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 Posted:   Dec 14, 2022 - 6:46 AM   
 By:   AdoKrycha007   (Member)

First trailer for "Scream 6" just released!

 Posted:   Dec 14, 2022 - 7:53 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Cute logo idea.


 Posted:   Dec 14, 2022 - 11:00 AM   
 By:   ddddeeee   (Member)

Really effective teaser.

I hope Tyler is allowed to let loose a bit more this time.

 Posted:   Dec 14, 2022 - 11:52 AM   
 By:   Maestro Sartori   (Member)

So.... Scream VI: Ghostface Takes Manhattan...

 Posted:   Dec 14, 2022 - 1:08 PM   
 By:   DaveM   (Member)

Still haven't seen Scream 5 although I listened to it's score. It had some nice moments sprinkled over the runtime of 79 minutes but Beltrami's Scream output was much more interesting imo. I hope Tyler does more for his sequel.

 Posted:   Jan 25, 2023 - 11:58 PM   
 By:   AdoKrycha007   (Member)

First full trailer !

 Posted:   Feb 24, 2023 - 11:05 PM   
 By:   Toutred20   (Member)

Do you think we'll get the Scream VI soundtrack on March 3rd?

 Posted:   Feb 25, 2023 - 3:34 AM   
 By:   ddddeeee   (Member)

The poster at my local cinema says that Paramount Music eill be releasing the score, not Varese.

 Posted:   Feb 25, 2023 - 3:48 AM   
 By:   Toutred20   (Member)

If possible can you take a pic of the poster?

 Posted:   Feb 25, 2023 - 4:33 AM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

Isnt it March 10 though?

 Posted:   Feb 25, 2023 - 4:42 AM   
 By:   Toutred20   (Member)

Yeah but last year they released the soundtrack a week early, so they might this year

 Posted:   Feb 25, 2023 - 5:11 AM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

Yeah but last year they released the soundtrack a week early, so they might this year

Aha, then maybe!

I will not listen to it OR read the tracklist untl I've seen the movie big grin

 Posted:   Feb 25, 2023 - 5:25 AM   
 By:   Toutred20   (Member)

His tracklist for the Scream wasn't spoilery at all but then score could be

 Posted:   Feb 25, 2023 - 5:31 AM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

Guess it depends on how much or little you want to know about the movie. I'm one of those who havent even watched the trailer as I dont want to know a thing about it. The previous score did have a huge spoiler though (but at the same time no confirmation until you've seen the movie, so its confusing, lol). But the track "Sacrifice" towards the end.
And I think the title "True Fans" at least tells you a bit about the motive, perhaps also "Back Where It All Began".
But these are just small/minor spoilers though smile

I remember for Scream 4 there was a track called "Jill's America", which of course dont exactly give it away directly, but it made me quite certain what it meant. Only to have it confirmed while seeing it.

 Posted:   Feb 25, 2023 - 6:30 AM   
 By:   JB Fan   (Member)

Will we have soundtrack album for this one on CD?
Maybe Varese again? From the other habd - what was their last CD with CURRENT release? Looks like they working with their own library, and no new movies/series...

 Posted:   Feb 25, 2023 - 6:51 AM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)

Imagine being a hardcore Marco Beltrami fan and a massive Neve Campbell fan...

 Posted:   Feb 25, 2023 - 6:58 AM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)

The poster at my local cinema says that Paramount Music eill be releasing the score, not Varese.

MV gird your loins for queries about LLL releasing it physically... (with LLL's history with Paramount Music).

 Posted:   Feb 25, 2023 - 7:01 AM   
 By:   Toutred20   (Member)

What's your guess to what the album cover will be?
Which one out of these:
I'm guessing 3 because the album cover for Scream last year was just Ghostface

 Posted:   Feb 25, 2023 - 8:59 AM   
 By:   Spymaster   (Member)

Will we have soundtrack album for this one on CD?
Maybe Varese again? From the other habd - what was their last CD with CURRENT release? Looks like they working with their own library, and no new movies/series...

We've certainly moved well away from the era when Varese would release dozens of scores for new releases every year, including the biggest blockbusters. I blame streaming and the fact that studios can just release this stuff themselves. Oh and, probably, the absence of Robert Townson.

 Posted:   Mar 1, 2023 - 12:32 AM   
 By:   Toutred20   (Member)

A bit of a sceneĀ at 6:41

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