In the Digital World, we can reorganize it anyway we want without regards to disk length. These releases are going to be excellent from what I can see, and I'm really looking forward to listening.
I’m in for all three. Not familiar with Jurassic 3 except for a surreal - and hilarious - scene where a dinosaur calls out the main character’s name.
Makes sense that there are no Bond releases along with the Black Friday batch. Otherwise, tons of packages would have been submitted to the embargo. Nicely played LaLa Land.
R O T A !
Amazing! I ordered Spider-Man 2 and The Godfather Part II as quickly as I could get my credit card out. The "part one" editions of both that LLL put out two years ago are stunning, and I'm still listening to them regularly. I find these two sequel scores to each be superior to the their preceding scores, and I can't wait to get 'em. I'm really happy that they included the non-Elfman cues in Spider-Man 2. Although I'm sure it is painful and possibly humiliating to Elfman to have had Christopher Young, John Debney and Richard Wagner come in and replace his music (ESPECIALLY so in Wagner's case), having those tracks in here is the right thing to do, and I'm happy that LLL sprung for those recordings.
Good Lord, La-La Land, what's the matter with you? You think I'm made out of money, for cryin' out loud? I'm afraid this bunch is a hat-trick, so I have to get them all.