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This is a comments thread about FSM CD: It's Alive
 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 3:51 PM   
 By:   Jim Cleveland   (Member)

i just got mine. The man who wrote the scores that got me into film music and music in general -- Monsieur Benny Herrmann. Sniff.

There's no way in HELL that you've already received your copy.....FESS UP!!!! I know... you're not "Fess" Parker!big grinbig grinbig grinbig grin

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 4:01 PM   
 By:   Steve Johnson   (Member)

i just got mine. The man who wrote the scores that got me into film music and music in general -- Monsieur Benny Herrmann. Sniff.

There's no way in HELL that you've already received your copy.....FESS UP!!!! I know... you're not "Fess" Parker!big grinbig grinbig grinbig grin

Allow me to rephrase my comment:

I just ordered mine.

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 4:15 PM   
 By:   Francis   (Member)

This is our last Herrmann title.

I certainly hope it's not going to be the last horror score?

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 4:39 PM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

Is there anyone here who is familiar with both this film and the "It's Alive II" album? I would like to know if the content is substantially different. Not the recording itself or the conductor, but the musical content. Thanks in advance.

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 4:54 PM   
 By:   Limmerine   (Member)

Limited or not?

The information on the site of FSM is N/A, but the picture of the tracklist shows that it is limited to 3000 copies.

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 4:56 PM   
 By:   MerM   (Member)

Lukas said earlier in the thread that it's 3000.

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 5:01 PM   
 By:   Ryan Clark   (Member)

I'm not very fond of this score and money's tight, so I'm going to pass on it. But I'm happy it's being released for those who want it.

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 5:29 PM   
 By:   spielboy   (Member)

I have IT'S ALIVE 2. Is more or less the same music? major differences? (I read Laurie Johnson reorchestrates and conducts...)

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 6:09 PM   
 By:   SteffM   (Member)

Such lightweight, sunny stuff. Beware, this is no GHOST AND MRS. MUIR. But then everything doesn't have to be.

I certainly hope it's not going to be the last horror score? :

Of course not. Lukas still owes us Sukman's SALEM'S LOT. wink

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 6:26 PM   
 By:   Moonie   (Member)


 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 6:37 PM   
 By:   The Mutant   (Member)

I have IT'S ALIVE 2. Is more or less the same music? major differences? (I read Laurie Johnson reorchestrates and conducts...)

It's essentially the same music. I find part 2 to be more shrill and the electronics not as cool as part 1.

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 6:44 PM   
 By:   quiller007   (Member)

I have IT'S ALIVE 2. Is more or less the same music? major differences? (I read Laurie Johnson reorchestrates and conducts...)

It's essentially the same music. I find part 2 to be more shrill and the electronics not as cool as part 1.

They both sound pretty much the same, imo. Both have shrill electronics.
Only part 2 is in stereo, and this one sounds like tape-hissy mono.
But I'm only judging from the sound clips which don't sound all that
great on my pc. I'll order one later this month.

Anyway, any Herrmann is welcome. Although I'm now convinced, more than
ever, that a complete and remastered OBSESSION is never going to happen.


 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 7:12 PM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

Thanks all. As someone who loves "It's Alive 2," I think I'll pass and let someone who really wants this release have my theoretical copy.

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 7:18 PM   
 By:   .   (Member)

I'm not very fond of this score and money's tight, so I'm going to pass on it. But I'm happy it's being released for those who want it.

Thank you.

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 9:18 PM   
 By:   John McMasters   (Member)

Thank you, Lukas! I actually caught "It's Alive" during its first run engagement in Chicago -- it was so exciting to hear a new Herrmann score back then. In my opinion the film, and its sequels, are very interesting -- well acted, conceptually provocative, and possessed of a unique, sad, melancholic world view -- enhanced immeasurably by Herrmann's somber, direful, beautiful music. The films are a dirge for the family unit in a chaotic, threatening, bleak universe -- with moments of compassion and love gleaming here and there like the glimmering flashlights that haunt the main titles of "It's Alive." I especially like the opening scenes of "It's Alive" when a seemingly normal family goes through very mundane experiences preparing for a new baby -- low key dialogue, etc. -- and then the stunning birth sequence -- and that wonderful moment when the father rushes down the hospital corridor into the bloody operating room and, suddenly, all hell breaks loose. Herrmann handles that sequence absolutely masterfully, as does Mr. Cohen. Great, grand stuff. Thank you for another holy grail!

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 9:45 PM   
 By:   MerM   (Member)

Watching the movie right now, and ya know... this is a pretty good movie, relatively speaking. Obviously it's not an artistic triumph or a critical darling, but it's a low-budget creeper with some thoughts in its head. Given the genre, that it even attempts those two is commendable, but it makes a pretty effective film. Then again, I was raised on movies like this, so maybe I'm biased. big grin

And the music's great! I really, REALLY love the bass. Can't wait til I have the money to order this puppy.

 Posted:   Mar 5, 2012 - 10:12 PM   
 By:   dan the man   (Member)

I can not overestimate how important this score was for this Larry Cohen mini- classic.

 Posted:   Mar 6, 2012 - 7:33 AM   
 By:   crwdfwtx197   (Member)

As an impressionable teen, this movie scared me and made me sad for the misunderstood killer demon baby at the end. Bennie's music played no small role in that. I've wanted the score for these thirty years, and am utterly thrilled to have it released by the one and only FSM.

 Posted:   Mar 6, 2012 - 8:11 AM   
 By:   Jehannum   (Member)

Herrmann, a mutated killer baby and a Moog...sign me up!

Ordered. I wish this was the CD cover art, though.

 Posted:   Mar 6, 2012 - 11:01 AM   
 By:   John Black   (Member)

Anybody happen to know when this will begin shipping?

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