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This is a comments thread about FSM CD: Hunters Are for Killing
 Posted:   Oct 6, 2010 - 9:20 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

Looks like we'll have to start a new Scorpio thread one of these days, since the original one announcing its release degenerated into a bellyaching bitchfest. Reams an' reams o' bitchin', in fact. Reams!

...and that just won't do. big grin

I hope Hunters are for Killing gets a "DVD on demand"-type release, as I'd like to see/hear how Jerry's sunny, swingin' sounds play in the film. Plus, a moustache-less Burt Reynolds usually means he'll be a bad ass, especially during that time of his career.

 Posted:   Oct 7, 2010 - 4:38 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

I've hit this disc about 3 times now.
I had a slight 'worry wobble' during the first few tracks. The now-familiar Main Title, a noodly suspense cue, some source cues.
But then track 5 kicked in and I was a very happy bunny. It's all great from there on in.
Those strings!! A real Golden Age sound to them. The notes mention Advise and Consent and that's spot-on.
The Lawman redo is fun too! James Horner eat your heart out wink
I'll have to throw a 70's themed party now to get some mileage out of those last 6 tracks!
Like The Black Bird, this has been another great Fielding surprise.
Well Done Lukas smile

 Posted:   Oct 7, 2010 - 6:20 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

For whatever reason, Hunters are for Killing is a "slow burn" in terms of listenability. I enjoyed upon first listen but repeated listenings reap greater rewards. First, Jerry's earlier take on what would become The Big Sleep theme is wonderful! It lurches wildly, coming at the listener full tilt. It lacks the cool polish of its successor and instead swings wildly with a great big drum sound and blaring horns.

Oh! Don't ya just love how the band swells up in "He's Not the Only One"? It happens at around 3:10 into the track. Fantastic!

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2010 - 12:27 PM   
 By:   Graham S. Watt   (Member)

This one arrived in the latest batch. I've given it a spin twice, and it sure does smoke a mighty big pipe or something. That's my way of saying I think it's brill. First time round I didn't quite know how to take it - it wasn't exactly what I was expecting (I thought it would be like THE BIG SLEEP from start to finish), but once I got into it, well, it did the job nicely. Splendid mix of Fielding styles, from big brassy ballsy jazz to intimate WILD BUNCH harmonica and accordion, by way of trademark loping woody percussion... oh and those gorgeous strings going off in a million directions before resolving back at Square One - brilliant. Even a borderline annoying track such as the eccentric "Double Song" becomes totally hypnotic when it shifts into McMillan and Wife territory. This is a great CD, and I'm gonna put on the bonus tracks the next time I throw a 1960s acid party with lots of girls in bikinis dancing around the side of the pool. I'm putting my sunglasses on now.

 Posted:   Nov 28, 2010 - 1:25 PM   
 By:   Steve Johnson   (Member)

This one arrived in the latest batch. I've given it a spin twice, and it sure does smoke a mighty big pipe or something. That's my way of saying I think it's brill. First time round I didn't quite know how to take it - it wasn't exactly what I was expecting (I thought it would be like THE BIG SLEEP from start to finish), but once I got into it, well, it did the job nicely. Splendid mix of Fielding styles, from big brassy ballsy jazz to intimate WILD BUNCH harmonica and accordion, by way of trademark loping woody percussion... oh and those gorgeous strings going off in a million directions before resolving back at Square One - brilliant. Even a borderline annoying track such as the eccentric "Double Song" becomes totally hypnotic when it shifts into McMillan and Wife territory. This is a great CD, and I'm gonna put on the bonus tracks the next time I throw a 1960s acid party with lots of girls in bikinis dancing around the side of the pool. I'm putting my sunglasses on now.

It is a great little score, and I am delighted you like it. I hope more folks give it a listen.

 Posted:   Apr 30, 2011 - 10:24 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

Further proof that Hunters are for Killing is The Fielding Sound, Circa 1970, can be found in the recent S4 dvd release of Mannix. Fielding's scores are tracked throughout the episodes, especially in many "travelling cues", with our favorite plaid-jacketed, Persol-wearing private investigator being backed by this most appealing of Fielding.

Man, I sure love this release. smile

 Posted:   Apr 30, 2011 - 5:22 PM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

Me too. I'm still gettin' my money's worth from this one. Some great Fielding sounds to be had for sure.
If it wasn't for my recent purchases of scores by the likes of Fielding, Rosenthal and Stu Phillips - composers who I didn't really follow that much in my LP buying days - I'd have abandoned listening to movie scores yonks ago wink

 Posted:   May 1, 2011 - 3:36 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

In fact, Hunters are for Killing is even better than the soundtrack to Pulp Fiction!

 Posted:   Jul 11, 2012 - 7:27 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

My God, how I love this CD. You should, too. (I jump off a bridge; you should, too).

 Posted:   Jul 11, 2012 - 8:02 AM   
 By:   Ken G   (Member)

What a coincidence that this thread be bumped this week!
The CD was part of an order I received just a few days ago and after listening 4-5 times, I watched the movie last night!

