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 Posted:   Mar 24, 2016 - 7:58 AM   
 By:   Ado   (Member)

I got a pit seat for the concert in Austin on Saturday.
So I will tell you how it goes later.

 Posted:   Mar 24, 2016 - 8:29 AM   
 By:   other tallguy   (Member)

I got a pit seat for the concert in Austin on Saturday.
So I will tell you how it goes later.

Are those good seats? I have to buy my tickets today and I'm not sure where to sit.

 Posted:   Mar 24, 2016 - 8:35 AM   
 By:   Ado   (Member)

I got a pit seat for the concert in Austin on Saturday.
So I will tell you how it goes later.

Are those good seats? I have to buy my tickets today and I'm not sure where to sit.

OT. They told me "partially obstructed" but I am basically going to be within about 15 feet of the orchestra, so that is fine by me, I believe the result is somewhat blocked view of the bottom of the screen, but that is alright with me, because I am almost sitting with the orchestra. And the advantage, at least here, is that these were not very expensive seats.

 Posted:   Mar 24, 2016 - 10:50 AM   
 By:   Tom Servo   (Member)


 Posted:   Mar 24, 2016 - 1:45 PM   
 By:   Ford A. Thaxton   (Member)

I got a pit seat for the concert in Austin on Saturday.
So I will tell you how it goes later.

The orchestra I'm told by sources I trust is only about 35 CZECH players who were imported for this concert series.

In addition I'm also told they are playing with tracks that were recorded earlier and run by a couple of American Players in order to get a fuller sound and save $$$.

The LA Concert will have an 80 piece orchestra I'm told (The AFM had a fit when they heard about this and had 55 LA players contacted for those performances), but it's possible they will still be using pre-recorded tracks at that concert as well.

Make of that what you will.

Ford A. Thaxton

 Posted:   Mar 24, 2016 - 2:37 PM   
 By:   Matt S.   (Member)

I got a pit seat for the concert in Austin on Saturday.
So I will tell you how it goes later.

The orchestra I'm told by sources I trust is only about 35 CZECH players who were imported for this concert series.

In addition I'm also told they are playing with tracks that were recorded earlier and run by a couple of American Players in order to get a fuller sound and save $$$.

The LA Concert will have an 80 piece orchestra I'm told (The AFM had a fit when they heard about this and had 55 LA players contacted for those performances), but it's possible they will still be using pre-recorded tracks at that concert as well.

Make of that what you will.

Ford A. Thaxton

I had a sneaking suspicion that was the case. The orchestra was on the small side when I saw it in Boston, yet it sounded surprisingly "full." The program book only lists 30 players, and it is particularly light on the brass (2 horns, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba), only four woodwinds and two percussionists. In addition, when they played the Main Title from The Motion Picture, the trumpets cracked a few notes at the beginning when the theme came in, and on the CD I swear they miss the same notes, so that led me to wonder if the pre-recorded CD was played "over" the live players during the show.

Even if this confirms my suspicion, it in no way ruins my enjoyment of the show. I think it was a wonderful program, and I would eagerly see it again if it came back to my area.

 Posted:   Mar 24, 2016 - 3:36 PM   
 By:   Traveling Matt   (Member)

Is the CD no longer being sold online? The direct link comes up with a 404 now.

 Posted:   Mar 24, 2016 - 3:46 PM   
 By:   other tallguy   (Member)

Apparently not. T-shirts posters and program booklets only. What gives?

 Posted:   Mar 24, 2016 - 4:27 PM   
 By:   mastadge   (Member)

Maybe they sold out. Underestimated the passion of Star Trek fans.

 Posted:   Mar 26, 2016 - 4:44 AM   
 By:   SalaciousAckbar   (Member)

I was just about ready to purchase it too. Hope it comes back in stock.

 Posted:   Mar 26, 2016 - 2:35 PM   
 By:   losher22   (Member)

Either it's back in stock now, or the link was temporarily broken. Working fine for me.

 Posted:   Mar 26, 2016 - 4:04 PM   
 By:   ST-321   (Member)

Either it's back in stock now, or the link was temporarily broken. Working fine for me.

Yes, indeed.

 Posted:   Mar 27, 2016 - 1:17 PM   
 By:   Ado   (Member)

I thought it was a very enjoyable show, a very expert use of film clips intermingled. You can get a taste of how scenes would be scored by someone else. The Dorn voiceover, sometimes a bit much, but you just roll with it and in the end it works out. If you can get a reasonable ticket it is well worth it.

This is the program, it is 2 hours.

