these episodes? Dying to know.

Herrmann didn't score any of the episodes Hitchcock directed for the series. For the first seven years when the series was a half hour show composers were not credited and the scores seemed to be made up of library tracks. When the series went to an hour-long format for its last three years they began making use of original scores for some episodes, with composers credited, but Herrmann did not start composing for the series until the last two seasons. The only episode of the hour-long series that Hitchcock directed was in the first season and did not have a credited original score. In addition to Herrmann and Lyn Murray, other composers who contributed to the hour series included Leonard Rosenman and Lalo Schifrin. Another bit of trivia -- two of the episodes represented on the Varese disc were written by Robert Bloch, so they constitute the reuniting of the composer and the author of Psycho.

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 1:05 PM   
 By:   Eugene Iemola   (Member)

"Herrmann didn't score any of the episodes Hitchcock directed for the series."

Wow! That was like a cold splash of reality. Thanks, Doc, I needed that.

And thanks, Bob, for the list.

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 2:53 PM   
 By:   John Morgan   (Member)

I would like to point out that Morgan & Stromberg are planning a rerecording of some of these scores.

The operative word would be "were" instead of "are."

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 3:08 PM   
 By:   .   (Member)

I'm always concerned to see "Vol.1" on a CD.
I hope Herrmann's Hitchcock Vol. 2 comes quicker than Jerry Goldsmith The Early Years Vol.2.
Four years and counting...

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 4:15 PM   
 By:   jonathan_little   (Member)

The sounds clips are so tantalizing!

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 5:01 PM   
 By:   Uwe Sperlich   (Member)

This really is an amazing release!! I never thought that there would be anything left by Benny Herrmann for any record label to release and now Varese presents a 2-Disc Set!!! WOW, I can't wait until this one arrives here...

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 5:52 PM   
 By:   John Black   (Member)

Mr. Morgan, any chance that would consider rerecording Herrmann's OBSESSION? I gather that you've "moved on" from the Hitchcock Hour scores.

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 6:17 PM   
 By:   Steve Johnson   (Member)

This was the highlight for me, as I longed to see these scores released for over 35 years. Like BK, a bit disappointed THE JAR isn't there, but next time we'll see it. Maybe Universal will authorize a release of Herrmann's only made for tv movie, 1968's COMPANIONS IN NIGHTMARE.
And THRILLER- VOL. I- The Goldsmith scores.

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 8:15 PM   
 By:   Scott Atkins   (Member)

Ordered! I stayed up last night. At first, Varese only announced 3 titles and this was not one of the three. Still, very happy to discover this release later today! Via Varese!

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 9:42 PM   
 By:   RonBurbella   (Member)

I'm of the age where I watched these original TV broadcasts and unconsciously marveled at the quality of the scoring, before I was fully aware of the master composer that Bernard Herrmann was.

Mr. Townson has (business-wisely) kept some of his powder dry for Volume 2, which I am as sure as anyone can be that it will be released.

It's all good Herrmann scoring, and I am so looking forward to re-hearing this fabulous music.

Congratulation to Bob Townson and the folks at Varese Sarabande for sneaking out a real pair of gems: one now, one in the future.

Can't wait for it to arrive. Bravo!

Ron Burbella

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 11:08 PM   
 By:   Jerry Horne   (Member)

Ordered. Certainly the only Varese that interested me. Oh how I wished it were 'Obsession' - oh well smile

 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 11:17 PM   
 By:   robertmro   (Member)

I would like to point out that Morgan & Stromberg are planning a rerecording of some of these scores.

The operative word would be "were" instead of "are."


 Posted:   May 23, 2011 - 11:56 PM   
 By:   John Black   (Member)

Perhaps the volume two of THE ALFRED HITCHCOCK HOUR will be released around Halloween? That would be a great time to release the more horrific scores such as THE JAR and AN UNLOCKED WINDOW.

I'm sorry to hear that the proposed Tribute rerecording of these scores has apparently been jettisoned. I'd be happy to purchase both the Varese and the Tribute releases, if both do come out.

 Posted:   May 24, 2011 - 12:12 AM   
 By:   quiller007   (Member)

I finally had some time this evening to listen to all the sound clips.
Great stuff as usual from Benny. This is a superb collection which
I'll be ordering shortly. I hope this is a sign for other Universal
tv series score releases. COLUMBO, NIGHT GALLERY and KOLCHAK
may very well be in the pipeline.


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