Really enjoying the variety of styles on the CD and the bonus tracks are fantastic too. Glad I went for this one...

 Posted:   Jul 12, 2012 - 5:21 AM   
 By:   Graham S. Watt   (Member)

Glad you're "one of us" now, Ken! HUNTERS ARE FOR KILLING has turned out to be one of the Fieldings that I always reach for when it comes to the sheer enjoyment factor. I never tire of it, and it always puts me in a good mood. Which isn't to say it's all light and fluffy, no, but there are so many moods encompassed that it's just a great listen from beginning to end.

I know that Fielding has more "important" scores out, but the ones I listen to most are for two comparatively minor films - HUNTERS ARE FOR KILLING and THE ENFORCER.

 Posted:   Jul 12, 2012 - 5:42 AM   
 By:   Tall Guy   (Member)

I know that Fielding has more "important" scores out, but the ones I listen to most are for two comparatively minor films - HUNTERS ARE FOR KILLING and THE ENFORCER.

Me too, O Iberian Sage.

 Posted:   Jul 12, 2012 - 5:51 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

In fact, Hunters are for Killing is even better than the soundtrack to Pulp Fiction!

I love finding posts I wrote and don't remember; even the mildly sarcastic ones like above. big grin

Hunters are for Killing is as close as we've gotten to a "Mannix: The Fielding Years,"

 Posted:   Jul 12, 2012 - 6:50 AM   
 By:   Ken G   (Member)

Glad you're "one of us" now, Ken! HUNTERS ARE FOR KILLING has turned out to be one of the Fieldings that I always reach for when it comes to the sheer enjoyment factor. I never tire of it, and it always puts me in a good mood. Which isn't to say it's all light and fluffy, no, but there are so many moods encompassed that it's just a great listen from beginning to end.

I know that Fielding has more "important" scores out, but the ones I listen to most are for two comparatively minor films - HUNTERS ARE FOR KILLING and THE ENFORCER.

Interesting you say you never tire of it. What I'm enjoying about it is the fact that even though I've listened half a dozen times or so, I feel I still don't know it that well and that it will continue to reveal itself with further listens. That can only be a good thing!

Re. "The Enforcer", did I read somewhere that it's getting a reissue soon or did I imagine that? I have the first two Lalo "Dirty Harries", but not this one. Should I hang fire?

 Posted:   Jul 12, 2012 - 8:17 AM   
 By:   Graham S. Watt   (Member)

Ken, I don't know if THE ENFORCER is getting reissued or not, so I can't say if you imagined it. And I don't know if you should "hang fire" because I don't know what that expression means. But if you're asking if it's worth buying THE ENFORCER, then I'd say "Hell yes!"... and then you have only me to blame if you don't like it.

 Posted:   Jul 13, 2012 - 6:44 AM   
 By:   Ken G   (Member)

Listening to HafK again now Graham - pretty much every day for a week. It really does keep giving this one - love it!

What I meant by "hang fire" was wait and see if a reissue of "The Enforcer" was on its way before getting it.

Maybe I did imagine it -- so into the basket it goes!

This is the Videoarts Music/Aleph Japanese version. I have the same versions of "Dirty Harry" and "Magnum Force"...

 Posted:   Jul 13, 2012 - 8:19 AM   
 By:   Graham S. Watt   (Member)

Ken, I think much of the joy of HUNTERS ARE FOR KILLING is that it doesn't put its cards on the table all at the one time. Jim Phelps (and he should know) calls it "a slow burner". I myself mentioned somewhere above that it didn't quite knock my socks off on first listen (I thought it would be all like THE BIG SLEEP), but it's one I now fully appreciate.

I didn't know there was a Japanese-pressed (?) ENFORCER. I just checked on Soundtrack Collector and it says it's got a gatefold sleeve. Does that just mean it's a didgie? Why'd you get that one? Are you in Japan?

And when you get it, do let us know what you think.

 Posted:   Sep 9, 2012 - 7:05 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

Hunters are for Killing is as close as we've gotten to a "Mannix: The Fielding Years,"

Case in point: the first cue heard in the S4 Mannix episode, "One for the Lady" sounds like the main title to Hunters are For Killing. Enjoy those Fielding flourishes, kids.

 Posted:   Sep 9, 2012 - 9:40 AM   
 By:   chriss   (Member)

Hunters are for Killing is as close as we've gotten to a "Mannix: The Fielding Years,"

Case in point: the first cue heard in the S4 Mannix episode, "One for the Lady" sounds like the main title to Hunters are For Killing. Enjoy those Fielding flourishes, kids.

It would be so great if all this episodic scoring by Fielding and Schifrin could be released! What a treasure trove this would be!

 Posted:   Sep 9, 2012 - 11:15 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

It would be so great if all this episodic scoring by Fielding and Schifrin could be released! What a treasure trove this would be!

Thank goodness for HAFK! wink Other than that, the Mannix DVDs that feature Jerry's music are usually pretty inexpensive, around $14.00 a season. But then I enjoy hearing the music along with the images it was meant to accompany. Such a freak I am.

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