THE POWER is the one that takes me by surprise. The picture doesn't have a romantic theme of the sort that the record industry liked to exploit. The main theme would be too difficult for most amateur pianists. So I wonder about the musical content of this folio.
I had the same reaction. I would be fascinated to hear a piano performance of this, if any of the musicians on this board could find a copy of the sheet music and would be willing to take a shot at this.
For more information on the song derived from the Spellbound score and other attempts to come up with song tie-ins to Hitchcock films (including a song written to explain the title "Vertigo" that I suspect may have inspired Mel Brooks' "High Anxiety"), you might check out the article "Sing Along with Hitch: Musically Marketing the Master of Suspense" in the Routledge anthology The Soundtrack Album: Listening to Media, edited by Paul Reinsch and Laurel Westrup.
I cannot picture anyone rushing out to buy the sheet music from THE POWER. Yeah, it's a great score, but would somebody actually sit down at his/her piano to play a piece like this?