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 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 1:46 AM   
 By:   KubrickFan   (Member)

Hey MV with the excitement of the X set on the 10th would you mind mentioning if there is also a second release along side it?

It would not happen to be the one i keep pokin you about for would it? D E Planet of the Apes? 2001 one? You know that ol one I REALLY want in case i did not say it! wink

Stop bugging MV about POTA! It'll come out when its ready if they are indeed working on it, which has never been explicitly confirmed.

Lay off I decide what to ask where and when not by user opinions.

Of course you do, but don't you realize that asking it in basically every LLL thread (and opening several yourself) is a bit annoying? We know you want it, and the folks at LLL know you want it. It's been more or less confirmed that it'll come some day, which is more that can be said about other scores that also need an expanded release, but are as of yet nowhere to be seen.

 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 6:15 AM   
 By:   kindacute   (Member)

Scully's Theme?

 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 6:52 AM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)



 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 7:10 AM   
 By:   MikeP   (Member)

Hey folks, so when this goes on sale (can someone confirm the EST of the day on the 10th) this pretty much a suspenseful "everyone is at their keyboards with an itchy trigger finger" at a specific moment when their site starts accepting orders, or do you think some of us can avoid a highway accident on the way back home? funny..but not really funny. Is there any history with them taking early orders on some level? Those of you who have been part of this community..have you seen this same kind of mass interest with previous releases? Do you think this will go pretty fast or trickle over the course of a few hours? Lots of questions, so I accept any fan to answer them with MORE questions.

thanks LLL - I can't wait...but I know the truth is out there. (there, I said it - I'm a dork.)

They'll be slammed with orders. Not just the niche score fans but also, the X Files fan base knows all about this one. So expect chaos. They've not taken orders as a rule, to my knowledge.

Wait an hour... 30, 40 minutes at least. I normally wait around an hour after the official release and still get my order shipped same day. I think it'll sell out in a week or two.

 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 7:15 AM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

Ahhh... so this set jumps all over the series. I assume the (now announced) second set will do the same. That should make for a better listening experience.

I can't wait to hear this. Snow's music was a benchmark for my high school years and the Truth And The Light album, while serviceable, bothered me when it marred some of the prettier works with dialouge (and dialouge from different episodes cut together!)

 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 7:37 AM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)



There are a handful of scores that inspired me to do what I am doing today. This particular episode is one of the reasons.

Back when it aired I was floored by how absolutely GORGEOUS the music was. Having faith that after the series ended I figured a cd release was eminent. I waited and waited and waited... and nothing. Lo many years later I took it upon myself to release it. Rather ironic, huh?

After you hear the music from this episode you'll know why I was obsessed with it these many many years.

So, to the check list:

X Files - check
Remastered and Expanded Batman 1989 - check
Godzilla (1998)- check
Bad Boys - check
Airplane - check
Big Trouble in Little China - check
Blazing Saddles - check
Batman the Animated Series - half a check

Oh, there are a few other reasons why I started my own label -- and some of them I am working on right now. smile


 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 7:41 AM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

when it aired I was floored by how absolutely GORGEOUS the music was. Having faith that after the series ended I figured a cd release was eminent. I waited and waited and waited... and nothing. Lo many years later I took it upon myself to release it. Rather ironic, huh?

I actually stopped watching X-Files around Season 5 or so, so I didn't get to this one until I got it on DVD two or three years ago. Its a BEAUTIFULLY scored episode, definitely stood way, way out.

 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 7:50 AM   
 By:   Jason LeBlanc   (Member)

Would HOOK be one of those reasons, MV? smile

 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 8:01 AM   
 By:   tarasis   (Member)

It's a great checklist you aspired too and I'm proud to own a number of them (it would be all but I missed out on 3) and I look forward to ordering X-Files next week.

I have an odd relationship with X-Files, I liked the show concept and characters but I tended to turn off the more horror directed episodes (and is why I've only seen one of the two movies) but I've always enjoyed Mark Snow's music and snapped the few CDs available up. I have a real soft spot for the music from the first movie and is def one of my favorite CDs of all time.

 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 8:01 AM   
 By:   tarasis   (Member)

Would HOOK be one of those reasons, MV? smile

Oh I hope so.

 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 9:26 AM   
 By:   guyatkings   (Member)



AMEN, MV. For people who stopped watching The X Files early or halfway through, I think they'll be blown away by the music Snow created for seasons 6-9, and The Release crystallizes that.

