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 Posted:   Aug 19, 2024 - 7:49 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's suites.

"Bealuh Land"
Composer: Allwyn Ferguson

Suite #1. Fulfilling a request.

This suite covers the first feature-length episode of the mini series.
The Lalal. A.I. program was used to remove some dialogue.

"Gemini Man"
Composer: Lee Holdridge

Suite #1.

While I lost track of what episodes this suite covers, I want to say it covers probably the first two solo scores of his.

The Lalal A.I. program was utilized to remove some dialogue.

"The Immortal"
Composer: Dominic Frontiere

Suite #2. A request.

This suite covers I think the first two episodes where suite #1 left off.
I think the Lalal. A.I. program was used to remove some dialogue.

In my opinion, much better scoring found in suite #2 (and #3...) than the first suite.

 Posted:   Aug 22, 2024 - 9:24 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

What to expect from Monday's suites:

Four suites next week, from Oliver Nelson, "Remington Steele", a score that was previously impossible to do until these A.I. programs (kind of a special Christmas gift to myself), and the mega funky suite for "Hart to Hart" (over ten minutes long!).

 Posted:   Aug 22, 2024 - 9:57 AM   
 By:   Sartoris   (Member)

Thank you Justin for this new Dominic Frontiere's THE IMMORTAL suite.
I guess I am the one who requested this....

Besides, can't wait for any upcoming Oliver Nelson stuff for next week.

 Posted:   Aug 26, 2024 - 8:05 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's suites.
Followed by clues for next week's suites -- the aforementioned contest.

The Alpha Caper
Composer: Oliver Nelson

Suite covering this 1970's TV movie where a cop decides to get some bad guys together to pull a major heist.

Unfortunately, as I recall, I had this in the can before I discovered websites like

"Hart to Hart"
Composer: Mark Snow

Funky suite #1.

The mega suite! Just over ten minutes long!

Notes about the suite: I used all the fast-paced funky material I could find from season one, then ran parts through Lalal to remove dialogue, then through Easeus to remove anything else Lalal missed, then used to remove some FX to reduce some FX (it's a mixed bag what you'll get).

Then I tried to put them all in an order where the music flowed best I could get it to flow and have a finish.

It opens with the car chase music from the pilot (already covered in suite #1 in awful edited-down form), which I was able to do some salvage work on because it was edited up and tracked in another episode. Sadly, I discovered the cue was never heard in-full in the series and we never hear the ending part.

As a super special bonus, I have included my favorite version of the series main theme, the season one arrangement, only I ran it threw all three sites, so for the first time you can hear it dialogue free and nearly FX free -- I could not find another person who has done this on YouTube.

Obviously it is not possible to make it seamless, but I tried my best to get it that way -- spent a lot of time on that.

Coward of the Country
Composer: Larry Cansler

What do you get when you have a light touch of Goldsmith, with some sound of Horner country scoring, funneled through a 190's sound, this score.

This is a very special suite, because before A.I. programs like Lalal, Easeus, and MVSep -- this was impossible to do. The opening cue for a military war news reel, for example, had mixed results in Lalal, but Easeus cleared up all the dialogue.

A few short years ago I even contacted the composer, because I really wanted one of the cues here. I think he said he didn't have the score.

"Remington Steele"
Composer: Richard Lewis Warren

Suite #6.

And with this suite, I have now (contrary to prior statements where I was uncertain) concluded work on all of season one. If I am able to still make suites next year, season two will start.

This suite utilized Lalal to remove dialogue (I hadn't discovered the other sites yet).


See an above post for further details.

Additional details: In order to enter you have to know both titles. One does not count. Post what you think each one is. First person to get them both right, wins.

The first image is set to automatically delete after 31 days.

Suite #1 clue:

Suite #2 clue:

 Posted:   Aug 29, 2024 - 11:40 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Suites will be posted Tuesday. So far, no body has taken a shot at guessing.

 Posted:   Aug 29, 2024 - 1:51 PM   
 By:   Sartoris   (Member)

Following Suite #2 clue, my guess is...THE LOOKING GLASS WAR (1970) by Angela Morley (ex-Walter Stott)....

 Posted:   Aug 30, 2024 - 7:31 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Sorry, nope. And that's a score I don't intend on ever covering (years ago, went through the film, was not taken by any of the scoring).

 Posted:   Sep 3, 2024 - 7:58 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's suites.

"Alice in Wonderland"
Composer: Morton Stevens

Suite #1:
Suite #2:

Two special A.I. salvage jobs covering the first episode of the two-part 1980's mini series. This was a lot of work and I will not be doing the second episode -- I am just going to assume some label like Dragon's Domain Records -- will handle the mini series eventually.

