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 Posted:   Jul 13, 2018 - 2:59 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Continuing SEASON 11:

"Grift of the Magi" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
FOX purchase link:

  • 11:23 in.
  • 19:40/20:20/20:53 in.

    Borderline awful episode.

    Yet another example of a show being less believable when characters don't age: in this episode, Christmas is approaching; that would be at least the third Christmas in the series thus far.

    Fat Tony: "I don't get mad, I get stabby."

    "Little Big Mom" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 1:13 in.
  • 1:59 in.
  • 5:26/5:58 in.
  • 14:40 in.
  • And the Hawaiian style end credits arrangement of Elfman's theme.

    This actually wasn't an awful episode for once in this season. And the first few minutes are almost like classic material. The last third of the episode went downhill though (not to awful levels, mind you).

    Poochie's third appearance.

    "Faith Off" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 2:55 in. More of that sneaking around music for Homer that's been in two or three prior episodes.
  • 19:33 in.
  • 20:12 in. With a brief lull. Cool stuff.

    What we know about the sea captain: he hates the sea and everything about it, has two glass eyes, and has crippling depression. And is at least bi-sexual.

    "The Mansion Family" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 2:11 in.
  • 6:14 in.
  • 10:47 in.
  • 12:27/11:56 in.
  • 18:36 in.

    This actually wasn't an awful episode either.

    Mr. Burns isn't the oldest person in Springfield. A man named Cornelius Chapman is. So I guess that means Mr. Burns mom, a 122 as I recall, doesn't live in the city. He also reads question on his medical paper work: "Cause of my parent's death? Got in my way...", but his mom is still alive; and I think his dad died of another cause.

    Mr. Burns says he needs to do something to keep him alive, but as established in "The Springfield Files", he does takes measures to cheat death each week.

    Mr. Burns is growing baby clones of him and Smithers. So, since "Futurama" takes place in the same universe, it's entirely possible Smithers and Mr. Burns have survived into the future as one clone generation after another.

    Something has laid an unknown number of eggs in Smithers' brain.

    Mr. Burns: "Abra-cadaver!"

    Mr. Burns: "Try this arm; I saw some blood in there the other day."

    I had to skip these; NO LOADS FOUND.

    "Saddlesore Galactica"
    FOX purchase link: No link found.
    Online, considered one of the worst episodes of the series.

    "Alone Again, Natura-Diddly"
    FOX purchase link:

    "Missionary: Impossible" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 3:18/5:19 in.
  • 8:10 in.
  • 17:40/18:03 in.
  • 20:25 in.

    I think that's YoYo Ma trying to kill Homer with a bow being shot with a cello string like an arrow.

    According to Mr. Burns, Homer has: caused seventeen meltdowns in tn years, and sold weapons-grade Plutonium to the Iraqis.

    Reverend Lovejoy: "Nothing to see here, people; just heading down to the dump with these childrens' letters to God."

    Bender is manning a FOX fund raiser drive.

    Homer: "Oh save me Jeebus!"

     Posted:   Jul 14, 2018 - 12:51 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 11:

    I had to skip these; NO LOADS FOUND.

    FOX purchase link: Link not found.

    "Bart to the Future"
    FOX purchase link:

    "Days of Wine and D'oh'ses"
    FOX purchase link: Link not found.

    "Kill the Alligator and Run"
    FOX purchase link:

    "Last Tap Dance in Springfield"
    FOX purchase link:

    "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge"
    FOX purchase link:

    "Behind the Laughter"
    FOX purchase link:

  • 0:19 in.
  • 5:29/5:52 in.

    A creative clip show with less clips than previous clips shows.

    And that concludes my reviews for the show now. I'm taking a rest from it.

     Posted:   Oct 3, 2018 - 2:58 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Back tracking to episodes I missed because of no loads.

    SEASON 2:

    "Bart's Dog Gets an F" (minis the opening credits and part of the episode opening, so time stamps won't line up to a proper load)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 2:53 in.
  • 6:25 in.
  • 11:44 in. Music for a dog training montage.
  • 13:44 in. The "E.T." parody music.
  • 20:05 in.

    Lisa: "I'm sure mon agreees with me."
    Marge: "Uuummmmm, nnnooooo, I'm afraid I agree with your father."
    Homer: "You do?!" turns to the kids, "Haha ha ha HA!"

    SEASON 2:

    "Flaming Moe's" (minis the opening credits and part of the episode opening, so time stamps won't line up to a proper load)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 2:40 in.
  • 18:10 in.

    Moe lives with his mother.

