Ouch! Back to the Mark, eh? That's what the rumours are, yes. We'll see very soon if they are true.
Well I'm not suprised, Germany never were team players. Ignorance isn't always a bliss... We'll see.
Oddly, no mention of this on the MSNBC site- I haven't checked the others.
It's only money.
It has to be a hoax, otherwise it would be plastered all over every newsite on the web.
It has to be a hoax, otherwise it would be plastered all over every newsite on the web. I wouldn't bet on that. The secrecy makes sense if you want to make a haircut. Don't tell me a secret can't be kept secret anymore. German websites have been down a few hours on last Wednesday. Few took notice of that incident. In order to reduce the national debts you take the money from the people. Their money is gone anyway, spent by others. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haircut_%28finance%29 Haircuts and monetary reforms have been done many times before. Germany had a massive haircut in 1948. If you read between the lines of TPTB you get more and more hints another haircut is in the making right now. Anyway, it is too late for those who are not prepared. Obviously, few are over here. We will see very soon.
Utter rubbish. For you, it's all in German (sorry no English translation available): http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/W%C3%A4hrungsreformen_in_Deutschland http://www.zdf.de/ZDFmediathek/hauptnavigation/startseite/#/beitrag/video/1042642/Finanzkrise-20---Die-Dokumentation German TV, filled with hints, if you get'em. Watch 39:55... http://www.zdf.de/ZDFmediathek/hauptnavigation/startseite/#/beitrag/video/1043366/Retten-wir-den-Euro-oder-die-Spekulanten 52:15... Or, http://www.kitco.com/ind/Wieg_cor/roger_may132010.html "This year, internationally, Europe tanks first in a cascade of failing insolvent nation-states including Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and potentially Ireland and the U.K. Germany returns to the German Mark and dumps the failed Euro and their Euroland affiliations." Just the specific date is missing...