Main Title - ST TMP - Jerry Goldsmith
Main Title - ST Generations - Dennis McCarthy
The Enterprise - ST TMP - Jerry Goldsmith
Klingon Battle - ST TMP - Jerry Goldsmith
Ancient Combat ST TOS Amok Time - Gerald Fried
Baku Theme - ST Insurrection - jerry Goldsmith
Starship/Kirks Philosophy- Return to Tomorrow - George Dunning
Kirk Does It Again- ST TOS Doomsday Machine - Sol Kaplan
Main Title - ST Deep Space Nine - Dennis McCarthy
Ilia's Theme - ST TMP - Jerry Goldsmith
Revealed/Reaching Out - ST TNG Encounter at Farpoint - Dennis McCarthy
Courage/Saved Again - ST TNG - All Good Things - Dennis McCarthy
Main Title - ST Voyager - Jerry Goldsmith
Main Title - ST The Voyage Home - Leonard Rosenman
Red Alert - ST First Contact - Jerry Goldsmith
Captain Borg - ST TNG - Best of Both Worlds Part 1 - Ron Jones


Entr'Acte - Opening from Star Fleet Academy - Ron Jones
Epilogue and End Title - ST TWOK - James Horner
First Contact - ST First Contact - Jerry Goldsmith
Defiant Ending - ST Deep Space- The Changing Face of Evil- Nine Jay Chattaway -
I Can Live With It - Star Trek Deep Space Nine - In Pale Moonlight - David Bell
Inner Light Suite ST TNG - Inner Light - Jay Chattaway
Set Course for Home - ST Voyager - Caretaker - Jay Chattaway
Enterprising Young Men - Star Trek 2009 - Michael Giacchino
The Captain- ST Voyager- Year of Hell - Dennis McCarthy
End Credits Suite- ST The Undiscovered Country - Cliff Eidelman
Up Your Alley - ST Enterprise - Horizon - Mark Mckenzie
Archers Speech - ST Enterprise Terra Prime - Jay Chattaway
Overture - ST Generations - Dennis McCarthy
To Live Forever - ST Generations - Dennis McCarthy
Main Theme - ST TOS Alexander Courage

 Posted:   Mar 28, 2016 - 8:31 PM   
 By:   ST-321   (Member)

The Star Trek Facebook page is reporting: "Trek composers Dennis McCarthy (LA only), Jay Chattaway and Ron Jones are guest conducting Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage in LA and San Diego."

I'll see the show in San Diego later this week. smile

 Posted:   Mar 29, 2016 - 9:01 AM   
 By:   Ado   (Member)

The Star Trek Facebook page is reporting: "Trek composers Dennis McCarthy (LA only), Jay Chattaway and Ron Jones are guest conducting Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage in LA and San Diego."

I'll see the show in San Diego later this week. smile

I would imagine you will have a good time, I certainly did.
It is a Trek love fest, but really great music.

Yeah it is not the LSO, but they do pretty good.

 Posted:   Mar 30, 2016 - 2:41 AM   
 By:   chriss   (Member)

is someone able to order this CD online?
because i tried couple of times and it always gives mismatch credit card address error,
i guess international CC doesn't seems to work on the site, although they claim to support it
and i have a US address. :-(

maybe someone would able to help?

I've tried it, too. International cards don't work.

 Posted:   Mar 30, 2016 - 6:27 AM   
 By:   Spymaster   (Member)

I've tried it, too. International cards don't work.

Oh! That's... handy.

 Posted:   Apr 1, 2016 - 8:48 AM   
 By:   ST-321   (Member)

Here's my review of last night's concert in San Diego:

 Posted:   Apr 1, 2016 - 9:31 AM   
 By:   AlexCope   (Member)

I was at the Austin show with my wife. We had a good time overall but it definitely catered more to the casual Star Trek fan than a film music fan, which makes complete sense (the place was packed) and definitely played well to the audience but still diminished the experience somewhat for me. I dug the idea of showing video montages over the music, and going in with the idea of having some dialogue and sound effects didn't bother me, but I didn't expect just how much they'd be talking over the music. For a celebration of the music, they sure featured an awful lot of dialogue. The montage over the Star Trek Voyager theme was especially egregious as they had characters talking over practically every second of the piece. And the fact that they re-used some clips to fill out the montages was especially annoying. God forbid they just didn't talk there. Or they could have at least chosen another moment from the countless other memorable scenes in the series. And the Michael Dorn narration was absolute eye-rolling Trans-Siberian Orchestra bad. Just a laundry list of Star Trek characters... "Kirk, Picard, Q, Phlox, Tribbles, Janeway, Stardate, Enterprise, etc." And yet despite all that, it was still great to hear this music played live, and I got a nifty CD set out of it too, so good times overall.

 Posted:   Apr 1, 2016 - 10:33 AM   
 By:   Ado   (Member)

Alex, I would have met you if I had known you were there that night.
I was third row.

Agreed on your points, but I enjoyed it

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