    Moe: "Moe's Tavern."
    Bart: "Uh, yes, I'm looking for a friend of mine. Last name Jass, first name Hugh."
    Moe: "Hold on, I'll check," calls out.
    Moe: "Hugh Jass! Hey, I want a Hugh Jass! Oh, somebody check the men's room for a Hugh Jass!"
    Hugh Jass: "Uh, I'm Hugh Jass."
    Moe: "Telephone."
    Hugh Jass: "Hello, this is Hugh Jass."
    Bart: "Uh, hi."
    Hugh Jass: "Who's this?"
    Bart: "Bart Simpson."
    Hugh Jass: "What can I do for you, Bart?"
    Bart: "Uh, look, I'll level with you, mister. This is a crank call that sorta back-fired, and I'd like to bail out right now."
    Hugh Jass: "All right. Better luck next time," hangs up the phone, "What a nice young man."

     Posted:   Dec 18, 2018 - 2:03 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Concluding SEASON 4:

    Doubling back to an episode I missed.

    "Marge vs. the Monorail"
    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 5:
    Part 6:
    Part 7:

    FOX purchase link:


    Part 1:
  • 1:35 in.
  • 2:02 in. The Axel F Theme parody.
  • 2:20 in.

    Part 2:
  • 0:42 in.
  • 2:10 in.

    Part 5:
  • 0:50/1:17 in.

    Part 6:
  • 1:02 in.
  • 1:30 in. The piano source party music.
  • 1:46 in.
  • 2:36 in.

    Part 7:
  • 0:18 in.
  • 1:04 in.
  • 1:40/3:20 in.

    Narrowing down which state Springfield is in: Lyle shows a map of the United States that shows Ogdenville to be in either Nevada or Arizona. We know from an episode that Ogdenville is only a few hundred miles from Springfield and they can drive to it.
    However, Marge drove to another city shown on the map and it's way up North and much further to the East.

    Krust has an illegitimate baby.

    Wiggum has incriminating photos of Quimby.

    Homer destroys both the oldest tree in Springfield and the birthplace of "Jebediah" Springfield.
    December 19, 2018 EDIT:
    I just realized -- that in of itself is an error, as the film shown to people at the historical museum of Springfield says "Jebediah" Springfield migrated to Springfield from elsewhere.

    Homer: Singing to 'The Flintstones' theme, "Simpson. Homer Simpson. He's the greatest guy in historyyyyy. From the, town of Springfield, he's about to hit a chestnut tree. AGH!" (crashes into a tree)

    Smithers: "I like the way Mr. Snurub thinks."

    Homer: "Doughnuts -- is there anything they can't do?"

    Marge: "Homer? Homer?"
    Homer: "Yellow?"
    Marge: "Homer, there's a man here who thinks he can help you."
    Homer: "Batman?!"
    Marge: "No, he's a scientist."
    Homer: "Batman's a scientist."
    Marge: "It's not Batman!"

     Posted:   Dec 18, 2018 - 2:12 PM   
     By:   Jim Cleveland   (Member)

    "Homer: Singing to 'The Flintstones' theme, "Simpson. Homer Simpson. He's the greatest guy in historyyyyy. From the, town of Springfield, he's about to hit a chestnut tree. AGH!" (crashes into a tree)"

    I remember laughing my ASS off when I first saw that! big grinbig grinbig grinbig grin

     Posted:   Dec 18, 2018 - 3:23 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 6:

    "Homer the Great" (minus the opening credits and a brief part of the beginning)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 1:55 in.
  • 7:53 in.
  • 13:28 in.
  • 14:27 in.
  • 20:07/20:35 in.

    Abe is a card-carrying Communist. Though it doesn't say much since he has a card indicating he's the President of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance, but doesn't know why.

    Continuity error: Homer's parking space at the nuclear power plant is right next to the fence next to their house. Which is impossible.

    Simpsonmobile license plate number: R8DRT

    Homer: "I've never felt so accepted in all my life. These people look deep within my soul and assign me a number based on the order in which I joined."

    "Lisa's Wedding"
    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 3:
    Part 5:
    Part 6:
    Part 7: NO LOAD FOUND.

    FOX purchase link:


    Part 1:
  • 2:15 in.

    Part 2:
  • 0:15 in.
  • 0:49/2:06 in.

    Part 3:
  • 0:13 in.
  • 0:55/1:26 in.

    Part 5:
  • 2:10 in.

    Part 6:
  • 2:44 in.

  • 0:20 in.

    Some things the writers got wrong about the future [2010]: Holographic trees, picturephone talking via a desk-top computer, antennas still on things, Maude Flanders still being alive.

    Fortune Teller: "HUH -- the happy squirrel!"

    Marge: "Now throw compost on it!"

     Posted:   Dec 18, 2018 - 7:49 PM   
     By:   SBD   (Member)

    Some things the writers got wrong about the future [2010]: Holographic trees, picturephone talking via a desk-top computer, antennas still on things, Maude Flanders still being alive.

    Not sure about that. Skype did come into being in the early aughts.

     Posted:   Dec 19, 2018 - 3:03 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    It was a rotary phone/computer screen. Not a computer to use Skype on.

