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 Posted:   Jul 29, 2022 - 9:11 AM   
 By:   Vincent van den Ouden   (Member)

I was so sure this would sell out fast. Specially with all the silly Buffy things the fans throw themselves over these days! This set is something thats actually from and «inside» the show!! Come on fans! Lol! At least we know they had an Angel set planned and worked on despite the Buffy set not selling as they hoped to. But looks like they are not able to release it anymore due to several factors. The Fox/Disney merge i.e. which made everything much harder. I think they even had the tracklist covered/ready. Such a shame they wont get to finish a project they’ve started. And probably already spent time and money on :/

I do think that second Buffy volume would be even more interesting than the first one since it would be all brand new stuff. So much from the first volume was already available for years (but of course now in MUCH better quality!) and the two most sought after seasons (3 and 4. At least in my opinion, score wise) had nothing new to offer. Would have loved even more score from Hush and Restless. And so much amazing stuff from season 3 deserves to see the light of day!

But anyway, I am so thankful that we got the first volume. A long time dream for me. And I still play it on a daily basis. And always will!

Hear, hear! S3 had some very nice variations of the Angel/Buffy Love Theme that slowly developed into something more mature, and sad. I also remember hearing the 'Magic Snow Music' in early episodes, so Beck was definately building more towards a more leidmotivic approach as opposed to S2 (which basically used the aforementioned Love Theme).

I also like the cue under the scene in which Giles leaves at the airport. It had a very nice Thomas Newman-esque quality that really enhanced the scene in subtle yet endearing ways. I only wish Thomas Wanker would have utilised that kind of motific scoring more often. Oh wel...

 Posted:   Jul 29, 2022 - 12:17 PM   
 By:   timelord327   (Member)

I do think that second Buffy volume would be even more interesting than the first one since it would be all brand new stuff. So much from the first volume was already available for years (but of course now in MUCH better quality!) and the two most sought after seasons (3 and 4. At least in my opinion, score wise) had nothing new to offer. Would have loved even more score from Hush and Restless. And so much amazing stuff from season 3 deserves to see the light of day!

I'd have loved to see the Douglas Romayne material from S7 in a vol 2, he did some really atmospheric stuff. I assume his Angel stuff would be present on an Angel collection.

 Posted:   Jul 29, 2022 - 12:49 PM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Agreed; I liked Romayne's stuff on both series.


 Posted:   Jul 30, 2022 - 4:49 AM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

I also loved Romayne's work on both shows! In the second season 5 episode of Angel he had this amazing theme for one certain character (which I wont mention yet since someone is watching the show(s) for the first time at the moment big grin ).

Also the final (and awesome!!) scene from the season 7 episode "Lessons"!

 Posted:   Aug 15, 2022 - 11:36 AM   
 By:   DaveM   (Member)

I'm in S3 now and watched "The Wish" yesterday. And the cue, that got me into watching this show in the first place "Slayer's Elegy" happened. Brilliant cue in an amazing episode. Overall, there was a big increase in budget for S3 wasn't it? Much more set-pieces for episodes, the cast now twice as big as in S1 and the music... It got really really good. "Anne" had some awesome cues like the reveal of this work-space-hell-thing, "Band Candy" was truly something else with two cues that are judging by titles both on the LLL set and "Lovers Walk" had this beautiful acousitc Guitar cue.

Best Season so far and I'm not even halfway in.

score unrelated:
"Anne" had directly after the revised intro a 4 minute suquence without cuts, showing the kids, except Buffy in school. That was brilliant. I love long shots like this. Had to watch it twice because I was so amazed by the choreography of that scene that I didn't listen to the dialog.

Oh and I watched the 1992 Movie. I didn't liked it.

 Posted:   Aug 15, 2022 - 11:46 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Best Season so far and I'm not even halfway in.

Season 2 had some incredible heights which are hard to top, but overall I agree with you. Season 3 is the most consistently excellent season of the show, IMO. Keep us updated on your journey, and please keep noting your favorite musical highlights (whether they're on the LLL set or not)!


 Posted:   Aug 15, 2022 - 12:16 PM   
 By:   Tobias   (Member)

I never watched the series but I did see the movie and I like Carter Burwell so is it worth to get it just for the Burwell music?

 Posted:   Aug 15, 2022 - 12:38 PM   
 By:   Michael_McMahan   (Member)

I purchased this only for the Burwell score and I was pleasantly surprised. I thought his score was terrific. Surprisingly dark - I seem to recall it was pretty synth heavy.

 Posted:   Aug 16, 2022 - 5:12 AM   
 By:   DaveM   (Member)

Keep us updated on your journey, and please keep noting your favorite musical highlights (whether they're on the LLL set or not)!

Alright. Here we go. "Amends". Another good episode. Musical highlight for me: The short moment, when Buffy searches for Angle who'll kill himself starting at 37:30. Another highlight: EVERY SINGLE emotional piece: the Buffy/Angel dream and snow over sunnydale in particular.

