The inclusion of the album debate is interesting, but futile. Studio mandates, composer insistence, wholly different recordings....so many variables. I find myself annoyed or happy the album is included....but no way any label can satisfy everyone! Spidey 1 is a no thanks for me. Full score and alternates...that's enough. So was First Knight....but the space was there and made it possible for inclusion of necessary, excellent alternates...so why not! Return to Oz is a win, as is The Fury. We all have different opinions on which album programs were successful and important to maintain...and others that just strain our wallet. Or, we lose both ways....hi there Clear & Present Danger (and yo Mutant, I'm on the FV Committee of The Ambush with you!!!).
No. It looks to have been editorially created. "A New Man" is slated 2m1 while "Something's Different" is 2m2 and "Catching Bus" plays between them but wasn't anywhere on our material. One more question I forgot to ask; what's the situation with the extra synthesizer & synth choir part during the opening of the film edit of "Main Titles" that's been omitted from every release (around the 0:35 mark in the album version)? Was that also editorially created? (EDIT: I just remembered the same orchestration was used in Spider-Man 2, and is on the album, so it must not have been editorial.)
Is "Costume Montage / Web Practice" two separate cues, or is this one single cue that only had the first half included on the old score album? Is "Hint / Trouble / Kiss" three cues, or is this a single cue that Elfman just titled this way? Is "Danger / On The Bridge" two cues, or is this a single cue that Elfman just titled this way?
Thanks, Neil.