    Concluding SEASON 6:

    "The PTA Disbands" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 2:14 in.
  • 6:18/7:14 in.
  • 19:14/19:42/19:49/20:18 in.

    9:00 in: I'm just now noticing, but isn't that the same theme Clausen used before for another strike episode? When you watch these episodes so quickly, you start picking up on themes and motifs you never noticed before.

    "Hey! They're trying to learn for free!"

    Misses Krabappel: "Well, Seymour, because of your penny pinching, we're coming back from a field trip with the fewest children yet."
    Skinner: "God bless the man who invented permission slips."

    Skinner: "Oh, come ON, Edna, you and I both know these children have no futures!"
    The cafeteria goes silent and the children look at Skinner.
    Skinner: "Haha, prove me wrong, kids, prooove me wroong."

    Bart: "My bones are so brittle, but I always drink plenty of," picks up his milk carton at school and reads it, "Malk?"

    Skinner: "Well, the kids have to learn about 'Tekwar' sooner or later."

    Bart: "She said you'd fold faster than Superman on laundry day."

    Lisa: "So, if we were in school this week, what do you think we'd be learning?"
    Misses Hoover: "Get away from me."

    Random Teacher: "Skinner said the teachers will crack any minute purple monkey dishwasher."

    : "Talkin' out of turn, that's a paddlin'. Lookin' out the window ... that's a paddlin'. Staring at my sandals, that's a paddlin'. Paddlin' the school canoe ... oh, you better believe that's a paddlin'..."

    Misses Krabappel: "It's all right, children, just ignore the murderer."

    Abandon thread! (Or: Mr. Marshall is posting! ;-)

    "Two Dozen and One Greyhounds" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 1:32 in.
  • 2:07 in. Brief Star Trek Spock mind-meld parody cue.
  • 3:51 in.
  • 5:02 in.
  • 6:37 in. A mainly woodwinds piece with clarinet leading in the first part. There's a brief lull and a flute takes the lead.
  • 8:02 in.
  • 13:54 in.
  • 15:05 in.
  • 17:18/17:46 in.
  • 19:08 in.

    TV Announcer: "Your cable TV is experiencing difficulties; please do not panic. Resist the temptation to read and talk to loved ones. Do not attempt sexual relations, as years of TV radiation have left your genitals withered and useless."
    Wiggum: Lifts the blanket up to look, "Well, I'll be damned."

    Lisa: "What's Santa's Little Helper doing to that other dog?"
    Marge: "Ut-ohhh..."
    Bart: "Looks like he's trying to jump over her but can't quite make it. Come on, boy -- you can do it!"

    Mr. Burns: "I really like the vest."
    Smithers: "I gathered, yeah."
    Lisa: "Huh -- he's gonna make a vest out of our puppies!"
    Bart: "Na na ha, na na na, nah nah naaahhh!"
    Lisa: "Bart!"
    Bart: "Sorry. You gotta admit it's catchy."

    Mr. Burns: "Here's a phone -- call somebody who cares."
    Hands Lisa a phone; she dials 911.
    Mr. Burns: "Give me that!"

     Posted:   Dec 19, 2018 - 3:13 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 8:

    "Treehouse of Horror VI" (minus the opening credits and some of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 3:04 in.
  • 7:17 in.
  • 833 in.
  • 12:44 in.
  • 15:42/16:19 in.
  • 17:41 in. The brief "The Twilight Zone" parody.
  • 21:03 in. Continues as the end credits. And a Gracie Films logo arrangement, too.

    Homer: "He came to life. Good for him."

    Lisa: "Don't make us poke your eyes out, dad."

    Willie: "Glad to rake your acquaintance!"

    Homer: "Lousy Smarch weather."

    Homer: "Do not touch Willie. Good advice."

    Mr. Frink: "Now, here is an ordinary square..."
    Wiggum: "Whoa, whoa, slow down, egghead!"

    Marge: "Bart, what happened?"
    Bart: "Well, we sort of hit a little snag when the universe collapsed on itself."

     Posted:   Dec 20, 2018 - 1:44 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Concluding SEASON 8:

    "The Twisted World of Marge Simpson" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link: Link not found.

  • 6:03 in.
  • 7:32 in.
  • 12:28 in.
  • 18:34 in.

    Character inconsistencies: Marge lets Bart destroy private property and doesn't even scold him. Marge says fat people can't stop eating, something that seems unlike her.

    Cletus has twenty-seven kids. But it looks like thirty walked out of the house.

    Fat Tony has a wife (not seen, only mentioned).

    Excellent use of the Sam Spence NFL music library piece "The Lineman".

    Marge: "Don't forget fat people -- they can't stop eating."

    Homer: "Marge needs help, and God knows I'm not the man to provide it."