"Helpless" had some cool action scoring but I don't recal any specific moments.

 Posted:   Aug 16, 2022 - 8:09 AM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

Keep us updated on your journey, and please keep noting your favorite musical highlights (whether they're on the LLL set or not)!

Alright. Here we go. "Amends". Another good episode. Musical highlight for me: The short moment, when Buffy searches for Angle who'll kill himself starting at 37:30. Another highlight: EVERY SINGLE emotional piece: the Buffy/Angel dream and snow over sunnydale in particular.

"Hopeless" had some cool action scoring but I don't recal any specific moments.

HELPLESS has a really nice cue at the end of the episode called "A Father's Love". The version on the LLL release is different than the episode version though. And the next episode THE ZEPPO has some really cool and fun score, imo!

 Posted:   Aug 16, 2022 - 8:35 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

"Amends" is one of my favorite season 3 episodes, and scores!

"Helpless" and "The Zeppo" also excellent. Man, what a great season.


 Posted:   Aug 16, 2022 - 11:49 AM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)

Oh and I watched the 1992 Movie. I didn't liked it.

Lots of people agreed with you in 1992 (and today); including Joss Whedon...
I definitely prefer the TV show, but I enjoyed the movie (when I saw it on video in the '90s) for what it was...

 Posted:   Aug 16, 2022 - 12:07 PM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)

(And in this era where we're rightfully canceling Joss Whedon for being a toxic POS, why we give Seth a free pass after 20 years of his shitty fratboy racist/sexist humor is beyond me.)

Because Seth has never been called out for being a toxic POS.

 Posted:   Aug 19, 2022 - 2:07 AM   
 By:   DaveM   (Member)

I want to rescore Season 1 and need some help regarding Beck's themes because I don't really get some parts...

Buffy/Angel Love Theme:
According to this video ( they have three different themes. The third one is the best one imo and the one I'd like to use but for what are the other two for?

Is there a theme solely for Buffy? The only one that I found and could be her theme is the "Smashing The Bones" moment in Beck's first episode.

The themes and motifs I want to use:
-Main Title Theme (Nerf Herder)
-Buffy & Angel Theme (Beck)
-Buffy/Chosen One Theme (Beck or me)
-Hellmouth (by me)
-The Master (by me)
-Jenny & Giles (Beck)

Are there themes that I could use but not aware of?

 Posted:   Aug 20, 2022 - 2:14 AM   
 By:   DaveM   (Member)

Finished Season 3. It was great. Much more serialized than I expected. But In a really good way. Each episode still works on it's own but also builds on the Season Plot. Now all highlights I remember:

"The Zeppo"
I agree with you Acathla and Yavar, this episode had a cool score. I remember this solo Violin type music in some ealier episode, maybe Season 2. Episode was also good. Espacially when the plotlines colide in the school.

"Doppelgangland" & "Choices"
Some great mystical/magical cues in both episodes.

No musical highlight, at least for me but I loved how this episode had this serious scene in the tower about death and suicide and all of this seriousness gets totally destroyed when it cuts to the kitchen lady putting rat poison in the food. My type of humor.

"The Prom" & "Graduation Day (1 & 2)"
All three episodes had fantastic music through and through. A beautiful cue at the end of "The Prom" when Buffy gets her umbrella, and A LOT of amazing music for the Buffy/Angel scenes in both "Graduation Day" episodes. But it was a new theme... And those chords during Angel biting Buffy... So much highlights... And some epic/heroic music in "Graduation Day (2)". Good to see that the LLL Box has nearly 20 minutes covered from these last three episodes. Can't wait to listen to it all.

Off to Season 4!

 Posted:   Aug 20, 2022 - 2:26 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

I loved watching Buffy with my 3 nieces back in the day and bought ANY song (with score) CD's that became available thereafter.
And I love the LLL Box Set.
I'm really enjoying reading your step by step analysis Dave, and can't wait to hear what you think of Once More With Feeling...that got its whole own CD release (I remember when we all first watched it, the first thing they said was 'can we watch that again'...we did).

 Posted:   Aug 20, 2022 - 2:26 PM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

"The Zeppo"
I agree with you Acathla and Yavar, this episode had a cool score. I remember this solo Violin type music in some ealier episode, maybe Season 2. Episode was also good. Espacially when the plotlines colide in the school.

Yeah! I think its some kind of Xander theme. Cause he used it alot in the episode "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered". A bit of a "Xander being stupid" theme, lol!

And luckily all the cues you mentioned from the final 3 episodes are included in the suites in the LLL set wink
"Class Protector", "Drink Me" and "War". I also love "Faith's End"! One of my favorite action cues from this show!
That violin at the end!

