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 Posted:   Aug 27, 2021 - 2:22 PM   
 By:   villagardens553   (Member)

Mr. Boggan, I'm curious why you vehemently want nothing to do with the wonderful music in 30 Rock because you don't agree with the actors' political beliefs but will devote time to a series called Baretta, starring Robert Blake, a man arrested and tried for the murder of his wife. Though acquitted, Blake was found liable in a civil court for the unlawful death of his wife and ordered by the court to pay $30 Million Dollars to his wife's children.

 Posted:   Aug 27, 2021 - 2:27 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Mr. Boggan, I'm curious why you vehemently want nothing to do with the wonderful music in 30 Rock because you don't agree with the actors' political beliefs but will devote time to a series called Baretta, starring Robert Blake, a man arrested and tried for the murder of his wife. Though acquitted, Blake was found liable in a civil court for the unlawful death of his wife and ordered by the court to pay $30 Million Dollars to his wife's children.

Verdicts in civil court mean nothing. It neither establishes guilt or innocence. Please don't use this thread to have conversations like this because I can't go for the idiocy out there in Hollyweird.

If you enjoy the scoring, please do what I do and create a thread with the episodes and cue highlights. Get people talking. Make suites if you can for those who don't want to watch/don't have the time to watch. I'll listen to a suite.

 Posted:   Aug 27, 2021 - 2:30 PM   
 By:   filmusicnow   (Member)

Ever do a "Kraft Suspense Theatre" thread? I consider John Williams' theme as one of his Top 5 television themes.

 Posted:   Aug 27, 2021 - 2:31 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

I haven't done one, but I did make multiple suites for Williams about a year or two ago. Check my YouTube channel for "Johnny Williams".

 Posted:   Aug 27, 2021 - 5:18 PM   
 By:   merlyn   (Member)

Mr. Boggan, I'm curious why you vehemently want nothing to do with the wonderful music in 30 Rock because you don't agree with the actors' political beliefs but will devote time to a series called Baretta, starring Robert Blake, a man arrested and tried for the murder of his wife. Though acquitted, Blake was found liable in a civil court for the unlawful death of his wife and ordered by the court to pay $30 Million Dollars to his wife's children.

If you want it so bad make it yourself - rather than make useless comments here
Justin does a great Job on suites and he can choose what to do - whatever reason to do or not to do it is his right.


 Posted:   Aug 30, 2021 - 8:13 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's suites.

Plus some comments after the suites on next week's suites and something else.

Since I missed two weeks, I decided to post some more today, so I hope there is something for all fans of older TV scoring here...

"Code Red"

Suite #1 for Morton Stevens. As no further episodes he is credited with are up, this is the only suite possible at this time. The opening and closing cues have not been included so as to avoid a possible copyright trip.

NOTE: I had to leave in some dialogue and a tiny bit of FX, as to not ruin some good cues. I wish he had scored more episodes.


Suite #3 for Richard Clements. Next week: the final suite for the composer. With these five suites (I did a separate one for one episode he scored) I will have covered all episodes he scored. Suites for the composer who took over, have not even been recorded yet, so be patient.


Suite #3 for Richard Shores.

"The Law and Harry McGraw"
Two suites to make up for two missed weeks.

Suite #2 for Richard Markowitz:

Suite #1 (of two) for David Bell:

And one last TV show to start...

Did you pee you pants just a wee bit?

Suite #1 (of three) for Lalo Schifrin:

Suite #1 (of unknown total number) for Richard Hazard:


Suites for next week will be on Tuesday.

September will still be war month for TV show threads, but I will also be doing the shows I missed for three weeks.

Starting today, expect a Morton Stevens suite every two weeks for the rest of the year.

Under 49 gigabytes of storage remaining of the flash drive, so it looks like making suites will come to an end early next year. I hope you all enjoyed the music I could bring you. :-)

 Posted:   Aug 30, 2021 - 9:38 AM   
 By:   MRAUDIO   (Member)

This week's suites.

Plus some comments after the suites on next week's suites and something else.

Since I missed two weeks, I decided to post some more today, so I hope there is something for all fans of older TV scoring here...

"Code Red"

Suite #1 for Morton Stevens. As no further episodes he is credited with are up, this is the only suite possible at this time. The opening and closing cues have not been included so as to avoid a possible copyright trip.


Suite #3 for Richard Clements. Next week: the final suite for the composer. With these five suites (I did a separate one for one episode he scored) I will have covered all episodes he scored. Suites for the composer who took over, have not even been recorded yet, so be patient.


Suite #3 for Richard Shores.