    Homer: "Heyyyy, Fat Tony! You still with the mafia?"
    Fat Tony: "Ahhh," clears his throat, "yes, I am -- thank you for asking. now Homer, as you no doubt recall, you were done a favor by our, ah, how shall I say? Mafia crime syndicate."
    Homer: "Ooohhh yeeeaaahhh."
    Fat Tony: "Now the time has come for you to do us a favor."
    Homer: "You mean the mob only did me a favor to get something in return? Oh, Fat Tony! I will say good day to you, sir!"

    "In Marge We Trust" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 1:45 in.
  • 8:38 in.
  • 12:06 in.
  • 18:21/18:41/19:17 in.

    Moe has a cat (not seen, but heard after he refers to it).

    Homer: "Oh, I'd love to go with you, honey, but I got a lot of work to do around the bed." (after Marge tells him and the kids it's time for church)
    Marge: "Homer, the Lord only asks for an hour a week."
    Homer: "In that case he should have made the week an hour longer."

    Marge: "No, I don't feel like going to a trash pile today."

    "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 248/308 in.
  • 4:43 in.
  • 8:42 in.
  • 11:13/12:39 in.
  • 14:47/15:20/16:02/17:28/18:04 in.
  • 21:00 in.

    Bart's use of the megaphones to do what he did, has since been disproven and shown not to be possible. I don't recall where; probably "Mythbusters" or a Youtube channel like Smarter Every Day.

    Bart is now trained in six additional forms of unarmed combat, none of which we ever see him use from this episode onward.

    Lisa: "I just don't feel challenged."
    Skinner: "Of course we could make things more challenging, Lisa, but then the stupider students would be in here complaining; furloughing their brows in a vein attempt to understand the situation."

    Bart: "My Killing teacher says I'm a natural."

     Posted:   Dec 21, 2018 - 2:10 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 9:

    "Lisa the Skeptic" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 9:37 in.
  • 12:25 in.
  • 13:29 in. Goldsmith PotA parody music.
  • 15:42/16:03 in.
  • 21:10 in. I like this plesant outro cue.

    Lisa needs Marge to bitch slap her one.

    Homer is arrested for 235 unpaid parking tickets ($175 dollars).

    Homer has a "safe deposit closet" where he keeps his valuables. Items I recognized in the closet: the Mr. Sparkle box he got for free, a robot Itchy head from the failed Itchy & Scratchy theme park, the space helmet from that time he was an astronaut. I think the jacket hanging up is the Mr. Plow jacket.

    A megamall opens in Springfield, the Heavenly Hills Mall (includes a Pottery Barn). Do we ever see this again?

    Smithers kisses Mr. Burns.

    Hibbert: Looking at human skeleton, "Hummm, from the looks of it I'd say this fellow died of causes unknown."

    Ralph: "Prinskipper Skipple!"

    Mr. Burns: "Perhaps I've said too much. Smithers, use the amnesia ray."
    Smithers: "You mean the revolver?"
    Mr. Burns: "Precisely. Be sure to wipe your memory clear when you finish."

    Robot: "Why? Why was I programmed to feel pain?"

    Homer: "Oh, Marge! Don't let go, no matter what! If they want you in Heaven, they gotta take me."

    "Realty Bites" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 6:20 in.
  • 12:43 in.
  • 15:34 in.
  • 17:59/19:35/21:10 in.
  • in.

    Snake's red muscle car is nicknamed "Little Bandit".

    Lionel Hutz is also a real estate agent. And he has at least six dogs.
    Gil is also a real estate agent.

    Marge becomes a real estate agent. For this episode.

    Sideshow Mel has wife or girlfriend (not specified) named Barbara.

    One of the three school bullies is in a minimum security prison.

    Lenny is apparently a squatter who doesn't have a home.

    The return of Ned's girly scream which we only heard in one episode previously.

    Millhouse's right arm is sliced off near the elbow.

    My. Burns' son is seen in the unemployment office.

    Homer: "I don't know Marge, trying is the first step towards failure."

    Homer: "Kids, your mother is under a lot of pressure; why don't we let her clear the table in peace."

    Wiggum: "This is Wiggum reporting a three-eighteen -- waking a police officer."

     Posted:   Dec 22, 2018 - 9:41 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Concluding SEASON 9:

    "Bart Carny" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 5:12 in. Bart driving Hitler's car.
  • 19:25 in. Ring toss fake-out.

    1:25 in: the carnival music is the same clown music (a new performance mind you) from the episode where Homer wanted to become a clown and at work he was day dreaming and seeing people as clown who were really in fire.

    Chief Wiggum asks for and accepts bribes apparently.

    Like I've said before, I'm reminded of Smithers' line to Mr. Burns about how Burn had crossed the line between everyday villainy and crossed over into cartoonish super villainy. Well, there's a line where a show can go from every day cartooning to cartoonish unbelievability and just be down right stupid and such a line was again crossed in this episode with a talking camel.

