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This is a comments thread about FSM CD: Miklós Rózsa Treasury
 Posted:   Feb 22, 2012 - 1:52 PM   
 By:   Mark Langdon   (Member)

I ordered one of those last five copies left in stock. So what happens/happened to the parts to make the last 500 copies mentioned in the FSM Catalog—Low Quantities Report, Part 9, CD Vol. 12 (2009)?

I assumed they meant booklet and tray inlays etc. Guess they'll get pulped. frown

 Posted:   Feb 22, 2012 - 2:05 PM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

The fact I'm eating pasta all this week doesn't seem so bad now that I see this box is sold out.

 Posted:   Feb 22, 2012 - 2:14 PM   
 By:   Joe Brausam   (Member)

I got this set upon release and I love it to death, I hope you all enjoy it as well! Congrats Lukas and thank you so much for these treasures!

 Posted:   Feb 22, 2012 - 2:59 PM   
 By:   WILLIAMDMCCRUM   (Member)

This sort of thing is a testament to Lukas Kendall's commitment.

He always promised he intended to release EVERY Rozsa score at MGM, and he did. Even when he could see that individual releases might not all sell, he took a risk and marketed them all as one box.

It's almost an 'I promised, so I will' scenario. He keeps his word, which is more than we all deserve. A great release, and a helluva risk.

 Posted:   Feb 22, 2012 - 8:25 PM   
 By:   RM Eastman   (Member)


Boy, this is really a treasure to have.

 Posted:   Feb 22, 2012 - 8:26 PM   
 By:   TJ   (Member)

Such a bummer that the last 500 aren't going to get pressed, I'm certainly glad that I have mine.

 Posted:   Feb 22, 2012 - 10:53 PM   
 By:   Amer Zahid   (Member)

Such a bummer that the last 500 aren't going to get pressed, I'm certainly glad that I have mine.

Damn, It sold out way to fast in the last few weeks.!

I was planning this for next month. Maybe if we can pursue Lukas to reconsider the remaining 500 sets!

 Posted:   Feb 22, 2012 - 11:04 PM   
 By:   waterfold   (Member)

Damn, It sold out way to fast in the last few weeks.!

I was planning this for next month. Maybe if we can pursue Lukas to reconsider the remaining 500 sets!

Agreed! I thought I could make it till Friday's payday, but the last 30 or so flew! I should have known better, but oh well. I probably deserve it for putting the set off for so long.

 Posted:   Feb 22, 2012 - 11:12 PM   
 By:   Steve Johnson   (Member)

Damn, It sold out way to fast in the last few weeks.!

I was planning this for next month. Maybe if we can pursue Lukas to reconsider the remaining 500 sets!

Agreed! I thought I could make it till Friday's payday, but the last 30 or so flew! I should have known better, but oh well. I probably deserve it for putting the set off for so long.

Yes. One can only blame one's self.

 Posted:   Feb 23, 2012 - 4:20 AM   
 By:   Erik Donovan   (Member)

Such a bummer that the last 500 aren't going to get pressed, I'm certainly glad that I have mine.

Damn, It sold out way to fast in the last few weeks.!

I was planning this for next month. Maybe if we can pursue Lukas to reconsider the remaining 500 sets!

If he would print the last 500, he would have so many people mad at him. The set was released how long ago, then he makes the announcement that they are not pressing the last 500 and that there are 70+ left and in 2 weeks they are sold out? Sounds like speculators. Yes, quite of few of you have purchased a copy now, but his was just delayed panic. Like Intrada's new policy, you don't have to buy it right away, but watch out we will discontinue it at any time, then you need to panic or you will miss out! Don't you just love limited edition. They will start popping up on eBay for twice the price!

 Posted:   Feb 23, 2012 - 4:37 AM   
 By:   Senojanaidni   (Member)

Such a bummer that the last 500 aren't going to get pressed, I'm certainly glad that I have mine.

Damn, It sold out way to fast in the last few weeks.!

I was planning this for next month. Maybe if we can pursue Lukas to reconsider the remaining 500 sets!

If he would print the last 500, he would have so many people mad at him. The set was released how long ago, then he makes the announcement that they are not pressing the last 500 and that there are 70+ left and in 2 weeks they are sold out? Sounds like speculators. Yes, quite of few of you have purchased a copy now, but his was just delayed panic. Like Intrada's new policy, you don't have to buy it right away, but watch out we will discontinue it at any time, then you need to panic or you will miss out! Don't you just love limited edition. They will start popping up on eBay for twice the price!


 Posted:   Feb 23, 2012 - 5:11 AM   
 By:   coopertrixie   (Member)

For what it's worth, I just ordered one from and the order went through with a confirmation e-mail. I returned to the site and it's still in the catalogue listings so they might have one or two more for all I know. A more than decent price at about $180.00 with shipping of $14.00.