I utilized the Lalal A.I. and Easeus A.I. websites to remove as much dialogue as possible, and some select FX where it was caught. I have also adjusted volume levels as possible, but Stevens would use dramatic differences in the dynamic range of the sound levels of the orchestra, which makes it hard to really raise some cues without it sounding unnatural. Maybe the mix of the score has something to do with it, too.

I have done instrumentals of three songs: one which is two selection from one song, edited together (all that was really needed anyway). But I have to make comments about one song I covered in full, instrumental now thanks to the A.I. programs -- a beautiful orchestral cue with the sound and emotional pull of Jerry Goldsmith: emotional, beautifully paced, he right orchestral colors when needed -- no singing required to enjoy this piece of beauty. This particular cue begins suite #2 and runs somewhere a just over two minutes.

"Hill Street Blues"
Composer: Mike Post

Suite #1, which covers about half of the first season.

This suite was completed before I discovered the A.I. programs.

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2024 - 10:57 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

What to expect from Monday's suites:

A 1970's British adventure series, John Addison, suite #1 to the pervert film, and a suite from a TV series.

 Posted:   Sep 9, 2024 - 7:58 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's suites.

"The Adventurer"
Composer: Paul B. Clay

Suite #1.

A 1970's British adventure series that barely lasted one season.

This suite covers about the first half of the show. John Barry provided the theme music (not included) and Clay scored the whole series.

There was a lot of tracking of score cues, which allowed me to bring this down from three suites to two, and allowed me to do salvage work on multiple cues to make them better.

I found information online saying that tapes for the show's music could not be found, so that's why while other British shows from that period have had set of scoring, this one has not.

I utilized both the Lalal A.I. website and the Easeus website to remove dialogue.

You may recall his name from my thread covering the scoring of the British TV series "Thriller" (no relation to the American series by the same name).

Composer: John Addison

Suite #1.

Covering the original Canadian version of the film. Originally a comedy that was reportedly hard to follow and alleged to be a tax shelter of some sort to avoid high punitive Canadian taxes, a few years later it was re-edited, new material shot, and turned into a more serious film with a new score to reflect that by Christopher Young.

We had a thread here recently that I posted in and linked to a copy of the original film.

There was tracking of cues inside the film, which I ended up using to do some minor salvage work.

The Lalal A.I. website was utilized to remove some dialogue. This is the best you'll get short of an official release, which is unlikely to ever happen since the Canadian musician's union wants way too much money, making releases of scores recorded in Canada, cost prohibitive (that covers a number of Gil Melle scores and most of the scores from "MacGyver").

"In the Heat of the Night"
Composer: Nan Schwartz

Suite #1. No further suites covered, but more intended.

This suite covers the first two to four episodes she scored. The Lalal A.I. website was utilized to remove some dialogue.

Summer is almost over in my area (only two days away from the official first day of Fall) and the heat is almost gone, so I decided to go ahead and get this out now. I meant to do it earlier when it was super hot, but forgot.

The Generation Children
Composer: Jerry Styner

Suite #1.

The horrible pervert film nobody should ever have to watch, but had a fantastic classical-music sounding score. So I decided to cover the score so people can now hear it and not watch this awful film.

The Lalal A.I. website was utilized to remove dialogue.

 Posted:   Sep 9, 2024 - 8:21 AM   
 By:   Simon Morris   (Member)

There's been some debate in the past as to whether Paul Clay did actually 'score' The Adventurer at all. He was known as an editor/music editor rather than as a composer. Personally I don't believe he composed the score (which I quite like) at all. It resembles some of the groovy music Laurie Johnson did for the ITC series 'Jason King' and I've always wondered if Laurie did it in reality and took his name off the series as it, eh, wasn't too good.

 Posted:   Sep 16, 2024 - 7:59 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's suites.

"Family Matters"
Composer: Steve Chesne

Suite #1.

This suite covers all the episode of season one that he scored. It's not all cues, but it's nearly everything.

I utilized Lalal A.I. and Easeus A.I. websites to remove dialogue. Some laugh tracks were removed by Easeus that Lalal was not able to do.

Composer: Alf Clausen

Suite #1.

This suite covers all episode of season one that Alf did by himself.

I think I used the Lalal A.I. website on it.

One More Train to Rob
Composer: David Shire

A user had posted in a thread in the last year or so period this was a title he really wished would be released, so I decided to make it a request of my own accord and do a suite.

I think this was pre-Lalal A.I. discovery, so it one of my old edit jobs. I've had it sitting a while -- meant to release it during the summer, but then realized I needed to hold some suits to build up a collection because I didn't want to get behind and there be weeks with nothing.

I thought it might potentially trip copyright, so I foregoed YouTube.

"Gemini Man"
Composer: Lee Holdridge

Suite #2.

Picking back up where I left off with the previous suite on season one. No further suites by him or any other composers recorded, but more is intended.

