I registered on that despicable site and will post if they ever send me the log in information -- which hasn't happened thus far. It's a pretty low blow -- and I understand how devastating it is to see a labor of love treated in this vile manner. But I hope you know that your CDs are treasured, loved, and really do mean something important in my life. They matter! Edit: I sent an email to that woman. Update: My email came back undeliverable.
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Oct 18, 2010 - 2:55 PM
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The gall and naivety on display in that thread is sickening. I work for a print publication that is frequently scanned and pirated online, and it is soul-destroying as well as a financial rot to our small company when this happens. Often, when I've confronted the perpetrators, I've encountered ignorance -- the file-sharers simply have no concept that what they are doing is wrong, or could be harmful, and they feel entitled to take and copy anything. Then again, there is a contingent that wants to bring down 'the system', screw the consequences. They are like a cancer. With their selfish acts of immediate gratification through theft, the pirates are ensuring that independent distributors will shrivel up and die and only the mega media corporations will survive, pumping out homogenized pap. I'm sure you have your own legal recourses, Lukas, and I'm glad to see that first link dismantled, but here's the Federal response to this kind of thing, through the U.S. Department of Justice: Internet Crime Complaint Center (aka IC3) http://www.ic3.gov It's a shame the only way to fight fire is with fire, but the perpetrators of this crime deserve what they've got coming to them. With sympathy, Joe
Yep. This is the culture we live in now. Everything up for grabs with no care or thought about the hard work that went into it, and the expense. Sadly, I agree. The computer has conditioned an entire generation to think that music, movies and photography should be free. That is, of course, the generation that does not make a living out of it. I guess live events is yet still (almost) the only thing that keeps people paying to see/hear stuff. People at work look at me like i'm some weird creature when i tell them i do not download movies or music (well, to be true, i did once or twice, but on items that were not otherwise commercially available...) This is the generation of non-doers sucking the blood out of artistic creation, and yes, most of time they keep saying there's nothing wrong with it.
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Oct 18, 2010 - 2:56 PM
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I wonder how many of them are members here? It's not unthinkable or impossible. Yes, the enemy is within. A few years ago, I was asked to help produce (that is, invest in) a limited edition soundtrack from one of our specialty labels (not FSM). I did. A few weeks after it came out, I did a search to see if anybody was discussing it elsewhere on the net, and found it being offered free on multiple blog sites, including one that I quickly realized was run by a frequent poster here (he even used the same avatar!). I lost money on that investment, and I won't be doing it again. But I didn't lose my shirt, and I knew no legal recourse. That day, they messed with the right Jew. Today, the Maccabees rise again!
The thread is called "Music that may not be posted for legal reasons". Please, chime in now after mine. http://forums.ffshrine.org/f92/music-may-not-posted-legal-reasons-49829/5.html#post1560866 Sadly I can't as I'm banned now. But, well said. What I posted before it was removed was: "I'm disgusted that you guys would watch a fellow fan spend $lots on making this great music legitimately available and then rip him off and gloat about it." Sadly, the perps won't get to read it. But they need to. In fact, they need to eat those words. Bastards. Anyway, good to know our man has (a) a lead; and (b) the determination to win. Cheers