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 Posted:   Mar 11, 2024 - 8:29 PM   
 By:   Lukas Kendall   (Member)

  • New links allowed in posts by new users. Certain words trigger holds on accounts, leaving users only here for a week or two, unable to post ("spells" and other words).

  • New users (about two weeks or less here) can only create a new thread once every ten or so minutes.

    I am not aware of these restrictions. We try to police the new registrations manually as we see so many spam accounts.


     Posted:   Mar 12, 2024 - 7:25 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Improvements suggestions.

    Edited my post. "New" should read "NO".

     Posted:   Mar 12, 2024 - 12:51 PM   
     By:   jonathan_little   (Member)

    I'd love to see the original thread start date in the thread listing. This board has a decent amount of necroposting (which is not a bad thing), and this would help keep those "NEW RELEASE FROM XYZ LABEL" thread titles in context of their original date.

     Posted:   Mar 13, 2024 - 10:49 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    How about since we got that movie seen of the guy pointing for when we report somebody, we have one of "The Simpsons" technical difficulties pictures for when FSM is unavailable:

    I'd got with either of the top two images.

     Posted:   Mar 13, 2024 - 1:07 PM   
     By:   Thor   (Member)

    I've already mentioned my three wishes earlier (fix 'service not available' error, fix search engine, more intuitive media posting), so not gonna add another, except...

    It would be great to have access to some STATISTICS. I know they exist, because Lukas once shared some numbers (most frequent poster, most ignored poster, most thread killers, most popular posts etc. etc.). They have them over on Maintitles, for example: (click the orange button for even more). Just for fun -- absolutely NOT essential -- but as long as people are wishing for everything including the kitchen sink, I thought I'd mention it.

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 3:57 AM   
     By:   RonBurbella   (Member)

    Posted: Mar 9, 2024 - 7:45 AM Report Abuse Reply to Post
    By: Prince Damian (Member)

    For the life of me I can't get simple photos to show up in my posts. Tell me, what am I doing wrong or missing here? I tried each and every code a picture upload website gives me but to no avail.

    I use postimages. It's easy. When you go to the site, press button'choose image'. The next thing you see looks like below. Copy n paste ' direct link' on here , between the without http//. If I can do it any idiot can.
    Prince Damian, I'm going to try to prove that I'm not your average idiot. Just old.
    I'll try to use your instructions to post a photo, though your step-by-step instructions seem a bit skimpy for this idiot.
    This stuff does not some to me intuitively.
    Here goes. Hmm, which image to pick....OK. Got one. Fingers crossed. Let's see what shows up.

    Ron Burbella

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 3:59 AM   
     By:   RonBurbella   (Member)


    Just what I was expecting.
    So What did I do wrong???

    Ron Burbella

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 4:10 AM   
     By:   Grimsdyke   (Member)

    Maybe you also need to give permission that the image can be linked ?
    Not sure how these image hosting services work exactly.

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 4:24 AM   
     By:   Solium   (Member)


    Just what I was expecting.
    So What did I do wrong???

    Ron Burbella

    I don’t see any image quotes or links in your post.

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 5:14 AM   
     By:   TerraEpon   (Member)

    Oh, the post above reminded me...

    A much better report system to actually say what's being reported about.

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 6:49 AM   
     By:   RonBurbella   (Member)

    Posted: Mar 14, 2024 - 7:24 AM Report Abuse Reply to Post
    By: Solium (Member)
    I don’t see any image quotes or links in your post.

    I uploaded the photo directly OK. (Remember, you're talking to a nearly 75-year-old digital dinosaur.)
    ............1. What is an "image quote?"
    ............2. EXACTLY what is an "image link?"
    The choices I had were:
    Direct link:
    Markdown: [IMG-0032.jpg](
    Markdown: [![IMG-0032.jpg](](
    Thumbnail for forums: [url=][/url]
    Thumbnail for website: IMG-0032
    Hotlink for forums: [url=][/url]
    Hotlink for website: IMG-0032
    From what I can gather, in order to post am image from that menu and from your instructions:
    1. I have to pick one of those options - like the "Direct link" one.
    2. Then, I have to delete the "https://" part of it.
    3. Then enter it - perhaps with "quotation marks" around it (an "image quote"?)