The Lalal A.I. website was utilized to remove dialogue. I think I also used Easeus, too.

 Posted:   Sep 17, 2024 - 12:53 PM   
 By:   merlyn   (Member)

Thanks Justin for another batch of incredible suites

 Posted:   Sep 19, 2024 - 8:47 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

You're welcome. :-)

What to expect from Monday's suite -- the final suites for September (yes, I know Monday after is the 30th, but I am kicking off Halloween month themed suites that week):

The second suite for "Bealuh Land" suite, Dominic Frontiere, Wynton Marsalias, and for Rosenman's anniversary I tried to get something ready as fast as possible and hope to have it ready for Monday (blinding speed, probably need a cane to get around afterwards).

 Posted:   Sep 20, 2024 - 10:11 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

I have no idea when this popped up, since it didn't use to exist, but Mike Post is online now -- Facebook, Instagram, and a personal website:

 Posted:   Sep 23, 2024 - 8:44 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's suites.

"Bealuh Land"
Composer: Allwyn Ferguson

Suite #2.

This suite covers episode two of the three-part mini series. I am stopping here, as I don't want to cover an entire mini series only to find out a few months later some label releases the scoring, plus I think two are good enough for now, and leave the rest to some later-date official release.

This is another special Lalal A.I. salvage job suite.

In Broad Daylight
Composer: Leonard Rosenman

Suite #1.

Special Lalal/Easeus/and MVSep salvage-job suite.

You wouldn't readily notice, but there was a noticeable amount of tracking inside the 1971 TV movie, so I have tried to remove some duplicate material and use it to clean up parts to make the score slightly better.

I don't know what the reason(s) for tracking are, but I speculate that it's one or both of the following: Lenny didn't record enough score, thought it needed less, but the producers realized it did, after-the-fact. And it's possible a good amount of his scoring was simply dropped from the film. I personally think both are correct. Knowing the kind of temperament he had -- even back then -- I can imagine they called him up and told him they needed more music. He probably said no and hung up.

"Shannon's Deal"
Composer: Wynton Marsalis

Suite #1.

Lalal A.I. was utilized to remove dialogue.

This suite covers the feature-length pilot as well as one or two episodes afterwards.

This was a weird short-lived series from 1990, that had one short season and then had one short second season.

Looks like the entire first season was scored by Wynton (who, like Mike Post in many TV series, has his credit in the opening credits, right after the cast), and the second season was a odd mixture from Tom Scott to the Yellowjackets. In the last few months I did some updating to add composers to the series' IMDb page, but I never finished.

"The Immortal"
Composer: Dominic Frontiere

Suite #3.

This covers two or three episodes, picking up where the prior suite left off.

Once again, I used Lalal A.I. to remove dialogue.

No further suites recorded. Probably another one or two next year, assuming I survive this year.

 Posted:   Sep 24, 2024 - 9:59 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Since we have a hurricane coming nearby, if not right on me, Thursday, it's unlikely I'll be online Thursday to comment on next week's suites. Probably won't be online tomorrow or Friday. Don't know yet.

So, what to expect from Monday's suites:

I kick off the month of October -- Halloween month here in the United States of America -- with suites all five weeks themed for the month. Three suites every week for the theme, with some extra stuff here and there. Monday I again start off the month with Mike Post ( a special suite with scoring probably none of you have ever heard, along with a rejected theme), Morton Stevens, a suite well calculated to leave you in … suspense, and a bonus.

 Posted:   Sep 25, 2024 - 11:17 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Also, October 1st all TV series thread will pause for the month while I do two TV series for Halloween month. If you've followed my threads over the years, you've seen all the names before...

 Posted:   Sep 25, 2024 - 5:55 PM   
 By:   MRAUDIO   (Member)

Since we have a hurricane coming nearby, if not right on me, Thursday, it's unlikely I'll be online Thursday to comment on next week's suites. Probably won't be online tomorrow or Friday. Don't know yet.

So, what to expect from Monday's suites:

I kick off the month of October -- Halloween month here in the United States of America -- with suites all five weeks themed for the month. Three suites every week for the theme, with some extra stuff here and there. Monday I again start off the month with Mike Post ( a special suite with scoring probably none of you have ever heard, along with a rejected theme), Morton Stevens, a suite well calculated to leave you in … suspense, and a bonus.

Hey Justin,

Please stay safe regarding the hurricane!

 Posted:   Sep 27, 2024 - 7:34 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Thanks, MRAUDIO. I did all I could, which was pretty much nothing. I was stuck in the vehicle for thirty-three hours straight, often not being able to crack open windows for fresh air. So, feel like crap, ache a number of places, but I'm out and clean now, so that's that. Unfortunately, the hurricane closed down the once-a-month free laundry for those in need, so I have to wait another month and use dirty stuff until then.

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