 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 3:05 PM   
 By:   Francis   (Member)

Knowing that a fan will be releasing this, I'm sure the tracklist for the first volume will be amazing. Is there alternate or unused material that didn't make the cut like was the case with some of the music on the TNG boxset?

 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 4:27 PM   
 By:   Simon G   (Member)



Oh, there are a few other reasons why I started my own label -- and some of them I am working on right now. smile


Ah MV...thanks for the 'teasers' - cannot wait to see the entire track list and a picture of what the set actually looks like. I hope one of the "reasons" you are working on is Shirley Walker's 'Space: Above and Beyond'; I remember you stating that you had the tapes sitting on top your tv awhile back smile

 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 10:55 PM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)



AMEN, MV. For people who stopped watching The X Files early or halfway through, I think they'll be blown away by the music Snow created for seasons 6-9, and The Release crystallizes that.

To be honest with you, the best music created for the series was for Seasons 5 to 9. The storylines may have faltered in the latter half, but Mr Snow's music was top notch!


 Posted:   May 3, 2011 - 11:10 PM   
 By:   Mike_H   (Member)

To be honest with you, the best music created for the series was for Seasons 5 to 9. The storylines may have faltered in the latter half, but Mr Snow's music was top notch!


Agreed. My favorite cues are from the latter seasons.

 Posted:   May 4, 2011 - 12:52 AM   
 By:   Bienchen2000   (Member)

To be honest with you, the best music created for the series was for Seasons 5 to 9. The storylines may have faltered in the latter half, but Mr Snow's music was top notch!


well there has been an enormous development in the music and the musical themes from 5th Season on... Mark started only using 2 Themes in the 1st Season (Darkness Falls and Roland) at the end of 7th Season there were 16 (!) Themes in 7th Season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mark also started to use The X-Files Theme from 6th Season on and was able to put some FTF score music within the Series... and don't forget "The Scully Theme" from 8th Season on. Wonderful that we finally got a Theme for a person!!!!!!
Cannot wait to start listening to the first Volume!

 Posted:   May 4, 2011 - 1:16 AM   
 By:   kusi81   (Member)

Don't forget the THIS IS NOT HAPPENING-Ending theme! :-) I'm also waiting for years to get this music.... I can't wait!!! ;-)

Also in the episode Suzanne, I think it's an episode from the 7th season with the Lone Gunmen in the casino is a wonderful little short theme while chasing suzanne through the casino... or Bad Blood the beginning theme, where Mulder throws some papers in the trash.... the waiting has an end! thank you LLL! smile

 Posted:   May 4, 2011 - 2:51 AM   
 By:   Nightwalker   (Member)

I for myself like the music from season 1 - 5 a little more, maybe cause I know these episodes better, cause I didn't watch that intensive in the latter seasons.

I think especially the first 4 seasons defined the "sound of the x-files", that alter a little throughout the rest but it was always recognizable. There may not have been as much themes as in the latter seasons, but there was a lot of great, unique and often minimalistic suspense scoring and action themes that impressed me a lot.

And the synthie carpes are something I love sooo much wink

 Posted:   May 4, 2011 - 4:58 AM   
 By:   Francis   (Member)

I for myself like the music from season 1 - 5 a little more, maybe cause I know these episodes better, cause I didn't watch that intensive in the latter seasons.

I think especially the first 4 seasons defined the "sound of the x-files", that alter a little throughout the rest but it was always recognizable. There may not have been as much themes as in the latter seasons, but there was a lot of great, unique and often minimalistic suspense scoring and action themes that impressed me a lot.

And the synthie carpes are something I love sooo much wink

I agree on the first seasons. Once the show moved to LA, a lot of the production values including the music became very 'hollywood'. I'm definitely a bigger fan of the more suspenseful and 'conspiracy' flavored earlier Snow scores than the later often goofy and dramatic underscoring. Still, lots of goodies in every season IMO.

 Posted:   May 4, 2011 - 5:35 AM   
 By:   GrrArgh   (Member)

I definitely agree with "Release"....some of the best score music I've ever heard, period. A big reason why that episode worked so well was because of the music.

Another episode with fantastic score was "The End", particularly during the final scenes involving the fire in the office...beautifully done.

Cannot wait to get my hands on this box, even if it isn't signed by Mark.

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