"The Law and Harry McGraw"
Two suites to make up for two missed weeks.

Suite #2 for Richard Markowitz:

Suite #1 (of two) for David Bell:

And one last TV show to start...

Did you pee you pants just a wee bit?

Suite #1 (of three) for Lalo Schifrin:

Suite #1 (of unknown total number) for Richard Hazard:


Suites for next week will be on Tuesday.

September will still be war month for TV show threads, but I will also be doing the shows I missed for three weeks.

Starting today, expect a Morton Stevens suite every two weeks for the rest of the year.

Thanks Justin - looking forward to it, my friend!:-)

Under 49 gigabytes of storage remaining of the flash drive, so it looks like making suites will come to an end early next year. I hope you all enjoyed the music I could bring you. :-)

 Posted:   Aug 30, 2021 - 12:35 PM   
 By:   gsteven   (Member)

Have you looked at THE LIEUTENANT (1963-64)?

Alexander's title music has a similar infectious, jaunty/ironic tone as Mandel's AMERICANIZATION OF EMILY.

Series Music by
Jeff Alexander (26 episodes, 1963-1964)
Lyn Murray (3 episodes, 1963-1964)
Arthur Morton (2 episodes, 1963)
Harry Sukman (1 episode, 1963)

 Posted:   Aug 30, 2021 - 12:39 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

No, I'm not familiar with either title actually (I mean, musically; I know of the TV series, just never watched an episode before). If I can find some episodes, I'll try out the music. :-)

 Posted:   Aug 31, 2021 - 2:38 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Tomorrow … "12 O'Clock High" starts.

(I had already planned this, actually)

 Posted:   Sep 2, 2021 - 8:47 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

What to expect from Tuesday's suites.

Another "Mannix" suite, Richard Markowitz, Dana Kaproff, and the fourth suite is up in the air at the moment.

 Posted:   Sep 3, 2021 - 1:53 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

I can't take any requests for suites now. By the time I an done editing what I recorded, and make suites for an season of a show that just popped up (scored by a famous film composer), I'll probably not have enough room to make anything else.

Hope everyone enjoys the music. :-)

 Posted:   Sep 3, 2021 - 2:43 PM   
 By:   judy the hutt   (Member)

M Squad

 Posted:   Sep 3, 2021 - 3:06 PM   
 By:   Disco Stu   (Member)

"Batman" (1966), "Green Hornet" (1967), "Spiderwoman" cartoon 1979, "Bring 'em back allive" (Frank Buck), "Honey West", "Columbo", "Starsky & Hutch", "Ironside", "Six million dollar man", "Return to the planet of the apes", "The persuaders", "Catweazle", and I too desperately want the Reb Brown Captain America filmsoundtracks on CD. Added to that "Spider-man" live action and animated 1967.


 Posted:   Sep 4, 2021 - 10:31 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

judy, where you suggesting a title for me to possibly do, or just listing off a title you want to own like Disco Stu was?

I'm not familiar with the show or the scoring.

 Posted:   Sep 7, 2021 - 7:39 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

This week's suites.


Suite #3 for Tom Scott.


Suite #4 -- the final suite for Clements.

"Ellery Queen"
Composer: Dana Kaproff

Selections from all episodes Kaproff scored to the 1980's short-lived series.

Kaproff sparsely scored the show and what you hear in the suite is probably about 85% to 95% of all the score. Only one real lose here: a action-y/dramatic-y long cue, but there was so much SFX in it I couldn't use it; I think maybe a small part is in the suite.

"The Law and Harry McGraw"

Suite #3 -- the final suite for Markowtiz. The suites for him cover all the episodes he scored.

And one more suite...


Suite #1 (of four) for Jerry Fielding.

I understand not everyone wants to hear "Delvecchio" and "The Law and Harry McGraw" (hopefully you'll listen to Kaproff's work on "Delvecchio"), so tentatively I want to say that next week's suites should be all goodies.

 Posted:   Sep 7, 2021 - 8:15 AM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)


 Posted:   Sep 7, 2021 - 10:46 AM   
 By:   merlyn   (Member)

Thank you Justin for another great batch of suites


 Posted:   Sep 7, 2021 - 3:54 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

You're welcome.

"The Lieutenant" is not possible; not a single episode could be found, be it a place like Dailymotion or a place like Crackle.

 Posted:   Sep 10, 2021 - 7:48 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

What to expect from Monday's suites.

It's Meat & Potatos Monday. For those who clearly don't have interest in things like "Delvecchio" (based on the hits counters), then Monday is for you. "Police Woman", "Mannix", "The A-Team", Stu Phillips, and maybe one more title.

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