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 Posted:   May 14, 2024 - 7:04 AM   
 By:   MRAUDIO   (Member)

I hope so, but you're the only one commenting, so I guess I'll just shelve any future suites for the show.

I hope not, since you did such a great job.

How about it guys - more FIVE-O Suites from Justin?

 Posted:   May 16, 2024 - 7:42 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

What to expect from next week's suites:

Jerry Goldsmith, Angels, and Brad Fiedel. And, of course, two more MuTel Music cues. Quite a mix, no?

 Posted:   May 18, 2024 - 8:39 AM   
 By:   Sartoris   (Member)

I hope so, but you're the only one commenting, so I guess I'll just shelve any future suites for the show.

No no Justin, there is not only our common friend MR Audio. I too follow all your stuff on a weekly basis. It is much appreciated.

And I have a few other friends who like Morton Stevens as well, especially his cop shows, but they not necessarily do post or comment here.

 Posted:   May 20, 2024 - 7:59 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's suites.

"Charlie's Angels"

Suite #3, covering the first few episodes after the pilot. See my thread for the show, where I note under episodes which suite is covering it:

Composer: Jerry Goldsmith

Suite #1.

This suite covers the first episode of the series that Jerry scored.

This is a salvage-job suite, where I took cleaner parts of cues from track-job episodes, and pasted over bad parts in the episode proper. Thankfully I had not finished the suites when I discovered that Lalal A.I. program, so I was able to run parts threw that instead of flat-out deleting them. Some dialogue and FX bits were left in to preserve the music structure.

One cue sounds like it was not used in full, and another edited up. An official release should reveal unheard scoring.

This is the best you'll have short of an official release.

Composer: Brad Fiedel

Suite #1. No further suites planned at this time.

This was a one-season lasting series from 1999.

An hour-long cop drama show set around an Irish(?) copy/family.

I used the Lalal A.I. dialogue remover to clean up parts I would normally have had to delete. Did a fairly good job, hard to tell some of the places it was used on.

I have included in this suite two different end credits cues.

Turns out a small part is part of a song, and it tripped copyright. 3:16 in: "Let's Straighten it Out" (Boneshakers).

MuTel Music:

Two more cues from the "Johnny Dollar" radio program.

"depressing slow bass clarinet climb"

While not used as much as other cues, it was used enough to where I only had to delete some small part of dialogue that the Lalal A.I. program could not even detect.

This is again my nick name for the cue, as the real name is not currently know.

"untitled 1"

Unfortunately, while this cue was used quite a number of times, the end result leaves something to be desired, and I had to edit out little bits here and there. I think I also ran it through the Lalal A.I. program months ago, but don't recall.

 Posted:   May 22, 2024 - 8:47 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

What to expect from Tuesday's suites.

It's been a long street, but I'm steele making suites, and Tuesday will have more paradise score. Private investigators, a western series, Stu Phillips, and another special salvage-job trailer music cue. And two more MuTel Music cues, which I am starting to run low on now.

 Posted:   May 28, 2024 - 8:12 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's meaty suites.

Composer: Oliver Nelson

Suite #1.

This suite also includes some salvage job work. A number of cues were edited up and tracked into other episodes, which allowed me to make some cues better. One cue in this suite is missing a part, which was heard in a track-job edit, but it had distracting FX over it; you'd never know there was a part missing, so don't worry.

The Lalal A.I. dialogue remover was used in some cues. Just check out what it did to the source cue with him and Burce Lee are training. The cue at about 5:00 in -- you'd never know that had dialogue over it. The cue opening starting at 13:25 -- had dialogue over almost all of it; in the passed, I would have just had to edit out that opening, but the Lalal A.I. program has salvaged the entire opening.

"Guns of Paradise"
Composer: Jerrold Immel

Suite #3.

Covering more score from season one.

The Lalal A.I. dialogue remover was used in some cues.

"Remington Steele"
Composer: Richard Lewis Warren

Suite #3.

Continuing through season one.

The Lalal A.I. dialogue remover was used on many cues.

"The Fall Guy"
Composer: Stu Phillips

Suite #1.

The Lalal A.I. dialogue remover was used a little.

"Star Trek: The Next Generation"
Composer: ?????

It was this week back in 1994 that the series came to a close after seven seasons.

This is the promo music used in the lead up to the series finale "All Good Things...".

This is a special salvage job. There were different versions of the promo, so I was able to use cleaner parts to clean up the cue (removing some FX -- something the Lalal program currently cannot do).

MuTel Music:

Two more cues from "Johnny Dollar".


Even though this cue got a fair amount of use, certain parts always had FX over them, so the ending is the best I could come up with, with the episodes available as of last year.

Again, my nick name as the real name of the cue is unknown.

