Great news! Ben-Hur (with Casino Royale) finally arrive to Russia! Fantastic news. But... I need to wait another 12-14 days till it arrive to me
So did your copy ever arrive, J B Fan? Also -- I bet you're the only guy on your block with a copy of the FSM BEN-HUR album, right?
Yes, it's arrived in time (12 after my message here, so I was right in my prediction ) And I hope that I'm not the only one who like FSM & Rozsa epics in Russia. But who knows about it for certain? Only Chris from SAE
That's an interesting question. Do you know if Ben-Hur was ever widely shown in Russia? Miklos Rozsa was under the impression that the film was not shown even in Hungary during the Communist era. That is why we in the Rozsa Society have never had a subscriber in Russia -- and only a very few in Hungary.
yes i know But i just seem to remember people on this thread where talking about it like it was sold out
The first pressing of 2000 units sold out in the first two weeks. Lukas then decided to make more because he had a hot seller on his hands. Some members were upset by this and were discussing this for days afterward. That's probably the talk you are remembering.
yes i know But i just seem to remember people on this thread where talking about it like it was sold out
The first pressing of 2000 units sold out in the first two weeks. Lukas then decided to make more because he had a hot seller on his hands. Some members were upset by this and were discussing this for days afterward. That's probably the talk you are remembering.
That might be so it means that i can get the very same edition after i ordered this the other day, would be goog so i would'nt have to listen to the isolated music track on the BD
I just saw BEN HUR for the first time last night, on TCM. It was pretty good. I think it was a little long and could benefit from some judicious editing, but other than that I liked it.