 Posted:   Feb 23, 2012 - 5:37 AM   
 By:   Erik Donovan   (Member)

Such a bummer that the last 500 aren't going to get pressed, I'm certainly glad that I have mine.

Damn, It sold out way to fast in the last few weeks.!

I was planning this for next month. Maybe if we can pursue Lukas to reconsider the remaining 500 sets!

If he would print the last 500, he would have so many people mad at him. The set was released how long ago, then he makes the announcement that they are not pressing the last 500 and that there are 70+ left and in 2 weeks they are sold out? Sounds like speculators. Yes, quite of few of you have purchased a copy now, but his was just delayed panic. Like Intrada's new policy, you don't have to buy it right away, but watch out we will discontinue it at any time, then you need to panic or you will miss out! Don't you just love limited edition. They will start popping up on eBay for twice the price!


Note that they have 2 copies, not just one! Speculator? Okay, with my new orders from La-la Land and Intrada, I now have a stack of 31 sealed CDs, most of them limited editions. When I look at some of the titles/composers I say, why did I buy them? If I were to sell them, I would probably be considered a speculator, right? Look at the Trading Post here on FSM, how many people have sealed copies of titles for sale or trade! Did they buy extra copies or did they just do the same thing I did on some of the titles and fall in to the trap of the quick sell-out limited editions? The funny thing is I have tried to sell a few that I only bought becuase not wanting to miss out on a quick sell out, only to go back and really listen to the sound bites and decide to put it on on the bottom of the pile. The few that I have tried to sell, I pretty much tried to sell them for what I paid for them, only to get offers of less than half the original price. Needless to say, I do not purchase scores like I used to. We have killed the limited editions, causing the labels to modify the way they release them. They say it is better, but it is just a delayed panic now as we see in this thread.

 Posted:   Feb 23, 2012 - 6:27 AM   
 By:   Amer Zahid   (Member)

For what it's worth, I just ordered one from and the order went through with a confirmation e-mail. I returned to the site and it's still in the catalogue listings so they migt hav one or two more for all I know. A more than decenprice at about $180.00 with shippng of $14.00..

Thanks Coopertrixie, just barely made and placed my order. Got my.confirmation as well. Ive ordered via express maul, so i should get this within the week.. Im buying from them for the first is their service and track record?

 Posted:   Feb 23, 2012 - 7:11 AM   
 By:   coopertrixie   (Member)

For what it's worth, I just ordered one from and the order went through with a confirmation e-mail. I returned to the site and it's still in the catalogue listings so they migt hav one or two more for all I know. A more than decenprice at about $180.00 with shippng of $14.00..

Thanks Coopertrixie, just barely made and placed my order. Got my.confirmation as well. Ive ordered via express maul, so i should get this within the week.. Im buying from them for the first is their service and track record?

Really pretty good....some items are special order, but items in stock I've ordered have arrived in good time in more than adequate packaging. They've been around forever...since well before on-line ordering was an option, from what I can remember.

 Posted:   Feb 23, 2012 - 7:51 AM   
 By:   Mr. Jack   (Member)

MovieMusic still has copies.

 Posted:   Feb 23, 2012 - 9:10 AM   
 By:   SunSword   (Member)

For what it's worth, I just ordered one from and the order went through with a confirmation e-mail. I returned to the site and it's still in the catalogue listings so they migt hav one or two more for all I know. A more than decenprice at about $180.00 with shippng of $14.00..

Thanks Coopertrixie, just barely made and placed my order. Got my.confirmation as well. Ive ordered via express maul, so i should get this within the week.. Im buying from them for the first is their service and track record?

I had a different experience with them. I ordered several CDs that said "In Stock" and they cancelled all of them, stating they have actually been out of stock on the titles for years. I also noticed they sell lots of "unmentionables" which makes them seem shady. On a postitive note, they didn't charge me anything for the cancelled order and they did email me right away about the issue.

 Posted:   Feb 23, 2012 - 9:16 AM   
 By:   Amer Zahid   (Member)

I had a different experience with them. I ordered several CDs that said "In Stock" and they cancelled all of them, stating they have actually been out of stock on the titles for years. I also noticed they sell lots of "unmentionables" which makes them seem shady. On a postitive note, they didn't charge me anything for the cancelled order and they did email me right away about the issue.

...then thats polite and good service of them...shows credibility! Lets hope mine is actualy there!

 Posted:   Feb 23, 2012 - 9:17 AM   
 By:   Amer Zahid   (Member)

MovieMusic still has copies.

Not anymore. I asked and they have sold out. They wrote me back!

 Posted:   Feb 23, 2012 - 9:48 AM   
 By:   Maleficio   (Member)

For those who missed out, just wait awhile until the excitement dies down. More likely than not, the last remaining copies were snatched up by speculators and they'll make appearances on Ebay at some point.

I managed to get the MGM Soundtrack Treasury on Ebay for much less than the retail price, and I imagine the same thing will happen with the Miklós Rózsa Treasury.

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