"brass fanfare opening"

While this one got a fair amount of use, the end result is still a little wobbly.

PLEASE NOTE: The Lalal A.I. dialogue remover could not catch some short bits, which when I raised the volume, make the dialogue sudden and loud -- be careful with your ears! The dialogue occurs over places I couldn't simply edit out the dialogue without removing musical transitions.

Again, my nick name as the real name of the cue is unknown.

 Posted:   May 30, 2024 - 1:51 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Next week's suites (day to be posted, yet to be known):

It's getting hot outside, even the wheels are going to melt with Morton Stevens at the helm. And you'll sweat it out with Mike Post & Pete Carpenter. And two more of the final cues I have done from the "Johnny Dollar" radio program.

 Posted:   Jun 3, 2024 - 8:42 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's suites. With two surprise suites.

Composer: Morton Stevens (and possibly some material by William Broughton)

Suite #1 (of two).

I'll preface this by saying I did not record the music, I merely edited it and ran it through the Lalal A.I. program. The recordist believes the suites to be Stevens material (well, at least the first suite is Stevens for sure), but we can't be sure.

At the time the loads of the mini series that I linked to, were no where to be found and no loads had been up for over a decade. The source is what it is. I kept the double-billing title card in the case there is Broughton material in the suites; better to cover both composers names than skip one.

"The Duke"
Composers: Mike Post & Pete Carpenter

Suite #2.

Previously only the feature-length pilot was up, but a few short months ago another episode popped up, so this suite covers one episode. And thanks to the late appearance, I was able to use the Lalal A.I. program a little.

Composer: Nelson Riddle

This suite covers the only episode of the series that Riddle scored. Portions were also ran through the Lalal A.I. program to salvage as much of the selected cues as possible.

Composer: Billy Goldenberg

Suite #1, covering the first episode he scored.

This is a special suite where the Lalal A.I. program was used extensively to salvage as much of the scoring as possible, including a lengthy cue where Banacek meets a woman and takes her out to eat -- a delightful piece that previously I would have to have edited all to hell in order to present, now presented with barely an edit to be found! Volumes levels adjusted. Best thing short of an official release!

MuTel Music:

Two more library cues. Can you believe it? I've only got like four more weeks, and then I am out of the cues I covered!

"descending staccato brass to crash"

This cue was fairly easy to salvage and came out rather well, aside from the obviously old tapes sounds.

Once again, this is my nick name for the cue as the real name is not currently known.

"untitled 1234/123"

This cue came out rather decently. I think I did a little Lalal A.I. work on it (don't recall now, been a while), but not all dialogue was removed, so there are some brief little artifacts here and there. Volume levels have been adjusted since the levels were always faded down after the opening (not perfectly, but good enough).

Once again, this is my nick name for the cue as the real name is not currently known.

 Posted:   Jun 3, 2024 - 9:11 AM   
 By:   MRAUDIO   (Member)

This week's suites. With two surprise suites.

Composer: Morton Stevens (and possibly some material by William Broughton)

Suite #1 (of two).

I'll preface this by saying I did not record the music, I merely edited it and ran it through the Lalal A.I. program. The recordist believes the suites to be Stevens material, but we can't be sure.

At the time the loads of the mini series that I linked to, were no where to be found and no loads had been up for over a decade. The source is what it is. I kept the double-billing title card in the case there is Broughton material in the suites; better to cover both composers names than skip one.

"The Duke"
Composers: Mike Post & Pete Carpenter

Suite #2.

Previously only the feature-length pilot was up, but a few short months ago another episode popped up, so this suite covers one episode. And thanks to the late appearance, I was able to use the Lalal A.I. program a little.

Composer: Nelson Riddle

This suite covers the only episode of the series that Riddle scored. Portions were also ran through the Lalal A.I. program to salvage as much of the selected cues as possible.

Composer: Billy Goldenberg

Suite #1, covering the first episode he scored.

This is a special suite where the Lalal A.I. program was used extensively to salvage as much of the scoring as possible, including a lengthy cue where Banacek meets a woman and takes her out to eat -- a delightful piece that previously I would have to have edited all to hell in order to present, now presented with barely an edit to be found! Volumes levels adjusted. Best thing short of an official release!

MuTel Music:

Two more library cues. Can you believe it? I've only got like four more weeks, and then I am out of the cues I covered!

"descending staccato brass to crash"

This cue was fairly easy to salvage and came out rather well, aside from the obviously old tapes sounds.

Once again, this is my nick name for the cue as the real name is not currently known.

"untitled 1234/123"

This cue came out rather decently. I think I did a little Lalal A.I. work on it (don't recall now, been a while), but not all dialogue was removed, so there are some brief little artifacts here and there. Volume levels have been adjusted since the levels were always faded down after the opening (not perfectly, but good enough).