First time I watched season 4 I was slightly disappointed by the story line. It kinda felt a bit different than what we were used to. And I missed the high school scenes! lol! But I love this season today! And it really has both the best (Hush and Restless) and the worst (Beer Bad) episodes in the show. Those two "best" episodes are also my favorite scored episodes. And they are also the two episodes Christophe Beck himself is most proud of (he told me this on twitter big grin )

 Posted:   Aug 21, 2022 - 8:12 AM   
 By:   DaveM   (Member)

I'm really enjoying reading your step by step analysis Dave, and can't wait to hear what you think of Once More With Feeling...that got its whole own CD release (I remember when we all first watched it, the first thing they said was 'can we watch that again'...we did).

I've read somewhere (maybe here lol) that this is a musical episode. I have to admit that I'm not a fan of those. But I want to watch the whole show therefore won't skip this one.

And luckily all the cues you mentioned from the final 3 episodes are included in the suites in the LLL set wink
"Class Protector", "Drink Me" and "War". I also love "Faith's End"! One of my favorite action cues from this show!
That violin at the end!

Glad to hear!

First time I watched season 4 I was slightly disappointed by the story line. It kinda felt a bit different than what we were used to. And I missed the high school scenes! lol! But I love this season today! And it really has both the best (Hush and Restless) and the worst (Beer Bad) episodes in the show. Those two "best" episodes are also my favorite scored episodes. And they are also the two episodes Christophe Beck himself is most proud of (he told me this on twitter big grin )

Ok. Season 4.

Episodes 1 & 2:
I also miss the high school scenes. But the university stuff is handled really well. Sad to see that Angel and Cordelia both left the show to be in "Angel" which I MIGHT watch once I finished Buffy. All scenes of Buffy and her roommate are awesome and I hoped to get more of it. Now the Music. Episode 1 had a 'funny' fight cue at 25:20. And that's it. I didn't notice any other highlights.

Episode 3:
I like Spike. He's cool. Glad he's back. And Harmony is also back... not so glad about that...

Episode 4:
With "Nightmares" and "The Wish" (and some others but I forgot the episode titles) my favorite episode so far. Isn't that the house from "American Horror Story: Season 1"? Sadly nothing noticable in the score. But the episode itself was so great that I had to watch one more. That was a mistake.

"Beer Bad" bad. But I liked the percussive music at 28:30 when the primitive boys in this primitive episode doing primitive things. This Episode was bad and I had to watch another one before got to bed. Yes, I watched 6 Episodes yesterday evening...

Episode 6:
This one was ok. Again no musical highlights I picked up. Maybe Beck wasn't fully recovered from Ep5 while scoring this one. But I was also quite really tired and half asleep. I'll never watch 6 Episodes in one sitting again.

If I manage to watch 4 Episodes today, I'll get to "Hush".

 Posted:   Aug 21, 2022 - 12:10 PM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

I've been a fan of musicals either. But man I love this one! Songs are catchy and just seeing the actors sing was so surreal to me. Some are not that great at singing while others sounds like angels! AND, Christophe Beck return on this one wink

I'm sorry you had to go through BEER BAD...hope you will recover real soon! haha! And I also like some of the score from this one. Sadly nothing has been released.

Episode 6 actually has one of my favorite score highlights! Lots of great Willow / Oz love theme variations here. And I begged and begged and begged. And then I begged some more for Chris Beck (on twitter) to share that final cue when Oz leaves. And after a while he DID!! I was so happy about that! He uploaded it to his page (which has since been removed), but luckily it found its way to youtube. wink

 Posted:   Aug 21, 2022 - 2:58 PM   
 By:   DaveM   (Member)

I've recovered from "Beer Bad".

I listened to the Willow/Oz cue and it's quite beautiful and if I not would have been really tired I may would've noticed it but I shamefully have to admit that I didn't knew that they have a love theme. But like I wrote in one earlier post, I don't really get how Beck uses themes in generell like the three different ones for Buffy & Angel.

And here the daily binge result:

Episode 7:
I think the Season plot started. So far, good. Sad to the that Ep6 really seems to be the last Episode with Oz but glad that Spike is now added to the Opening Credits. Musical highlight definitively the reveal shot of the secret base at 27:30.

Episodes 8 & 9:
Really funny ones with a lots of great music.

Episode 10:
"Hush". Amazing Episode. My favorite so far. By far. Visuel Storytelling, Gentlemen Design & Cinematography: Awesome. Musical highlight: Everything. I love how the bad guys get a theme sung by human voices while the good guys only get fragmented orchestral sounds. Some parts of the score reminded me of "Batman Returns" and visually of everything by Tim Burton. I love both. This episode had so many great moments... There is this scene halfway in when the gentleman levitate through the night, silently talking to each other and then ripping the fucking heart out of that student. That other moment when Giles explains the gentleman to the kids with Camile Saint-Saëns' "Danse Macabre" playing on the CD player... Or when the entire town wakes up noticing they couldn't speak anym

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