Reminds me of Heavy Metal. I ain’t mad at it. I’m in the “just the music” camp. What worries me is the three years it’ll take to restore the website, just to list only Lionheart multiple times.
Reminds me of Heavy Metal. I ain’t mad at it. I’m in the “just the music” camp. What the devil is wrong with either the mutants peering over a score sheet or Taarna artworks for 1981's HEAVY METAL? Honest ? JJ
I don’t remember the music, but it’s a great pulp science fiction film that I haven’t watched in years. The original TV series "Firefly" was fantastic, but the storytelling was designed for a long haul, and when it got cancelled after 13 episodes it had only managed to lay out some foundation for a much bigger story. Serenity tries to squeeze an abbreviated version of what was intended into 2 hours, which made it less involving. It's like the cliff notes version of 2 seasons of television. The style and wit is still there, though. The cover is cute, I don't mind it. But it's meant I think for fans who are already familiar with the characters and who like different interpretations of them. For everyone else it's a little odd.
Another cover to add to the pile. Kudos to everyone who submitted custom covers. They are all infinitely better. Yours for me is the winner. Crisp and beautifully balanced.
I don’t remember the music, but it’s a great pulp science fiction film that I haven’t watched in years. The original TV series "Firefly" was fantastic, but the storytelling was designed for a long haul, and when it got cancelled after 13 episodes it had only managed to lay out some foundation for a much bigger story. Serenity tries to squeeze an abbreviated version of what was intended into 2 hours, which made it less involving. It's like the cliff notes version of 2 seasons of television. The style and wit is still there, though. The cover is cute, I don't mind it. But it's meant I think for fans who are already familiar with the characters and who like different interpretations of them. For everyone else it's a little odd. Big fan of the show. Very familiar with the characters. I even like bold interpretations of things, but this, to me, is a huge misstep.