He's next up in the next post (Thursday). MV said they could not find any tapes, so you've not only found tapes for his score, but possibly other composers.
Continuing SEASON 9:
"The Killing Truth" (10) By: Nicholas Carras https://ok.ru/video/7141052189303 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ey2hf This is the only effort by Carras for the series. Highlights: 12:05 in. Short intro cue.^ 12:37 in.^ 17:17 in.^ 31:32 in.^ 36:23 in.^ 38:31 in.^ 48:36 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^ While the score had its moments and services the episode well enough, I feel that Carras wasn't quite right for the show. This score -- according to his IMDb credits -- marked his final work. I couldn't find his cause of death, but one site says he passed away peacefully at his home, so presumably it was natural causes. He was 84 years old when he died in 2006. (NtM: 26:20, 28:58, 33:15) TRACK JOBS. "The Bought Jury" TRACK JOB https://ok.ru/video/6173383789197 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ey2hh (Identify: 1:58, 20:47, 23:55 [has to be Markowtiz], 27:17.) "Ransom" TRACK JOB https://ok.ru/video/3989198277261 (Identify: 6:49, 16:28, 27:07, 29:37, 38:18, 43:07, 47:33) "A Piece of the Action" TRACK JOB https://ok.ru/video/7141331438199 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ey2go (CORRECT) (Identify: 1:42/3:18 [that echoplex trumpet cue], 9:02 [steady snare and woodwinds], 12:57, 29:01.) "Mr. Starnes, those men ruined your life." "Hey, fella, at least I still got it." "Selkirk's War" TRACK JOB https://ok.ru/video/7141331569271 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8eznhp (CORRECT) Man, that particular train bomber episode cue hasn't been tracked since season one! (Identify: 0:50, 1:57/3:13 [militaristic snare drum], 5:43, 16:43, 20:59, 31:50, 34:01, 41:50) (Score: 47:02 [from the train bomber episode].) "The Betrayal" (15) TRACK JOB https://ok.ru/video/7141331700343 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8eznhl (Identify: 1:54, 4:13, 7:40, 11:55, 22:35, 26:00, 31:52, 33:25, 35:56, 45:28, 48:00.)
Finishing SEASON 9:
"The Animal" By: Duane Tatro https://ok.ru/video/7143953468023 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8eznh1 Highlights: 2:00 in.^ 4:27 in. 5:00 in.^ 9:57 in.^ 20:09 in.^ 22:50 in.^ 26:02 in.^ 37:38 in.^ 41:29 in. 44:32 in.^(46:31) 48:48 in.^ Final credited original score of the series. (NtM: 16:50, 23:35, 34:37) "The Two Million Dollar Hit" TRACK JOB https://ok.ru/video/7143953599095 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8eznhg I prefer to think this is Wo Fat hiding under a fake name, who once again escapes death. And I prefer to think he got away while en route to court or prison. (Identify: 5:29, 26:39, 42:11, 43:20, 47:02, 48:19) "Diamond Run" TRACK JOB https://ok.ru/video/4028090223245 (Identify: about 4:30 [should be Markowitz], 36:54, 42:45, 46:40.) "Deadly Ambition" TRACK JOB https://ok.ru/video/7143954188919 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8eznle (Identify: 2:10, 5:20, 8:36/11:59 [can't recall the episode, but I'm sure this is from this or the prior season], 29:49, 31:26 [Tatro; I forget which episode -- has the distinctive clacking sound; probably "The Animal" score], 40:24/42:25 [synth sound], 44:53 [probably also from "The Animal" score].) "Die in the country -- it's healthier." Erskine: "You've seen one too many gangster films." "The Lost Man" TRACK JOB https://ok.ru/video/4101095492237 (Identify: 1:59, 3:47, 8:07, 12:19 [probably from "The Animal" score], 13:01, 14:25 [probably Tatro], 15:28, 20:53, 22:57 [synth sound], 29:33, 30:40 [probably from "The Animal" score], 38:40, 46:05 [action with snare drum], 50:13.) Out-of-context quote exchange... "You want something?" "You know what I want." "The Vendetta" TRACK JOB https://ok.ru/video/7143954975351 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8eznk3 (Identify: 22:47, 23:31, 29:01, 33:46, 41:43, 49:20.) Out-of-context quote... "I'm sorry to have to give it to you this way, Rudy..." "Confessions of a Madman" (22) TRACK JOB https://ok.ru/video/7143955237495 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8eznm2 (Identify: 45:24.) (Score: 0:00/1:47/12:31/18:04/26:08/34:41/38:20/40:38 [from "End of a Nightmare" score].) "Survival" (final episode) TRACK JOB https://ok.ru/video/5518723517069 (Identify: 3:37, 8:00, 13:56, 17:08, 19:26, 25:12, 29:39, 31:00, 36:44, 38:21, 42:24, and 46:36) And with that, the show was cancelled. I did a fairly quick look online to see if I could find a reason for cancellation, but did not find any specific reason. The final season, while the lowest number of episodes of any season and a stupid casting change were main differences, the series still had the highest ratings it ever had. Writing, plotting and scoring were nearly as good as they were (sometimes on par) with the glory days of season four; the show could have easily gone longer. I suspect, based on information online, that the trust in the F.B.I. at the time was at a low, and Hoover had tried to get it cancelled seven times -- perhaps he succeeded in an unknown eighth time, wanting to protect the F.B.I.'s image (I think this show actually helped it, but hey, what do I know).
Edited. I was too wooed by Wo Fat.