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 Posted:   Mar 11, 2015 - 3:52 PM   
 By:   pasta   (Member)

LOVE the Intrada CD. Question, though, about some sounds on tracks 12 and 13.
12 Truck Racing Car- Some sound of electronic pulsing of some kind at start. Glitch or no?
13 Final Duel- Around 1:10, underlying sound of, I dunno, ticks. Glitch or no?
Sorry if I am being too OCD here.

 Posted:   Mar 11, 2015 - 5:01 PM   
 By:   The Mutant   (Member)

What an awesome disc. I was really surprised by the sound quality on this and The Car.
Still can't believe all the great stuff that keeps coming out every month. Columbo must be around the corner!

 Posted:   Mar 11, 2015 - 7:51 PM   
 By:   pasta   (Member)

Last Child- thanks so much! Kinda what I figured also. Thanks again!

 Posted:   Mar 11, 2015 - 11:29 PM   
 By:   Rollin Hand   (Member)

Some tracks foreshadow the pilot score for Banacek: "Detour to Nowhere" (1972).

 Posted:   Mar 12, 2015 - 4:26 AM   
 By:   MCurry29   (Member)

¶ The CD cover of Duel by Intrada is actually the cheap-looking cartoonish DVD cover.

¶ I watched Duel in a movie theatre in the 1980's.


 Posted:   Mar 12, 2015 - 4:29 AM   
 By:   MCurry29   (Member)

Cover Art Really? Don't you know only vinyl buyers want the cover art! Who gives a crap about cover art?

 Posted:   Mar 12, 2015 - 10:39 AM   
 By:   dogplant   (Member)

Who gives a crap about cover art?

I've always loved movie poster art, if that counts, and "Duel" has had a lot of them! My favorites are the Japanese "Duel" posters, with the tumbling truck, although the crazy Polish one is also really fun (and costs a fortune).

Very glad to have this release.

 Posted:   Mar 12, 2015 - 10:52 AM   
 By:   Shaun Rutherford   (Member)

It's just strange that they saddled them with THAT art, when at least they could have used the art from the new Blu-ray.

 Posted:   Mar 12, 2015 - 11:05 AM   
 By:   jacky   (Member)

It's just strange that they saddled them with THAT art, when at least they could have used the art from the new Blu-ray.

Why don't you guys make your own art there is so much artwork available on the net, just download, photshop, resize it to cd format and print it out. Maybe some of our members (there is a lot of talent) can post some alternative artwork instead, that would be awesome! wink

 Posted:   Mar 16, 2015 - 8:34 AM   
 By:   Moviedrone   (Member)

Here's our review of this excellent disc

 Posted:   Mar 16, 2015 - 9:13 AM   
 By:   Shaun Rutherford   (Member)

It's just strange that they saddled them with THAT art, when at least they could have used the art from the new Blu-ray.

Why don't you guys make your own art there is so much artwork available on the net, just download, photshop, resize it to cd format and print it out. Maybe some of our members (there is a lot of talent) can post some alternative artwork instead, that would be awesome! wink

Yeah, that request was filed almost immediately.

 Posted:   Mar 16, 2015 - 9:20 AM   
 By:   Howard L   (Member)

It's just strange that they saddled them with THAT art, when at least they could have used the art from the new Blu-ray.

Why don't you guys make your own art...

because complaining is its own reward, and an art unto itself. wink

Private Pyle, OUTstanding!

 Posted:   Mar 18, 2015 - 10:02 PM   
 By:   Steve H   (Member)

Really been enjoying the 4 instrumental cuts at the end of the disc. I'm sure if a soundtrack had been released at the time of the film these tracks would have had titles like 'White Line Blues' or 'Pluckin and Truckin'. There great!

 Posted:   Mar 19, 2015 - 6:53 AM   
 By:   Shaun Rutherford   (Member)

Really been enjoying the 4 instrumental cuts at the end of the disc. I'm sure if a soundtrack had been released at the time of the film these tracks would have had titles like 'White Line Blues' or 'Pluckin and Truckin'. There great!

Haha absolutely!

 Posted:   Mar 19, 2015 - 8:45 AM   
 By:   Richard-W   (Member)

I'm undecided about buying this. DUEL is one of all-time favorite films. The score is a wonder but it's not something I would enjoy, or listen to, outside of the context of the film. Also, I don't know which score it is. Is it the score for the broadcast or the expanded score for the theatrical version?

