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 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 4:03 AM   
 By:   Randy Watson   (Member)

Servers will crash frown

No server = No sale

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 4:49 AM   
 By:   Rick15   (Member)

I’m actually really impressed that it includes one of the best Bond songs ever.....Surrender.

Kudos to whomever negotiated the rights to that.

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 5:10 AM   
 By:   TerraEpon   (Member)

I’m actually really impressed that it includes one of the best Bond songs ever.....Surrender.

Kudos to whomever negotiated the rights to that.

I mean, it was written by Arnold so it'd be pretty crazy to not include it.

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 6:06 AM   
 By:   Peter Greenhill   (Member)

I’m actually really impressed that it includes one of the best Bond songs ever.....Surrender.

Kudos to whomever negotiated the rights to that.

I mean, it was written by Arnold so it'd be pretty crazy to not include it.

It was used over the end titles so why would there be rights issues?

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 6:57 AM   
 By:   AdoKrycha007   (Member)

David promotes release of TND 2-CDs Expanded Score cool :

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 7:41 AM   
 By:   EdG   (Member)

It was used over the end titles so why would there be rights issues?

Um, TITANIC... PRINCE OF THIEVES... No criticism of our soundtrack labels meant but sometimes the rights holders won't allow the song to be included no matter what.

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 8:02 AM   
 By:   NSBulk   (Member)

"Surrender" is on the album twice. There were no problems.

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 8:06 AM   
 By:   Randy Watson   (Member)

It was used over the end titles so why would there be rights issues?

Um, TITANIC... PRINCE OF THIEVES... No criticism of our soundtrack labels meant but sometimes the rights holders won't allow the song to be included no matter what.

K.D. Lang is no Celine Dion or Bryan Adams and 'Surrender' is no 'My Heart Will Go On' and '(Everything I Do) I Do It for You', two of the biggest hits of the 90's

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 8:07 AM   
 By:   spielboy   (Member)

you only sing twice

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 9:44 AM   
 By:   Peter Atterberg   (Member)

"Surrender" is on the album twice. There were no problems.

Do you have any favorite tracks from this score? If so which are they?

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 9:50 AM   
 By:   AdoKrycha007   (Member)

I have.


 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 10:54 AM   
 By:   Peter Atterberg   (Member)

I have.


Love it. This is a score without any skippable tracks for me. I can easily start from track 1 and just listen all the way through to the conclusion. Again, the heavy inclusion of the Bond theme for me is what really does it.

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 11:36 AM   
 By:   Jamesbond2021   (Member)

I have.


Love it. This is a score without any skippable tracks for me. I can easily start from track 1 and just listen all the way through to the conclusion. Again, the heavy inclusion of the Bond theme for me is what really does it.

Totally agree with the above this is a fantastic score with the James Bond theme all over it, cannot wait to order this soundtrack tomorrow & hope we will soon see more Expanded James Bond scores

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 12:07 PM   
 By:   AdoKrycha007   (Member)

No one comes close to Expanded 007's scores cool

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 12:37 PM   
 By:   Jamesbond2021   (Member)

No one comes close to Expanded 007's scores cool

Totally agree La La Land Records , as they say ‘Nobody does it Better’ with Expanded Bond score releases

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 1:14 PM   
 By:   odelayy   (Member)

It was used over the end titles so why would there be rights issues?

Um, TITANIC... PRINCE OF THIEVES... No criticism of our soundtrack labels meant but sometimes the rights holders won't allow the song to be included no matter what.

K.D. Lang is no Celine Dion or Bryan Adams and 'Surrender' is no 'My Heart Will Go On' and '(Everything I Do) I Do It for You', two of the biggest hits of the 90's

Indeed, she's a much singer than both of them !

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 5:19 PM   
 By:   TerraEpon   (Member)

"Surrender" is on the album twice.

Didn't even see that. Not too often you get alternates of actual songs. Should be interesting.

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 5:19 PM   
 By:   TerraEpon   (Member)

Indeed, she's a much singer than both of them !

That's true, of all the singers in the world, she is in fact one of them.

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 6:01 PM   
 By:   Col. Flagg   (Member)

SURRENDER's a first class retro Barry tribute, with thematic material drawn directly from the score. I still imagine what it might have been like had SURRENDER followed the pre-title sequence... instead of the analytical and detached Crowe tune, we'd have a song that celebrated the grandness of the brand. What a loss it is not having that feeling; architecturally it would have made the film stronger, too.

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2022 - 9:55 PM   
 By:   Amer Zahid   (Member)

SURRENDER's a first class retro Barry tribute, with thematic material drawn directly from the score. I still imagine what it might have been like had SURRENDER followed the pre-title sequence... instead of the analytical and detached Crowe tune, we'd have a song that celebrated the grandness of the brand. What a loss it is not having that feeling; architecturally it would have made the film stronger, too.

If anyone can reference which cues basicaly quote the songs of 'Surrender' and 'Tommorow Never Dies' thematic material-Id like to know upfront. Any takers?

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