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Jan 10, 2025 - 4:26 AM
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Graham Watt
If you buy from a private person and the package is marked with "gift" there is no customs. That's not true anymore. At least in Spain, where they charge whatever they want, being a "gift", a commercial sample or something you have bought from an online store. Moreover, the amount they charge is absolutely random. I've had to pay even a 200% of the real value declared by the sender/seller, shipping included. Customs in my country is a shameless lawless territory where some people seems to be making a life of it. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Angeldibujo, I'm in Spain too, and in about the past two years I've been hit by a seemingly arbitrary customs tax on 9 out of 10 packages. One of them was a single CD gift from a friend in the UK, for which I had to pay an additional 10 euros. The last time was my most recent (small) package from BSX, for which I had to pay an additional 30 euros. And so, in order to avoid that, I placed a pre-order with Music Box - but only for the Mellé title. You see, once I got onto the Music Box site, my eye caught something I had been on the lookout for a while, so that went into the cart and I had to forego the Broughton. I'm kind of kicking myself, because Music Box did warn me that it usually takes an age for BSX CDs to arrive for distribution in Europe, and I might have to wait three months. Added to that, I see that the "planned" release date for the latest threesome is "early February", so who knows when I'll get the Mellé. Now, going back in my time machine, if I had had any gumption, I would have just ordered from BSX. That way I would have ordered the Mellé AND the Broughton (autographed into the bargain) and received them probably mid-February. The dreaded customs tax may or may not have reared its ugly head. It might have been minimal at best, no more than a round of cañas in the bar (with fifteen friends). But now I don't know if I'll ever get around to getting the Broughton. Especially since I was initially put off because that isn't actually a photograph of Bruce Broughton on the cover. It's a photograph of a life-size cardboard cutout of Bruce Broughton, propped up against Ford Thaxton's ballet-dancing trophy cabinet.
Any new Broughton is certainly much appreciated! I'm glad to hear it. As for the customs issue, that's beyond our control and is between you and your Government and Postal Service. Nothing we can od about that. Ford A. Thaxton
Posted: |
Jan 11, 2025 - 9:49 AM
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As for the customs issue, that's beyond our control and is between you and your Government and Postal Service. Nothing we can od about that. Ford A. Thaxton That's true. Anyway, if it's possible, declaring a lower value than the real one can help. On the other hand, I can't but thank you for those wonderful releases. Your last batch is really amazing! Last night I tried to purchase all three using the discount codes I received in the mail, but the system only allowed me to use one of the codes. Therefore, only the price of one of the 3 CDs would be reduced. After making some numbers, adding the international shipping of $30 you ask in the site, I decided let all three CDs pass, until some of your great discount offers start.
As for the customs issue, that's beyond our control and is between you and your Government and Postal Service. Nothing we can do about that. Ford A. Thaxton That's true. Anyway, if it's possible, declaring a lower value than the real one can help. On the other hand, I can't but thank you for those wonderful releases. Your last batch is really amazing! Last night I tried to purchase all three using the discount codes I received in the mail, but the system only allowed me to use one of the codes. Therefore, only the price of one of the 3 CDs would be reduced. After making some numbers, adding the international shipping of $30 you ask in the site, I decided let all three CDs pass, until some of your great discount offers start. My friend, SHIPPING is what it is... It is rather shocking how much it costs to send internationally these days. As for the discounts, I suspect the offer was generally limited to a single item that could be combined with other discounts. You also get a digital version with the CD's are hen bought directly from BSX. Not a bad deal, IMHO. Ford A. Thaxton
This came in the other day along with GOLD OF THE AMAZON WOMEN. So far I've listened to it twice, and I'll be going back to it quite frequently. At first I thought that the sleek, glossy sound for ONE SHOE MAKES IT MURDER was just "too" sleek, '80s and glossy for my taste buds, but no, not really. I ended up enjoying it immensely. I kept being reminded of Dave Grusin, and while there are (unintentional?) nods to the likes of THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR (as Sartoris previously mentioned), I realised afterwards that it was actually putting me in mind of '90s Grusin (such as RANDOM HEARTS). The musicians are all exceptional on this. And just when you think that you're sitting in the cocktail bar of a plush hotel, Broughton switched to creepy dramatic mode. Exceptional. KILLJOY is much darker throughout, and also exceptional. Yes, we can hear that he's learned a lot from Goldsmith, but you'd never mistake it FOR Goldsmith. Chilling use of strings, the way they do those rapid upward glissandi. Next up for a second listen is Music Box's new (re)release of Herrmann's (BLOOD) SISTERS. I hope I get time tonight to sit and really listen to it.
Did you order directly from Buysoundtrax? Mine said it’s on the way on January 21 but hasn’t gotten beyond creating a shipping label. _____________________________________________________________________________________ I did, yes. No problem with shipping, all very prompt.