    Bart: "There's got to be a way out of this. Lisa -- chop off my hands!"
    Lisa: "Nooo! Then who'd chop off my hands?"
    Bart: "All right. You chop my hands half-way off and then I'll still have enough strength to--"
    Marge: "Get to work!"

    Nelson: "You wrecked Hitler's car -- what did he ever do to you?"

    Bart: "Way to go, dad, you actually out-witted someone."

     Posted:   Dec 22, 2018 - 12:12 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 10:

    "'Kidney Trouble'" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 0:36 in. Car failure and Abe approaching.
  • 1:17/2:00 in. Upbeat old west music.
  • 4:23 in.
  • 13:17 in.
    [li1431 in.
  • 18:47 in.
  • 20:57 in.

    Mediocre episode.

    "Mayored to the Mob" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 1:39 in. The brief Star Trek Courage fanfare parody.
  • 6:29 in.
  • 11:43/14:33 in. Rat milk.
  • 17:26 in.
  • 18:56 in.
  • 19:37 in.

    Mediocre episode.

    Quimby has a cat and dog, according to Fat Tony.

    The Comic Book shop guy is a 45 year-old virgin and lives with his parents. Clearly a Brony.

    Quimby: "Can't this town go one day without a riot?"

    Moe: "Shove off, puke-holes!" (squirting Barney and the patrons with a waterhose)

    Mark Hamill: "Homer, use the forrr..."
    Homer: "The Force?"
    Mark Hamill: "The forks, use the forks!"
    Homer: "Oh..."

    "Viva Ned Flanders" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 9:07 in.
  • 13:43 in. White win spritzer.
  • 16:51 in.

    Bad episode.

    Mr. Burns owns a chain of nursing homes. And he owned a casino.

    Cletus is missing some kids -- I only count 16 in the back of the pick up.

    We learn that Ned Flanders is 60 years old.

    Bart sneaks out of church to break into cars.

    Barney's birthday is on July 15.

    Gil bets and loses the company payroll. Presumably he still works at Lionel Hutz' real estate agency.

    Ned: "How do you do it, homer? How do you silence that little voice that says 'Think'?"
    Homer: "You mean Lisa?"

    Homer: "Because we love them, jackass," to Ned.

    "Wild Barts Can't Be Broken" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link: (an example of the name scheme FOX should be using on all the link titles, yet they don't)

  • 4:42 in. Drunk driving through the school.
  • 5:22 in. What Homer thinks he did "last night".
  • 10:33/11:17/14:47 in. Some light jazz for breaking curfew, plus other scenes using it.

    Goddamn the first half of this episode is boring as fuck!
    Still a mediocre episode after that.

    Secrets of town's people:
    Wiggum wears pantyhose on patrol.
    Edna has been stealing school supplies.
    Homer eats out of Flanders' garbage.
    Homer has been practicing medicine without a license.

    Superintendent Chalmers is dating Skinner's mother.

    One of the rare times you can see Frink's eyes through his glasses.

    Lisa or Bart are only here because Marge forgot to take birth control.

    The series hasn't forgotten Kent won the lottery. And in the background it looks like a photo of the dog Bart ordered with a credit card one episode.

    "Sunday, Cruddy Sunday" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 10:32 in.
  • 14:28 in.

    What a painfully unfunny and terrible episode. This was nothing more than a dead horse husk to shove in guest stars for ratings.

    4:52 in: Is this an NFL library piece or just Clausen making a cue to sound like it.

    Announcer: "The Catholic church. We've made a few ... changes..."

    "Homer to the Max" (minus the opening credits and part of the episode opening)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 1:30/2:39/4:42 in. "Police Cops".
  • 20:29 in.

    What am awful episode.

    Marge has Homer Simpson tattooed on her vagina.

    B.J. Clinton is trying to get into Marge's pants.

    Homer: "I never thought I'd say this about a TV show, but this is kind of stupid." (clearly referring to the previous episode...)

     Posted:   Dec 26, 2018 - 3:45 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 11:

    "Brother's Little Helper" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 3:20 in.
  • 7:38 in.
  • 16:35/17:40/17:57/18:20/18:43 in. Bart on a rampage music.

    What mediocre crap.

    Homer has many lawsuits going against him.

    Skinner: "Thank you for coming."
    Homer: "Thank you for getting me out of work."

    "Treehouse of Horror X" (minus part of the pre-credits bit)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 3:56 in.
  • 7:00 in.

    I remember the Halloween specials were getting less funny each year and this was the one that finally made me stop watching even the Halloween episodes. I had dumped watching new episodes aside from the Halloween ones. I caught some of them anyway in re-runs.

    Remember when Y2K was a thing?

    "E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link: Link not found.

  • 4:00 in.

    Apu carries wills and headstones on isle six.

    Homer takes the family to the old farm house Homer grew up in. However, a few seasons ago Homer and Abe burned it to the ground. Yet it's still here.

