You mean posts, chris?! What is it with you lot - nobody knows the difference between posts and threads! 
You mean posts, chris?! What is it with you lot - nobody knows the difference between posts and threads! 
I can't cite specific posts (must be my age) but my favorites are Carson's and TG's snarky, witty ripostes to other posts on a thread. Hah - she’s got you nailed, Bill. snarky? Me, edw? Nevah! and not much wit, its true. Anyway the only time im snarky is with the people who KNOW its just my humour. Well, ...mostly.
My favorites are Chickenhearted's posts of movie posters (especially Randolph Scott's) and some of the discussions and comments that came out of them. Let's hear it for Bill Carson and the choir. hey Mgh, we really havent battered that long-running gag into the ground yet, really must ressurrect it more often!
One of my favourite posts is Jim Phelps diCaprio toasting pics. A rare award. So far, ive earned just 1, i think.
One of my all-time favourite posts is from the Best/favourite westerns of the 1960s thread. Mastadge wiped the floor with a western bore who had lectured us all with the most delicious put-down that was so cunning you coulda put a tail on it and called it a fox.
My "Gaybusters" thread.