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 Posted:   Dec 2, 2022 - 5:56 PM   
 By:   GoblinScore   (Member)

The inclusion of the album debate is interesting, but futile.

Studio mandates, composer insistence, wholly different many variables.

I find myself annoyed or happy the album is included....but no way any label can satisfy everyone!

Spidey 1 is a no thanks for me. Full score and alternates...that's enough. So was First Knight....but the space was there and made it possible for inclusion of necessary, excellent why not! Return to Oz is a win, as is The Fury.

We all have different opinions on which album programs were successful and important to maintain...and others that just strain our wallet.

Or, we lose both ways....hi there Clear & Present Danger (and yo Mutant, I'm on the FV Committee of The Ambush with you!!!).

 Posted:   Dec 3, 2022 - 5:12 AM   
 By:   TerraEpon   (Member)

wholly different recording

I'll be the first one to praise the inclusion when it's a different recording. It shouldn't even be included in the discussion here, because, well, it's a different recording (though the issue if it adding a disc when it doesn't need to might be a different discussion)

 Posted:   Dec 9, 2022 - 4:45 PM   
 By:   Seajay4600   (Member)

Finished listening to the entire set. All I can say is wow!! Never heard this album sound so good!!! I can hear details I’ve been heard before. Thanks to everyone who worked on it!! You guys did a phenomenal job!!!

 Posted:   Dec 10, 2022 - 4:03 PM   
 By:   Manakin Skywalker   (Member)

No. It looks to have been editorially created. "A New Man" is slated 2m1 while "Something's Different" is 2m2 and "Catching Bus" plays between them but wasn't anywhere on our material.

One more question I forgot to ask; what's the situation with the extra synthesizer & synth choir part during the opening of the film edit of "Main Titles" that's been omitted from every release (around the 0:35 mark in the album version)? Was that also editorially created? (EDIT: I just remembered the same orchestration was used in Spider-Man 2, and is on the album, so it must not have been editorial.)

 Posted:   Dec 10, 2022 - 4:35 PM   
 By:   NSBulk   (Member)

I couldn't tell you. What's on the CD is all I had for the main title...and everything else for that matter.

 Posted:   Dec 10, 2022 - 10:16 PM   
 By:   Avatarded   (Member)

One more question I forgot to ask; what's the situation with the extra synthesizer & synth choir part during the opening of the film edit of "Main Titles" that's been omitted from every release (around the 0:35 mark in the album version)? Was that also editorially created? (EDIT: I just remembered the same orchestration was used in Spider-Man 2, and is on the album, so it must not have been editorial.)

The 5.1 mix of both Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 are (in my opinion) the most creatively done surround mixes for a film score I've heard - and that's obviously just going by what you hear in the two films themselves.

The choir for the main title (in both films) is primarily in the rear channels, while brass is strictly across the front along with most of the ensemble.

The rears also don't have any percussion, and are dominated by the strings and especially in the case of Spider-Man 2's opening sequence, the electronic rhythms during the 'Doc Ock' segment of the title theme.

They're (no pun intended) Amazing.

 Posted:   Dec 11, 2022 - 11:32 AM   
 By:   MarcinJ   (Member)

Is there an HQ 1200x1200 (or thereabouts) version of the cover anywhere? The official one on LLLs site is slightly rectangular (to match the quad case) and the square one is low res.

Here's the hi-rez image of the square cover image missing from the LLL website.

P.S. IMHO, someone should have told the designer to take it easy when applying so much of the drop shadow effect to the type at the top.

 Posted:   Dec 18, 2022 - 9:03 AM   
 By:   Jason LeBlanc   (Member)

Is "Costume Montage / Web Practice" two separate cues, or is this one single cue that only had the first half included on the old score album?

Is "Hint / Trouble / Kiss" three cues, or is this a single cue that Elfman just titled this way?

Is "Danger / On The Bridge" two cues, or is this a single cue that Elfman just titled this way?

 Posted:   Dec 18, 2022 - 9:12 AM   
 By:   NSBulk   (Member)

Is "Costume Montage / Web Practice" two separate cues, or is this one single cue that only had the first half included on the old score album?

Is "Hint / Trouble / Kiss" three cues, or is this a single cue that Elfman just titled this way?