    I await your instructions, O Most Knowledgeable One! smile smile smile

    Ron Burbella

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 7:05 AM   
     By:   Grimsdyke   (Member)

    It should look like this but you have to remove the spaces within the brackets.
    Had to add them because otherwise you would not see the code.

    [ img ][ /img ]

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 8:11 AM   
     By:   RonBurbella   (Member)

    Okay, Grimsdyke, so if I read you right, the "step-by-step" ("Slowly I turned...") INSTRUCTIONS FOR DUMMIES are:

    1. Choose the "Direct Link" option.
    2. Remove the "https://" part of the link.
    3. Add "" at the end of the link (no spaces)
    5. Cut-and-paste that link into the FSM Message Board message.

    And Voila! - Am I right? I don't want to try until I get a definite "yes" answer.

    Well, you did it for me. An old concert photo at Royce Hall with some Hollywood Wannabe.

    By the way, Grimsdyke, (just remembering) are you still looking for the DE INDRINDER Belgian OST CD by Steve Willaert?
    I think it was you a year or two ago.

    Ron Burbella

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 8:18 AM   
     By:   RonBurbella   (Member)

    That didn't come through correctly.
    Maybe the computer interprets "img" and "/img" (in brackets) as a command and doesn't print it out.
    It should have said:

    1. Choose the "Direct Link" option.
    2. Remove the "https://" part of the link.
    3. Add at the end of the link (no spaces)
    5. Cut-and-paste that link into the FSM Message Board message.

    Let me see what comes through.
    I've never had any Computer Science classes, so these seemingly basic commands are not natural for me.

    Ron Burbella

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 8:20 AM   
     By:   RonBurbella   (Member)

    I keeps deleting after 3. and up to 5. whenever I put the img or /img (in brackets.)

    Ron Burbella

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 9:11 AM   
     By:   Grimsdyke   (Member)

    Okay, Grimsdyke, so if I read you right, the "step-by-step" ("Slowly I turned...") INSTRUCTIONS FOR DUMMIES are:

    1. Choose the "Direct Link" option.
    2. Remove the "https://" part of the link.
    3. Add "[ img ]" at the start of the link (no spaces)
    4. Add "[ /img ]" at the end of the link (no spaces)
    5. Cut-and-paste that link into the FSM Message Board message.

    And Voila! - Am I right? I don't want to try until I get a definite "yes" answer.

    Well, you did it for me. An old concert photo at Royce Hall with some Hollywood Wannabe.

    By the way, Grimsdyke, (just remembering) are you still looking for the DE INDRINDER Belgian OST CD by Steve Willaert?
    I think it was you a year or two ago.

    Ron Burbella

    Yes, that should be it. After you did this a few times you can also start writing the code directly here.
    Would suggest to practice in an old post of yours - maybe in the trading section ?

    And, yes, I am still looking for DE INDRINGER but it's not that important. Over the years I learned that
    I can't have and don't really need everything.
    But maybe Quartet might re-issue it at some point ?

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 10:42 AM   
     By:   townerbarry   (Member)

    Hello Team!

    I have decided to direct a certain amount of the revenue from our new CD sale to improving this board. It has been a longtime coming. Another reason to buy:

    First, I need to get estimates from our designer.

    So I need to know...what is it people want?

    Improvements that are specific and limited are preferred. Big changes or add-ons are unlikely at this time.

    Please summarize here.



    It is the last part…bummer! Which I bet no one read!

    John McEnroe Said it Best At Wimbledon many moons ago…Lukas, You Cannot Be Serious!

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 10:43 AM   
     By:   townerbarry   (Member)

    An autocorrect feature to delete exclamation marks, which are continuously overused.


    Oh Really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Posted:   Mar 14, 2024 - 11:52 PM   
     By:   Maestro Sartori   (Member)

    SEARCH ENGINE, FUNCTION, etc. Please....?

     Posted:   Mar 15, 2024 - 1:28 AM   
     By:   Thor   (Member)

    I should point out that there are two issues with the search engine. One, that it's not really working when it's actually working, and two, that it's not working at all. I often get the following error message, like we've had now for a couple of days:

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