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 Posted:   Sep 27, 2020 - 10:39 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Oh no. frown That was my birthday. RIP Jim.


 Posted:   Sep 27, 2020 - 11:51 AM   
 By:   Scott McOldsmith   (Member)

Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear about this. RIP Jim. frown

 Posted:   Sep 27, 2020 - 2:48 PM   
 By:   Leo Nicols   (Member)

A special mention for David Bunn (aka dansavio) an avid soundtrack collector and very dear friend.

R.I.P. David.

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 12:16 AM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)


 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 12:45 AM   
 By:   Nicolai P. Zwar   (Member)

Oh, what a sad thing to hear. My deepest condolences to Jim Doherty's friends and family.

I was just looking at the names listed in this thread, and it is just... wow... I know pretty much all the names on the list, with some, like Greg Twyman and Guy Tucker, I had some nice contact apart from this message board back in the day.
To see this thread with the names and the short eulogies is quite moving. Thank you very much for this thread, Thor.

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 1:09 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

Sorry to hear it. I remember Jim by name, but I don't think we interacted much; I've "updated" the thread (feels rather morbid every time this happens, but there you go).

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 1:42 AM   
 By:   Nicolai P. Zwar   (Member)

I don't think it is "morbid" at all, it is more like an obituary section of the FSM board. And wow, how much time has passed since the early days when we first started to hang out here.

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 2:02 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

Yes, it's insane. A person born when I first started hanging out here is now in his or her mid 20s and perhaps a father or mother him- or herself. I feel grandfatherly. So it goes without saying that people will pass away in such an interim.

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 3:35 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

When You Die,
You Stop Drinking Beer,
When You Die,
You Stop Being Here,
When You Die,
Some People Cry,
When You Die,
We Say Goodbye...

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 6:10 AM   
 By:   Howard L   (Member)

"The kid was dead. The kid wasn't sick, the kid wasn't sleeping. The kid wasn't going to get up in the morning anymore or get the runs from eating one too many apples or catch poison ivy or wear out the eraser on the end of his Ticonderoga No 2 during a hard math test. The kid was dead; stone dead." --Stephen King's The Body

Hey JP, any Net entry about Jim D's passing?

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 7:01 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

Hey JP, any Net entry about Jim D's passing?

Here's an online obituary for Jim Doherty:

He was well regarded, as the guestbook entries indicate.

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 8:11 AM   
 By:   edwzoomom   (Member)

I am so sad to read this. Jim emailed me a few years back and offered me a copy of a release I was looking for and so graciously sent it to me. I was so touched by his kindness. A true loss for this community. My condolences to his family and friends and may he rest in peace.

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 8:14 AM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

Jim and I used to communicate on the Herrmann board. RIP.

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 8:19 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

I am so sad to read this. Jim emailed me a few years back and offered me a copy of a release I was looking for and so graciously sent it to me. I was so touched by his kindness. A true loss for this community. My condolences to his family and friends and may he rest in peace.

Perhaps someone here who knew him well would offer condolences from us here at the FSM Board to the link provided.

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 11:18 AM   
 By:   edwzoomom   (Member)

I am so sad to read this. Jim emailed me a few years back and offered me a copy of a release I was looking for and so graciously sent it to me. I was so touched by his kindness. A true loss for this community. My condolences to his family and friends and may he rest in peace.

Perhaps someone here who knew him well would offer condolences from us here at the FSM Board to the link provided.

I will attempt to look for his address. I believe I kept it from the envelope sent. I will add something on behalf of the FSM members to the condolences section in the link . Please let me know if you'd like me to do that.

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 11:21 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

Yes, edw, I think it's a nice idea/gesture from Phelpsie and think you should do that.

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 6:09 PM   
 By:   edwzoomom   (Member)

I just added the following to Jim’s page:

“The members of Film Score Monthly Message Board would like to express our heartfelt condolences to Jim’s family and friends. Jim was a talented, knowledgeable, and generous member of our film music family. He will surely be missed. May he rest in peace surrounded by the music he loved so passionately.”

Hope it pleases everyone.

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 6:40 PM   
 By:   Howard L   (Member)

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 8:40 PM   
 By:   MMM   (Member)

Awful news. Jim and I went back to the 1980s, and we've written steadily through the years. Very knowledgeable, always kind and complimentary. The last time he wrote me (just a few months ago) we were talking about Bernard Herrmann's piece, "For the Fallen" and other works to listen to during this pandemic. Jim told me he was afraid of the COVID-19 situation, as he was doing some work in a retirement home, but wished he could stay at home instead. Does anyone know the cause of death?

 Posted:   Sep 28, 2020 - 9:31 PM   
 By:   MMM   (Member)

As I was also a Facebook friend of Jim's, I wrote to a couple of friends who lived near him. If I learn anything, I'll let you know.

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