Once again, this is my nick name for the cue as the real name is not currently known.

Your WHEELS SUITE is definitely all by Mort. Bill Broughton only contributed a few cues in Part Four as per Mort’s request and those cues are not in the Suite.

 Posted:   Jun 7, 2024 - 8:56 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

What to expect from next week's suites (day to be posted, yet to be set in stone):

Special salvage-job suites for the second episode of "Destry" that Goldsmith scored, and another suite from "Charlie's Angels". And, of course, two of the final cues (that I covered) from the old radio program "Johnny Dollar".

 Posted:   Jun 7, 2024 - 9:01 AM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

@ Mr. Justin Boggan. Have you ever covered British crime or drama series. I'm thinking of MORSE and KAVANAGH QC, particularly KAVANAGH, a brilliantly scored series - especially from series 2 onward.

 Posted:   Jun 7, 2024 - 9:07 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

No British shows yet, though I have one coming up (an adventure series from the 1970's) with two or three suites covering the whole thing. I'll have to check out those you mentioned!

 Posted:   Jun 7, 2024 - 9:12 AM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

No British shows yet, though I have one coming up (an adventure series from the 1970's) with two or three suites covering the whole thing. I'll have to check out those you mentioned!

Colour me curious for the adventure series. smile

 Posted:   Jun 10, 2024 - 8:40 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's suites.

"Charlie's Angels"

Suite #4. See my thread for the series, for what episodes this covers. This is the final suite this year for the show.

The Lalal A.I. program was utilized on parts of this suite.

Composer: Jerry Goldsmith
Suite #2:
Suite #3:

These special suites cover the second episode of the series that he scored.

These are very special salvage-job suites. This is a term ("salvage job") I used to described when I go through a series and find all parts of the episode scored that were tracked, to copy and paste precisely over the same place in the episode score, to clean up bad parts. As good as Lalal is, it cannot do the same kind of job, and it cannot remove FX (or even fully remove dialogue), so nothing beats a salvage job right now. Then I ran it through the Lalal A.I. program to remove dialogue that I couldn't otherwise find cleaner parts of.

In some cases I have preserved dialogue and FX to maintain the music structure.

There was some tracking inside the episode, so I removed those and used them to clean up cues a little. The episode also edited up a bunch the action cue from the third and final episode he scored, and tracked it in here; I deleted that (it stays where its supposed to be, in the third episode).

Suite #2 has part of an alternate take of the cue from the close of the episode when Destry sees the old lady off on a train. This cue was used in edited form in the opening two plus minute montage each episode to describe the show's premise. It would have been WAY TOO MUCH work to try and salvage this cue. It's pretty much the same except the in the episode he used that circus organ(?) for the descending seven notes when they get to the train, but in the alternate, it's a trumpet playing that part. There's also action material edited on to it, not found in all three episodes and I think it's part of a deleted cue from this episode (perhaps where the tracked action music from the third episode was).

Removed tracked score within the episode, meant having to try and make things work. One cue has no ending now, so the end must have been dropped from the episode.

A proper release of this episode score, should yield unheard score and alternates.

MuTel Music:

Two more cues.

"thud/harp plucks"

Once again, this is my nick name for the cue, as the real name is not currently known.

The Lalal A.I. program couldn't find the dialogue, so I had to edited it out. IT's a short simple cue anyway.

"thud/two flutes"

Once again, this is my nick name for the cue, as the real name is not currently known.

The Lalal A.I. program was used to removed some dialogue. I have attempted to fix volume levels, but for anybody who has ever used Audacity, you know the envelope tool hits a ceiling, and the only way to use it again, is to save the track, and re-import it, which is really annoying, so I gave up and went with "Good enough" at a certain point.

 Posted:   Jun 10, 2024 - 9:24 AM   
 By:   MRAUDIO   (Member)


I’ve been sending you emails with one with a link.

Please let me know if you receive them. The emails have been
Confirmed sent on my end.

 Posted:   Jun 10, 2024 - 1:34 PM   
 By:   merlyn   (Member)

Hi Justin,
Great new music suites thank you

 Posted:   Jun 12, 2024 - 10:54 AM   
 By:   MRAUDIO   (Member)

Hey Justin,

Please check your email again.


 Posted:   Jun 12, 2024 - 10:57 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

I got the e-mail this time, Glenn.

 Posted:   Jun 13, 2024 - 1:24 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

What to expect from next week's suites (don't know which day yet):

The chase continues with Oliver Nelson, more Immel, more adult film track-job music, and Stu Who. And some of the very last MuTel Music cues I handled.

 Posted:   Jun 13, 2024 - 2:06 PM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

@ Mr. Boggan. Have you considered a breakdown of KOLCHAK THE NIGHT STALKER - Gil Melle

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