    Homer: "Go get Lassie!"
    Homer: "Lassie?"
    Homer: "I mean Lisa."

    Wiggum: "Go head, Ralphie, the stranger is offering you a treat."

    Lisa: "Dad, this might be one of those things you should go the hospital for," Lisa says to him after he's shot.
    Homer: "After pie."

    "Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 5:57 in.
  • 7:38/7:52/21:23 in.
  • 19:08 in.
  • 19:33/19:53 in.

    Another mediocre episode.

    Guest-starring Penn & Teller (and Teller speaks).

    The bowling instructor Marge almost had an affair with is scene walking in the background of the bowling alley.

    Krusty brand chewing gum contains spider eggs and the Hantavirus.

    Marge apparently has a crush on Lenny.

    Bart has a crush on either Sherri or Terri.

    Moe is Homer's "life partner".

    Nelson is now a father figure to Bart.

    Bart has a TV and a Playstation in his room.

    People actually reading what I write here no doubt remember when I refreshed you on a few posts ago: going from every day cartooning to cartoonish un-believability. Well, this episode has more examples:
  • Homer pulls out Mr. Burns' teeth and Burns popping out a new pair to a push-button cash register sale sound.
  • Homer eats glowing green toxic nuclear waste.
  • Itchy and Scratchy are real and not cartoon characters voiced by an actress as previously established.
  • There are worlocks, mole people and something else living below Springfield.

    Wiggum: "Okay smart guy, you just bought yourself a three-seventeen: pointing out police stupidity."

    Homer: "Maggie, call Aquaman!"

     Posted:   Dec 27, 2018 - 10:53 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 11:

    Backtracking to episodes that weren't up.

    "Saddlesore Galactica" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link: No link found.

    Online, considered one of the worst episodes of the series

  • 9:34 in.
  • 13:10 in.
  • 19:37 in.
  • 20:40 in.

    A bad episode. Not as bad as some this season, but that's ot saying much on its behalf.

    I'm just disgusted that Homer pretended to be a Vietnam war vet to get a discount. That's a low even for this show, and Homer has had some lows.

    Considering B.J. Clinton was trying to get into Marge's pants last season, it's surprising she let's him into the house.

    Lisa says Marge might be developing a gambling problem. She already has one; several season ago at a gambling casino. She almost lost Maggie because of it.

    Another example of a going from every day cartooning to cartoonish un-believability: horse jockeys are elf-like creatures that live underground.

    CinemaSins voice: "Comic Book store guy would be excellent at CinemaSins!"

    "Alone Again, Natura-Diddly" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 7:32 in.
  • 15:21 in.
  • 18:29/18:51 in.

    And this is where Maude Flanders is killed off in particularly poor way.

    Moe is banned from the church. Not explained.

    Homer records over most of the tape of Maggie being born.

    Ned is hung like a horse.

    Homer: "Awww, how come bears can crap in the woods but I can't?"

    It looks dirty, but it's not:

    Abandon thread!

    "Pygmoelian" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link: Link not found.

  • 9:50/11:06/11:45 in. Pink elephant balloon chase music.
  • 12:25 in.
  • 16:16 in. Faux soap opera theme music.

    Mediocre episode. Not that bad.

    Narrowing down which state Springfield is in: It's not in Rhode Island.

    Snake has a little boy.

    Moe gets plastic surgery to no longer looks ugly.

    Moe used to be an actor.

    Is this a first? A curse word used in an episode, but beeped out? The word was "fuck".

    Duff Promoter in a Duh Bottle Costume: "Drink Duff!" then he whispers with a hand up to his mouth, "Responsibly."

    Duffman: "Duffman can't breath! Oh no!"

    Carl: "So, Lenny, how are things workin' out with you and that girl next store?"
    Lenny: "Eh, it's over. She got a window shade."

    Marge: "Kids, would you like a balloon?"
    Bart: "Yeah, right, mom; then I'd like a rattle and wahweepop," Bart says sarcastically. "Actually, I would like a wahweepop."
    Lisa: "Those balloons would bio-degrade for ten thousand years. And if Bart gets a wahweepop, I want a wahweepop."

    "There's too much emphasis on looks these days; that's why they won't let bill Mahr on TV before midnight."

    "Bart to the Future" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 3:51/4:13/9:25/21:55 in.

    What a bad episode. They took the idea from a few seasons ago of Lisa seeing into her potential future and this time applying it to Bart, but forgot the humor and enjoyment.

    And here Marge mentions that she has a gambling problem when Homer stops at an Indian gambling casino.

    Things the possible future got right: Illegal aliens voting, Trump was President, people wearing ugly clunky VR headsets, and cassette tapes still being used.
    Things it got wrong: India nuked Pakistan, hover cars, holograms.

    Possible Future Lisa: "Excellent question. Yes I am proud to America's first straight female President."

    "Days of Wine and D'oh'ses" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link: Link not found.