Is "Danger / On The Bridge" two cues, or is this a single cue that Elfman just titled this way?

I don't know how they were recorded. They were all combined on our source from the music editor.


 Posted:   Dec 18, 2022 - 9:22 AM   
 By:   Jason LeBlanc   (Member)

Thanks, Neil.

 Posted:   Dec 18, 2022 - 12:34 PM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

I always enjoyed this score and will eventually get the expanded edition. I can’t quit put my finger on it though. It’s not as classically thematic like Batman. Is it new age, synth pop, something else? How would you describe the score?

 Posted:   Dec 18, 2022 - 12:43 PM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)

How would you describe the score?


 Posted:   Dec 26, 2022 - 4:32 PM   
 By:   richsto   (Member)

I’ve never heard the expanded score presentation - wow so much better. Amazing how much terrific music is missing from the original soundtrack. Especially enjoy the second CD in this release. Highly recommended!


 Posted:   Jan 4, 2023 - 6:38 PM   
 By:   Toutred20   (Member)

Hoping they will release expanded edition for Spider-Man 2 and finally release expanded edition soundtrack for Spider-Man 3

 Posted:   Apr 25, 2023 - 11:18 AM   
 By:   Riddick   (Member)

Just received my copy of this and noticed the cover art print quality in very very low. Nothing compared to the images I have seen here or anywhere else. Is there anyone else noticed this or is it just my copy? For example the text on the cover looks a bit blurry. Nothing like any LLL boxet I have on my shelf.

 Posted:   Apr 25, 2023 - 11:59 AM   
 By:   EdG   (Member)

Just received my copy of this and noticed the cover art print quality in very very low. Nothing compared to the images I have seen here or anywhere else. Is there anyone else noticed this or is it just my copy? For example the text on the cover looks a bit blurry. Nothing like any LLL boxet I have on my shelf.

Did you buy directly from the label? I ask because your profile indicates you're in Europe. Sounds fishy to me.

 Posted:   Apr 26, 2023 - 10:58 AM   
 By:   Riddick   (Member)

Just received my copy of this and noticed the cover art print quality in very very low. Nothing compared to the images I have seen here or anywhere else. Is there anyone else noticed this or is it just my copy? For example the text on the cover looks a bit blurry. Nothing like any LLL boxet I have on my shelf.

Did you buy directly from the label? I ask because your profile indicates you're in Europe. Sounds fishy to me.

I ordered it from Music Box Records. Very reliable European label. I don’t know what kind of assumption do you have of European record market but I think there is no fishy about it in any case big grin I am just curious to know if someone else thinks that their copy seems a bit blurry compared to another LLL box set.

 Posted:   Apr 26, 2023 - 11:15 AM   
 By:   EdG   (Member)

I ordered it from Music Box Records. Very reliable European label. I don’t know what kind of assumption do you have of European record market but I think there is no fishy about it in any case big grin

Ha! I've ordered from Music Box myself. No offense intended to European retailers I just wondered if you had purchased from another party to save on importing. I was thinking someone could have sold you a boot.

 Posted:   Apr 26, 2023 - 11:19 AM   
 By:   Riddick   (Member)

I ordered it from Music Box Records. Very reliable European label. I don’t know what kind of assumption do you have of European record market but I think there is no fishy about it in any case big grin

Ha! I've ordered from Music Box myself. No offense intended to European retailers I just wondered if you had purchased from another party to save on importing. I was thinking someone could have sold you a boot.

I only buy from well known retailers.

 Posted:   Apr 27, 2023 - 1:52 AM   
 By:   JGouse0498   (Member)

Just received my copy of this and noticed the cover art print quality in very very low. Nothing compared to the images I have seen here or anywhere else. Is there anyone else noticed this or is it just my copy? For example the text on the cover looks a bit blurry. Nothing like any LLL boxet I have on my shelf.

The art on my cover looks fine, but if you're possibly referring to the text being fuzzy or blurry...IMO, that's just a side effect of the different effects added to it (i.e. the gradient in the letters and the drop shadows surrounding the letters). When I made custom covers for the set in Photoshop, I replicated those effects, and the result was that the text on my customs looks fuzzy/blurry too.

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