I saw the original broadcast in 1971 and every subsequent repeat for years. I prefer the 74 minute version; a masterpiece of suspense that aired in a 90 minute time-slot with the other 16 minutes devoted to commercials and station I.D. It was such a huge hit Universal and ABC hired Spielberg and Matheson to expand the 74 minutes into 89 minutes for theatrical release in Europe. That version wasn't nearly as hair-raising because the additional footage slowed it down, but the score had to have been reworked for it. Perhaps the liner notes address this?

 Posted:   Mar 19, 2015 - 8:58 AM   
 By:   Sean Nethery   (Member)

Why don't you guys make your own art...

because complaining is its own reward, and an art unto itself. wink

More of a craft.... the art comes from knowing when to complain and when to shut up your face.wink

For Richard W, I don't recall the details about whether music was added for the long version, but I don't think so. Still, if you don't think you'll listen to this on its own, I'd guess you're absolutely right. This is mostly for those of us who dig experimental/avant garde music. Otherwise there are just fleeting moments of more traditional music, and the source music.

I have to agree with several posters that the country-western instrumentals are particularly strong examples of source music. Much more listenable than I expected since that kind of thing is not much to my taste. I'm going to have to give Busting another listen to give those source cuts their due.

 Posted:   May 18, 2015 - 1:23 PM   
 By:   'Lenny Bruce' Marshall   (Member)

DUEL the lp IF IT CAME OUT IN 1982 (track numbers are from the Intrada release)
This is my preferred sequencing for optimal listening pleasure

Steven Spielberg's DUEL

side a
15. Down this Lonesome Highway" (radio instrumental)
3. Truck and Car Encounter
4. Road House
5. Mann's Thoughts
8. Snakearama
16. "Insane" (radio instrumental)

side b
6. The Tunnel
9. Hide and Seek
10. Road Block
11. Confrontation
12. How Does he Go SO Fast?
13. Final Duel
17. "Setting the Road On Fire" (radio instrumental)

tt; 37:16

Music composed and conducted by Billy Goldenberg

also available on MCA cassettes
copyright 1971, 1982 Universal Pictures an MCA company

 Posted:   Jun 27, 2015 - 3:58 PM   
 By:   Graham Watt   (Member)

Right then - some more discussion of the musical content of this would be welcome at this late stage! It arrived a few weeks ago and have been dipping in (and trying out various sound systems... Zzzzzzzzzzzzz) for a while. Anyway, my mind is now made up. It's absolutely greeeeeat!

It does something for me which few soundtracks do - it holds my attention throughout. Even in the pieces which some (Last Child?) have mentioned above as being too long and sound-effecty (Track 2) I find absolutely riveting. The whole thing is a hair-raising rollercoaster ride of wondrous experimentation. It IS in a way the Billy Goldenberg we old people know and love from "Columbo", but it's so much more too. It's actually quite chilling in its intensity.

Apart from the aforementioned Track 2, there are one or two other tracks where it sounds like Goldenberg has started to drop a couple of knives and forks into the washing machine, slowly at first but then chucking in great loads of cutlery by the bucketful, then switching the tumble dryer on, and then when it begins to vibrate in a cacophony of mind-blowing WTF there's an earthquake on top of it all. It's absolutely brilliant, to my ears at least.

It's not ALL that intense though. The quieter moments are there, but still create unease. Those chord changes are the closest we get here to Columbo. On balance, it's one of my favourite recent listens. Congrats to Intrada and all involved.

Non-important P.S. - I listened to the bonus tracks twice. Some of you like them. I'll skip them in future though. Yes, it's Country n' Western, and really quite scary on some levels (there's a good groove in one of them, and scary mad Hillbilly touches in others), but mostly it's just Wacky Races music. Hmmm - that's actually quite appropriate now I think of it...

The Summary - "Great"

 Posted:   Sep 30, 2017 - 11:19 AM   
 By:   ZardozSpeaks   (Member)

Duel is truckin' on into The Danger Zone:

 Posted:   Sep 30, 2017 - 4:07 PM   
 By:   leagolfer   (Member)

Duel is truckin' on into The Danger Zone:

A great score, by BG, i purchased it not long after it came out, an essential release to an iconic film, I'm well pleased with Duel, thanks Intrada.

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