  • 1:57/21:52 in. These cues should be combined.
  • 6:53/10:19 in.
  • 18:01/19:27/20:07 in. Helicopter rescue music.

    Moe secretly videotapes his female mail carrier through the door mail slot.

    Recognizable people in the AA meeting: Kent, Gil, and Milhouse's dad.

    Homer's "safe deposit closet" is back and it's a walk-in now.

     Posted:   Dec 28, 2018 - 2:29 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Concluding SEASON 11:

    "Kill the Alligator and Run" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 15:04 in.
  • 16:04 in.
  • 19:45 in.
  • 21:00 in.

    What an awful episode.

    Flanders says it's been six months since his wife died. That episode was only four episodes ago ("Alone Again, Natura-Diddly"). That's the problem with a series where the characters don't age; time passing is meaningless and just creates more problems then it supposedly solves with an episode plot).

    The nuclear power plant has a psychiatrist.

    My suspension of disbelief called, it said "Fuck you, episode.".

    Narrowing down which state Springfield is in: The Simpsons have a map of what state they are banned from (which includes in this episode, snow Florida). Only two states (that I see) are not "X"'ed out: North Dakota and Arizona. Lisa says "North Dakota, here we come!" implying they are not in North Dakota. This can only leave Arizona as the state the Simpsons live in. Which I'm sure is contradicted before and after this episode.

    Marge: "Take them off the glass! Take them off the glass!"

    Spring Break Guy: "Show us your boobs!"
    Marge: "Not now."

    "Last Tap Dance in Springfield" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 9:41/10:11 in.
  • 13:20 in. The score to the fake movie playing.
  • 16:44/17:05 in.
  • 22:01 in: the special end credits piece.

    A mediocre episode.

    So, Springfield has TWO malls.

    Lisa: "Oh, he'll never dance with her. She'll have to settle for some Mexican Milhouse."

    "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 2:26 in.
  • 5:30 in. A James Bond-ish cue.
  • 12:12 in. Goes to 12:38 with some brief lulls.
  • 13:00 in.
  • 15:20 in.
  • 20:17/21:56 in.

    A mediocre episode.

    Bart sleeps with a Raggedy Andy doll.

    Otto has a girlfriend and gets married.

    Wiggum: "Let me tell you what I tell everyone who comes through here: The law is powerless to help you."

    "I can only see a horrible rainbow!"

    I think I can safely says season eleven was one the show went to hell. Even though there were poor and bad episodes in the last few season, there was at least some good ones. That cannot be said about this season.

     Posted:   Dec 31, 2018 - 12:36 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    SEASON 12:

    I'm going to try this season, but if it's as bad as the last one, I'm shit-canning it and washing my hands of future episodes.

    "Treehouse of Horror XI" (minus part of the special opening credits.)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 5:18 in.
  • 6:22 in.
  • 13:35 in.
  • 16:00 in. Dolphin invasion.
  • 20:27 in.

    The Flanders have a woodpecker.

    Homer: "Hey, I thought you guys could see everything."
    St. Peter: "No, you're thinking of Santa Claus."

    "A Tale of Two Springfields" (minus a small part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 10:05 in.
  • 11:52/15:50 in.

    Krusty is having heart surgery again. But he has a pacemaker.

    Out of character: Why isn't Flanders trying to unite people instead of taking a side?

    Seen in the wall: the giant head Mr. Burns gave them as a gift in an early season, and the winged skeleton from a season or two ago.

    "Insane Clown Poppy" (minus a small part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 9:10 in.
  • 18:29/19:0019:59/20:13 in.

    Lovejoy has written a cook book called Someone's In the Kitchen with Jesus.

    Krusty has a daughter.

    Krusty says he picks fights with homeless people.

    Kearney has a son.

    Fat Tony can play the violin.

    "Lisa the Treehugger" (minus a small part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link: No link found.

  • 7:40/10:53 in.
  • 11:20 in.
  • 14:06 in.
  • 19:50/20:26 in.
  • in.

    What an awful episode.

    Musician and rare composer Branford Marsalis makes an appearance (non speaking).

    Snake gets the electric chair.

    Things that are -- in the would of cartoon physics -- still going:
  • The flying pig.
  • The Lisa log.

    Krusty: Looking at his wristwatch, "...four ... three ... two ... one! Well, that's all the time we have!"

    Moe: "Homer, ah, booze is on the house, seeing as how Lisa is, ah ... how do I put this? Ahhh ... ridin' the midnight train to Slab City."

    "Homer vs. Dignity" (minus a small part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 9:46 in.
  • 12:27 in.
  • 14:50 in.

    Another mediocre episode.

    Bart has a birthday, so he should be at least eleven now.

    Smithers wrote a musical about the Malibu Stacey doll and it'll play in a theater in New Mexico.

    Smithers: "I disable the button, sir."

    Mr Burns: "You're so much more fun than Smithers. Why, he doesn't even know the meaning of gay."

