Glad you finally got it! That was a hell of a journey. We can now close the thread.
I'll send Jedi back to them this weekend. Make sure you scratch it first.
I know this is a little off topic but I just got pizza delivery. Except I didn't order any pizza! Can people stop sending me stuff I didn't order?! With Jedi topping?
I just finished watching this FANTASTIC MOVIE via Blu-ray TWICE tonight... The first time simply for the movie itself, and then a second time to hear the GLORIOUS COMPETE SCORE thanks to the bonus isolated audio track... What an absolute DELIGHT! I will say, as much as I love the CD release (and I do!), it doesn't hold a candle to this Blu-ray audio track... Why this magnificent score wasn't released THIS WAY as a 2CD offering, I will NEVER know... Oh, well, at least I have the Blu-ray to listen to it this way until a PROPER version is released... Probably in about 25 YEARS ("Oh, brother!")... Seriously, it's a CRIME how much great music is missing... The CD doesn't do the score true justice... Well, at least I'll have a good CD release to look foward to buying... IN 2048! Like I said, I'm so happy that I was able to secure a copy of the current DOD CD (which was a pain to get!), and I can't get enough of it, but it's definitely going to be the BLU-RAY that I'll prefer reaching for every time I wish to listen to this wonderful score. Lastly, this Blu-ray audio track reinforces one thing for sure... John Williams is undoubtedly THE GREATEST FILM POMPOSER OF THEM ALL!
John Williams is undoubtedly THE GREATEST FILM POMPOSER OF THEM ALL! Calm down dear!