For the record, Charles Thaxton was a distant Relation to me as I discovered. I"m so sorry to hear on his passing I wish we could have meet face to face. May he rest in peace. Ford A. Thaxton
Eerie going back and reading comments by members who themselves would soon.bee added to the list of the mourned e.g. CAT  Rip. Blessed souls
Eerie going back and reading comments by members who themselves would soon.bee added to the list of the mourned e.g. CAT  Rip. Blessed souls I thought the same thing. Still hard to think Cindy’s no longer with us. Miss her.. I
Posted: |
Mar 20, 2019 - 5:58 PM
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Charles and I had been in touch from the moment we released our first MMM CDs. He was our biggest fan and was always so appreciative whenever he had a question to run by me. He was obsessed by composers nobody else seemed to talk much about, and was so thrilled when we released some of Paul Dunlap's music, as he had been in touch with Paul many times in the past and Paul was a dear friend of mine. I posted a short announcement about Charles' passing on my Facebook page and have been astounded by the number of responses, and everybody who knew Charles at all knew him as the same kind and sweet person that I did. His widow Stefani has posted on that thread, too, so if anyone wants to add their thoughts to it, which I'm sure she will return to, it's here: https://www.facebook.com/david.schecter.1/posts/10218440561793386?comment_id=10218448166463498¬if_id=1553082122912208¬if_t=feed_comment I also posted an announcement on the Classic Horror Film Board, where Charles was an active member, and she will see this as well: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/monsterkidclassichorrorforum/charles-thaxton-composer-film-music-fan-t72735.html#p1439616 Charles was a gentle soul, of which we need more like that in this world...