     Posted:   Jan 2, 2019 - 3:56 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 12:

    "The Computer Wore Menace Shoes" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 3:20 in.
  • 8:50 in.
  • 15:01 in.
  • 20:03 in. "The Prisoner" homage piece.
  • 20:50 in.

    A little mediocre but not a bad episode.

    Patrick McGoohan guest stars, playing Number 6. His last television work. He did one other project, the film "Treasure Planet" and that was the end of his acting career.

    Homer enters the computer and internet age.

    Bart gets suspended from school for a switch blade in his locker and taking a swing at a cop (not seen).

    Krusty says he ran over a guy and dumped his body on a golf course.

    The police department races prisoners and cooks chicken with an electric chair.

    Mr. Burns is selling uranium to terrorists.

    Marge had sex with a Homer look alike.

    Homer: "But I don't know anything. At least I don't think I do."

    Homer: "I want answers now or I want them eventually!"

    "The Great Money Caper" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 19:56 in.

    A mediocre episode.

    Considering Marge's drinking problem in one of the first two or three seasons, Homer should have warned her about it and taken the drink away, which if Marge was in character, she would have been fine with. The whole set up of this episode is against established character traits and history.

    Bart apparently plays baseball and is in little league games. And Homer has had multiple interventions.

    I got to say, another episode where Homer does something awful even for this character. This time he's trying to scam Ned, using Ned's dead wife as a way to do it.

    Abe: "Call me mint jelly, 'cause I'm on the lamb!"

    "Skinner's Sense of Snow" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 3:53 in.
  • 5:28 in.

    I original was going to note this as a mediocre episode, but with the closing minutes of the episode, I had to downgrade it to a bad episode.

    Kearney's kids' birthday is in September.

    Homer dawns his Mr. Plow jacket again.

    Skinner makes $250,000 a year. And he paints houses in the summer.

    Willie: "Okay Skinner, that's the last time you'll slap your Willie around."

    Skinner: "You did it, Nibbles! Now, chew threw my ball sack."

     Posted:   Jan 5, 2019 - 11:15 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 12:

    I had to skip this one; NO LOAD FOUND.

    "Pokey Mom" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 5:30 in.
  • 18:53/19:13/19:38/20:48 in.

    The elementary school is still full of asbestos.

    Bart: "Go bull! Toss his salad!"

    Skinner: "Dear lord I peed in front of him."

    "Worst Episode Ever" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 7:53 in.
  • 12:35 in. The noir cue.
  • 15:50 in.

    A mediocre episode. And the opening is just a complete rip-off of an episode from seasons ago.
    And an unresolved episode.

    Milhouse's mom doesn't believe in fabric softener.

    Comic book store guy.

    Pictures of people permanently banned from the comic book store: Sideshow Bob, Nelson, and Matt Groening.

    Apparently Skinner's mom dumped Chalmers. Or at least she's cheating on him. Skinner isn't saying anything, so I'm going with "dumped".

    Milhouse is three months younger than Bart.

    Comic Book Store Guy: "Human contact, the final frontier."

    "Tennis the Menace" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 3:53 in.
  • 11:54 in.
  • 13:15 in.
  • 20:35/21:20 in. Charity tennis playing.

    The word "dumbass" he said.

    Homer is yet again indirectly responsible for another person dying.

    The third time Krusty has been involved in a special where the first letters spell out "KKK".

    Abe: "Wow, a free auto!" holding a prize coupon.
    Other Old Guy: "Eh, keep reading."
    Abe uncovers the whole thing to show "Free Autopsy".

     Posted:   Jan 7, 2019 - 2:33 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 12:

    "Day of the Jackanapes" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 12:00 in.
  • 18:20 in.

    Borderline bad episode. They actually managed to make a bad Sideshow Bob episode.

    Gil lives in his storage shed.

    This is Krusty's firth time retiring.

    Krusty's career timeline doesn't match with earlier series episodes.

    Moe: "I can honestly say I do."

    Marge: "Well, I think it's good for a show to go off the air before it becomes stale and repetitive."
    Smithers: "Maggie shot Mr. Burns again!"

    Sideshow Bob: "Rakes, my old arch enemy."
    Bart: "I thought I was your old arch enemy."
    Sideshow Bob: "I have a life outside of you, Bart."

    "New Kids on the Blecch" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 18:28/19:15/19:30 in.

    What an awful episode.

    "Hungry Hungry Homer" (minus part of the opening credits)
    FOX purchase link:

  • 21:23 in.

    Borderline medicore episode. At least it wasn't bad.

    Duffman's real name is Sid.

    19:34 in: Probably the thinnest we've ever seen grown-up Homer.

    Homer: "Bart has inner beauty, like you find in a rodent." (or, as I'll remind readers: ratboy)

    Duffman: "Duffman is thrusting in the direction of the problem!"

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